
1998年11月4日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過 2010年10月28日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十七次會議修訂 根據2018年12月29日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國村民委員會組織法〉〈中華人民共和國城市居民委員會組織法〉的決定》修正



Law of the People's Republic of China on the Organization of Villagers Committees (2018 Revision)

1998114日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第五次會議通過 20101028日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十七次會議修訂 根據20181229日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國村民委員會組織法〉〈中華人民共和國城市居民委員會組織法〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 5th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on November 4, 1998; revised at the 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on October 28, 2010; and revised according to the Decision on Revising the Organic Law of the Villagers' Committees of the People's Republic of China and the Organic Law of the Urban Residents' Committees of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 29, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions


Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution with a view to ensuring self-government by the villagers in the countryside, who will administer their own affairs according to law, developing democracy at the grassroots level in the countryside, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests and promoting the building of a new socialist countryside.


Article 2 A villagers' committee is the primary mass organization of self-government, in which the villagers manage their own affairs, educate themselves and serve their own needs and in which election is conducted, decision adopted, administration maintained and supervision exercised by democratic means.


A villagers committee shall manage the public affairs and public welfare undertakings of the village, mediate disputes among the villagers, help maintain public order, and convey the villagers' opinions and demands and make suggestions to the people's government.


A villagers' committee shall report its work to the villagers' assembly and the assembly of villagers' representatives.


Article 3 A villagers committee shall be established on the basis of the residential areas of the villagers, the size of the population, and the principles of facilitating self-government by the masses as well as economic development and social administration.


The establishment or dissolution of a villagers committee or a readjustment in the area governed by it shall be proposed by the people's government of a township, a nationality township or a town and submitted to a people's government at the county level for approval after it is discussed and agreed to by a villagers assembly.


A villagers committee may, on the basis of the residential areas of the villagers and collective land ownership relations, establish a number of villagers groups.


Article 4 The primary organization of the Communist Party of China in the countryside shall carry out its work in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, playing its role as a leading nucleus to lead and support villagers' committees to exercise its functions and powers, and, in accordance with the Constitution and laws, support the villagers and ensure that they carry out self-government activities and exercise their democratic rights directly.


Article 5 The people's government of a township, a nationality township or a town shall guide, support and help the villagers committees in their work, but may not interfere with the affairs that lawfully fall within the scope of the villagers self-government.


The villagers committees, on their part, shall assist the said people's government in its work.

第二章 村民委員會的組成和職責

Chapter 2 Composition and Duties of the VillagersCommittee


Article 6 A villagers' committee shall be composed of three to seven members, including the chairman, the vice-chairman and the members.


The members of a villagers committee shall include a woman member or, in a village where people from more than one ethnic group live, a member or members from the ethnic group or groups with a smaller population.


For members of a villagers' committee, appropriate subsidies may be provided, where necessary.


Article 7 A villagers committee shall, when necessary, establish sub-committees for people's mediation, public security, public health, family planning, etc. Members of the villagers' committee may concurrently be members of the sub-committees. The villagers committee of a village with a small population may dispense with the sub-committees; instead, members of the villagers committee shall have a division of responsibilities with respect to people's mediation, public security, public health, family planning, etc.


Article 8 The villagers committee shall support the villagers and assist them in their efforts to set up various forms of co-operative and other economic undertakings in accordance with the law, provide services and coordination for production in the village, and promote rural production and construction and the economic development.


The villagers committee shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws, administer the affairs concerning the land and other property owned collectively by the peasants of the village and guide the villagers in rational utilization of the natural resources and protection and improvement of the ecological environment.


The villagers committee shall respect and support the decision-making power of the collective economic organizations in conducting their economic activities independently according to law, safeguard the dual operation system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of operation by households under a contract, and ensure the lawful property right and other lawful rights and interests of the collective economic organizations, villagers, households operating under a contract, associated households, and partnerships.


