
1987年11月24日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十三次會議通過 根據2009年4月24日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會議事規則〉的決定》修正



Rules of Procedure for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China

19871124日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十三次會議通過 根據2009424日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第八次會議《關於修改〈中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會議事規則〉的決定》修正)

(Adopted at the 23rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on November 24, 1987, and amended in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Rules of Procedure for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 8th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 24, 2009)



Chapter 1 General Provisions

??第二章 會議的召開


??第三章 議案的提出和審議

Chapter III Presentation and Deliberation of Proposals

??第四章 聽取和審議工作報告

Chapter 4 Hearing and Deliberating Work Reports

??第五章 詢問和質詢

Chapter 5 Enquiry and Interrogatory

??第六章 發言和表決

Chapter 6 Speaking and Voting


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions


Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Constitution, the Organic Law of the National People 's Congress and the practical work experience of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.


Article 2 In deliberating on bills and proposals and making decisions, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall give full play to democracy and apply the principle of democratic centralism.

第二章 會議的召開



Article 3 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall meet in session once every other month; an interim session may be convened when necessary.


The meeting of the Standing Committee shall be convened and presided over by its Chairman. The Chairman may entrust any of the Vice-Chairmen to conduct a meeting.


Article 4 Meetings of the Standing Committee may not be held unless more than half of the members of the Committee are present.


Article 5 The Council of Chairmen shall draft the agenda for a meeting of the Standing Committee and refer it to a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for decision.


The requests for adjusting the agenda during the meeting of the Standing Committee shall be proposed by the Chairman's meeting, and approved by the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee.


Article 6 Then the Standing Committee is to hold a meeting, its members and the persons who attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates shall be notified, seven days in advance, of the date of the meeting and the main items proposed for discussion. For an interim session, an interim notice may be given.


Article 7 Then the Standing Committee meets, leading members of the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate shall attend the meeting as nonvoting participants.


The Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of the NPC Special Committee, who are not members of the Standing Committee, Vice Secretary-General of the Standing Committee, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Working Committee, and heads of relevant departments, shall attend the meeting as nonvoting participants.


Article 8 When the Standing Committee meets, the Chairmen or Vice Chairmen of the People 's Congress Standing Committees in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall attend the meeting as nonvoting participants, and relevant deputies to the National People's Congress may be invited to the meeting as nonvoting participants.


Article 9 Then the Standing Committee is in session, it shall hold plenary meetings, group meetings and joint group meetings.


The group meeting of the Standing Committee shall be presided over in rotation by several conveners determined by the Chairman's meeting. The working bodies of the Standing Committee shall draw up the grouping list, submit it to the Secretary-General for deliberation and make routine adjustments to it.


The joint group meeting of the Standing Committee shall be presided over by the Chairman. The Chairman may entrust any of the Vice-Chairmen to conduct a meeting.


Article 10 When the Standing Committee meets, its members shall attend the meeting, except for those who ask to be excused on account of poor health or for other reasons.

第三章 議案的提出和審議

Chapter III Presentation and Deliberation of Proposals


Article 11 The Council of Chairmen may submit to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings bills and proposals that are within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee.


The State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the special committees of the National People 's Congress may submit to the Standing Committee bills and proposals that are within the scope of its functions and powers. The Council of Chairmen shall decide whether to refer them to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings or to refer them to the relevant special committees for deliberation and the submission of reports before deciding whether to refer them to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings.


Bills and proposals that are within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee may be submitted to it by 10 or more of its members. The Council of Chairmen shall decide whether to refer them to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings or to refer them to the relevant special committees for deliberation and the submission of reports before deciding whether to refer them to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings. Bills and proposals that are not to be referred to the Standing Committee for deliberation at its meetings shall be reported to the Standing Committee at its meetings, or explanations shall be made to the sponsors.


Article 12 The Council of Chairmen may, on the basis of needs in work, entrust the Working Committee and the General Office of the Standing Committee to draft bills and proposals and make explanations to the Standing Committee at its meetings.


Article 13 With regard to the bills and proposals that have been placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Standing Committee, the sponsor organs, the special committees and the working bodies of the Standing Committee concerned shall provide relevant information.


Basic information on the persons appointed or dismissed and the reasons for their appointment and dismissal shall be attached to the proposal on appointment and dismissal; the responsible persons shall be at present to answer questions, when necessary.


Article 14 The Standing Committee shall hold plenary meetings to hear explanations about the bills and proposals.


After that, the bills and proposals shall be deliberated on at group meetings and also by the special committees concerned.


Article 15 With respect to the draft laws placed on the agenda of a session, after hearing the explanations and making preliminary deliberations, the Standing Committee shall refer them to the relevant special committees for deliberation and to the Law Committee for overall deliberation. The Law Committee shall submit a report on the results of deliberation to the next session or a later session of the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee shall print the deliberation reports prepared by the relevant special committees and distribute them at a meeting of the Standing Committee.


After deliberating on the bills and proposals involving decisions on or amendments to laws, the Law Committee may submit a report on the results of deliberation to the current session or to the next session or a later session of the Standing Committee.


Article 16 The proposals on approval of the adjustment schemes on final account and budget shall be submitted to the Financial and Economic Committee for deliberation, or may be submitted to other relevant Special Committee for deliberation at the same time. The Financial and Economic Committee shall submit the reports on deliberation results to the meeting of the Standing Committee.


The proposals on approval of the treaties and protocols shall be submitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee for deliberation, or may be submitted to other relevant Special Committee for deliberation at the same time. The Foreign Affairs Committee shall submit the reports on deliberation results to the meeting of the Standing Committee.


Article 17 A