Article 9 The villagers committee shall publicize the Constitution, laws, regulations and State policies among the villagers; help them understand the importance of performing their obligation as proscribed by law and cherishing public property and encourage them to do so; safeguard the villagers' lawful rights and interests; develop culture and education, and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge among the villagers; promote equality between men and women; do a good job in family planning; promote unity and mutual assistance between villages; and carry out various forms of activities for the building of advanced socialist ethics.


Villagers' committees shall support service, community and mutual social organisations in carrying out activities pursuant to the law, and promote development of community in rural areas.


In a village where people from more than one ethnic group live, the villagers committee shall help the villagers understand the importance of enhancing unity, mutual respect and mutual assistance among the ethnic groups and give them guidance in this respect.


Article 10 A villagers' committee and its members shall observe the Constitution, laws, regulations and policies of the State, observe and organize the implementation of the charter of villagers' self-governance and village rules and regulations, implement the decisions and resolutions of the villagers' assembly and the assembly of villagers' representatives, and shall be impartial in handling affairs, honest in performing their duties and warmhearted in serving the villagers, and accept the supervision by the villagers.

第三章 村民委員會的選舉

Chapter 3 Election of a Villagers' Committee


Article 11 The chairman, vice-chairman (vice-chairmen) and members of a villagers committee shall be elected directly by the villagers. No organization or individual may designate, appoint or replace any member of a villagers' committee.


The villagers' committee is elected for a term of five years. Re-election shall be held upon the expiration of each term. Members of a villagers' committee may continue to hold office when reelected.


Article 12 The election of the villagers' committee shall be presided over by the villagers' election committee.


A villagers' election committee shall be composed of the chairman and members and shall be elected by the villagers' assembly, assembly of villagers' representatives or by all the villagers' groups.


Any member nominated as the candidate for the villagers' committee shall resign from the villagers' election committee.


In the event that any member of the villagers' election committee withdraws from the villagers' election committee or is absent due to other reasons, the vacancies may be filled according to the original election result in turn, or another election may be held.


Article 13 Any villager who has reached the age of 18 shall have the right to elect and stand for election, regardless of his ethnic status, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, property status and length of residence, with the exception of persons who have been deprived of political rights in accordance with law.


The following persons shall be registered and included in the name list of villagers participating in the election prior to the election of the villagers' committee:


1. villagers whose household registration place is in the village they live in;


2. villagers who will participate in the election even if they do not live in the village registered as their household registration place; and


(III) citizens who have resided in the village not registered as their household registration place for more than one year and personally apply to take part in the election and whose election is approved by a villagers' assembly or assembly of villagers' representatives.


Villagers who are registered as the election participants in the village, which is registered as their household registration place or is the place they live in, shall not participate in the election of the villagers' committee of any other village.


Article 14 The name list of the villagers who are registered as the election participants shall be made public 20 days prior to the date of election by the villagers' election committee.


In case of any objection to the name list of villagers registered as the election participants, an appeal shall, within five days since the promulgation of the name list, be filed to the villager election committee, which shall, within three days since the receipt of the appeal, make and announce the decision for handling.


Article 15 For election of a villagers committee, the villagers who have the right to elect in the village shall nominate candidates directly. When the villagers nominate candidates, they shall start from the interests of all the villagers and recommend law-abiding, well-behaved, upright, public-spirited, well-educated and competent villagers. The number of candidates shall be greater than the number of persons to be elected. The villagers' election committee shall arrange for candidates to meet with villagers, at which the candidates shall introduce their ideas about the duty performance and answer questions raised by villagers.


The election of a villagers committee shall be valid if more than half of the villagers who are registered as the election participants cast their votes; a candidate shall be elected only if he wins more than half of the votes cast by the villagers. In the event that the elected persons are less than the number of persons to be elected, another election shall be held to make up the difference. Where another election is held, those who fail to get elected at the first election shall be candidates who have obtained more votes, and those candidates who have obtained more votes shall be considered elected, provided that the votes they have obtained shall not be less than one-third of the total votes cast.


The election shall be by secret ballot and open vote-counting; the outcome of the election shall be announced on the spot. During the election, booths shall be installed for voters to write their ballots in private.


Any villager who is registered as the election participant but cannot participate in the voting as he or she is absent during the election may entrust in writing his or her immediate family member with voting right in the village to vote on his or her behalf. The villager electoral committee shall make the name list of principals and trustees public.


Specific electoral measures shall be prescribed by the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.


Article 16 A group of at least one-fifth of the villagers who have the right to elect or at least one-third of the villagers' representatives in the village may submit a request to have a member of the villagers' committee recalled and state the reasons for the recall. The member of the villagers committee to be recalled shall have the right to defend himself or herself.


The removal of any member of the villagers' committee shall be voted by more than half of the villagers registered as the election participants and shall be adopted by more than half of the voting villagers.


Article 17 If a person is elected as a member of the villagers' committee by violence, threat, deception, bribery, forging of ballots, false declaration of ballots or other illegitimate means, his election shall be invalid.


If a person, by violence, threat, deception, bribery, forging of ballots, false declaration of ballots or other illegitimate means, interferes with the villagers in the exercise of their rights to elect and to stand for election, the villagers shall have the right to report against him to the people 's congress, the people's government of the township, nationality township or town, or to the standing committee of the people's congress and the people's government at the county level or the competent department under the latter, which shall be responsible for investigating the matter and handling it in accordance with law.


Article 18 Where a member of the villagers' committee loses the capacity for conduct or is given a criminal penalty, his or her post shall be terminated automatically.


Article 19 In case of any vacancy of members of the villagers' committee, an election may be held by the villagers' assembly or assembly of villagers' representatives for supplementation. The by-elections shall be conducted with reference to Article 15 of this Law. The term of the by-elected member of the villagers' committee shall expire on the expiration of the term of the current villagers' committee.


Article 20 A villagers' committee shall complete work handover within 10 days after the establishment of a new villagers' committee. The work handover shall be presided over by a villager electoral committee, and be supervised by the people's government of the township, ethnic township or town.

第四章 村民會議和村民代表會議

Chapter 4 Villagers' Assembly and Assembly of Villagers' Representatives


Article 21 A villagers assembly shall be composed of villagers at or above the age of 18 in a village.


The villagers assembly shall be convened by the villagers committee. When proposed by over one tenth of the villagers or one third villagers' representatives, the villagers' assembly shall be convened. Villagers shall be notified of the convening of the villagers' assembly ten days in advance.


Article 22 The villagers assembly shall be convened with a simple majority participation of the villagers at or above the age of 18 or with the participation of the representatives from at least two-thirds of the households in the village, and every decision shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of the villagers present. If any law otherwise provides for the villagers' assembly and the decision, such provisions shall prevail.


When necessary, the representatives of the enterprises, institutions and mass organizations located in the village may be invited to attend the villagers assembly without the right to vote.


Article 23 The villagers assembly shall deliberate on the annual work report of the villagers committee and appraise the performance of its members and, have the right to withdraw or change any improper decision of the villagers committee as well as that of the assembly of villagers' representatives.


The villagers' assembly may authorize the assembly of villagers' representatives to deliberate upon the annual work report of the villagers' committee and appraise the performance of its members and, have the right to withdraw or change any improper decision of the villagers' committee.


Article 24 When the following matters that involve the interests of the villagers arise, they shall be handled upon discussion and decision of the villagers' assembly:


1. the persons who enjoy subsidies for work delayed and the rates for such subsidies;


2. use of the profits gained by the collective economic organizations of the village;


3. initiation of public welfare undertakings in the village, proposals for raising funds and labors as well as proposals for construction contracting;


(IV) proposals for land contractual management;


(V) decision on projects to be launched by the collective economic organizations of the village and proposals for contracting of the projects;


(VI) proposals for the use of house sites;


(VII) proposals for the use and distribution of land requisition compensation;


(VIII) disposal of collective properties of the village through loan, lease or in any other way; and


(IX) other matters that involve the interests of the villagers and on which the villagers assembly considers it necessary to make decisions through discussion.


The villagers' assembly may authorize the assembly of villagers' representatives to discuss and decide the matters specified in the preceding clause.


If any law otherwise provides for decision of matters about properties of collective economic organizations of the village and interests of members thereof upon discussion, such provision shall prevail.


Article 25 In a village with a larger population or with the inhabitants scattered here and there, an assembly of villagers' representatives may be set up to discuss and decide matters authorized by the villagers' assembly. The assembly of villagers' representatives shall be composed of members of the villagers' committee and villagers' representatives. Villagers' representatives shall account for over four fifths of members of the assembly of villagers' representatives, and female villagers' representatives shall account for over one third of members of the assembly of villagers' representatives.


One villagers representative shall be elected by every five to fifteen households, or a certain number of villagers representatives shall be elected by all the villagers groups. The term of office of the villagersrepresentatives shall be the same as that of the villagerscommittee. Village representatives may be re-elected for another term.


Village representatives shall be responsible for households electing them or village groups and be subject to villagers' supervision.


Article 26 The village representative conference shall be called by villagers' committee. The village representative conference shall be held once every quarter. When proposed by over one fifth of villagers' representatives, the village representative conference shall be convened.


The village representative conference can be convened only when over two thirds of its members attend, and any decision made by it shall be agreed by a simple majority of the members present.


Article 27 A villagers assembly may formulate and revise the villagers charter of self-government, rules and regulations for the village and villagers pledges, and submit them to the people's government of the township, nationality township or town for the record.


No charter of villagers' self-governance, village rules and regulations or matters decided through discussion by a villagers' assembly or assembly of villagers' representatives may contravene the Constitution, laws, regulations, or State policies, or contain such contents as infringing upon the villagers' rights of the person, their democratic rights or lawful property rights.


Where the charter of villagers' self-governance, rules and regulations for the village or matters decided through discussion by a villagers' assembly or assembly of villagers' representatives breach the preceding paragraph, the people's government of the township, ethnic township or town shall order the villagers' assembly to make corrections.


Article 28 Where the meeting of the villager group is convened, over two thirds of villagers above the age of 18 of the villager group or representatives of over two thirds of households of the villager group shall attend the meeting, and the decision made at the meeting shall be approved by a simple majority of attendees.


The leader of the villager group shall be elected at the meeting of the villager group. The term of office of the leader of a villager group shall be the same as that of the villagers' committee, and be renewable upon reelection.


The operation management of land, enterprise and other property collectively owned by a villager group and the handling of public welfare matters shall be decided through discussion at the meeting of the villager group in accordance with the relevant laws, and the decision made at such meeting and implementation thereof shall be timely announced to the villagers of the villager group.

第五章 民主管理和民主監督

Chapter 5 Democratic Management and Democratic Supervision


Article 29 A villagers' committee shall implement the democratic decision-making mechanism in which the minority is subordinate to the majority and the work principle of openness and transparency, and establish and improve various work systems.


Article 30 The villagers committee shall apply the system of open administration of village affairs.


The villagers committee shall accept supervision by the villagers through publicizing the following matters without delay:


1. matters discussed and decided by the villagers' assembly and assembly of villagers' representatives as provided for in Articles 23 and 24 hereof, and implementation of the decisions;


2. plans for implementing the State policy for family planning;


(III) management and use of funds and materials such as those of disaster relief and subsidies appropriated by the government or donated by the public; and


(IV) work of the villagers' committee assisting the people's government; and


(V) other matters that involve the interests of the villagers and that all the villagers are concerned about.


General matters specified in the preceding clause shall be publicized once a quarter at least; financial revenues and expenditures of matters with many collective financial transactions shall be publicized once a month and, important matters that involve the interests of the villagers shall be publicized at any time.


The villagers committee shall guarantee the truthfulness of what is publicized and subject itself to inquiry by the villagers.


Article 31 Where a villagers committee fails to publicize the matters as is required to without delay or if the matters it publicizes are not true to facts, the villagers shall have the right to report the matter to the people's government of the township, nationality township or town or the people's government at the county level and the competent departments under it, which shall be responsible for investigation and verification and order that the matters be publicized according to law; where unlawful acts are verified through investigation, the members concerned shall bear the responsibility according to law.


Article 32 The village shall establish village affairs supervision commission or a village affairs supervision organization in any other form, which shall be responsible for democratic financial management of villagers and supervising the implementation of systems including open village affairs. Members of the committee shall be elected from villagers by the villagers' assembly or assembly of villagers' representatives, and include personnel with accounting and management knowledge. Members and close relatives of the villagers' committee shall not serve as members of the village affairs supervision organization. Members of the village affairs supervision organization shall report to the village assembly and village representative conference, and may attend village committee meetings as non-voting delegates.


Article 33 Members of a villagers' committee as well as employees with subsidies for work delayed undertaken by villagers or the village shall accept the democratic appraisal of their performance of duties by the villagers' assembly or the assembly of villagers' representatives. The democratic appraisal shall be conducted at least once a year and be presided over by the village affairs supervision organization.


If any member of the villagers' committee is appraised as incompetent for two consecutive times, his or her position will be terminated.


Article 34 The villagers' committee and village affairs supervision organization shall establish village affairs files. Village affairs archives include documents of election, votes, meeting minutes, land contracting proposals and contracting contracts, economic contract, collective financial accounts, collective asset registration documents, basic information on public facilities, basic construction materials, house site use proposals, and proposals for use and distribution of land requisition compensations. Village affairs files shall be authentic, accurate, complete and standardized.


Article 35 The audit of economic responsibility of assumption and dismissal of members of a villagers' committee shall be conducted for members of the villagers' committee, and include the following matters:


1. financial revenues and expenditures of the village;


2. claims and debts of the village;


3. Management and use of funds and materials appropriated by the government and obtained from social donations;


4. contracting management of production, operation and construction projects of the village and bidding and tendering of construction projects of public welfare undertakings;


(V) management and use of funds of the village, contracting, lease, guarantee and transfer of collective assets and resources of the village, and use and distribution of land requisition compensations; and


(VI) other matters that over one fifth villagers require auditing.


The audit of economic responsibility of assumption and dismissal of members of a villagers' committee shall be organized by the department of agriculture and the department of finance under the people's government at the county level or the people's government of the township, ethnic township or town, and audit results shall be made public. Therein, audit results of economic responsibility of dismissal of members of a villagers' committee shall be public before the election of next villagers' committee.


Article 36 Where any decision made by a villagers' committee or any member thereof infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of any villager, the said villager may apply to the people's court for cancellation, and the person responsible shall bear legal liability according to law.


Where a villagers committee fails to perform its statutory obligations in accordance with laws or regulations, the people's government of the township, ethnic township or town shall order it to rectify.


Where the people's government of a township, a nationality township or a town intervenes in any matter within the scope of self-governance, the people's government at the next higher level shall order it to make corrections.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions


Article 37 People's governments shall provide necessary conditions to assist villagers' committees in their work and, shall undertake expenditures for the work conducted by villagers' committees as entrusted by relevant departments under the people's governments.


The funds needed by a villagers committee for managing public welfare undertakings of the village shall be provided by the villagers assembly through raising funds and manpower. If it is really difficult to raise funds, the local people's government shall provide proper support.


Article 38 Government departments, public organizations, units of the armed forces, state-owned enterprises, state-controlled enterprises and institutions and their personnel residing in the countryside shall not join organizations of a villagers' committee, but they shall participate in the development of rural communities in various forms and abide by the relevant village rules and regulations.


When discussing and deciding on any matter relevant to any entity mentioned in the preceding clause, villagers' committees, villagers' assemblies or assemblies of villagers' representatives shall consult with the entity.


Article 39 The local people's congresses at all levels and the standing committees of the local people's congresses at or above the county level shall see that this Law is implemented within their administrative regions and guarantee that the villagers exercise their right of self-government in accordance with law.


Article 40 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with this Law and in light of the actual conditions of their respective administrative areas, formulate measures for implementation.


Article 41 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.


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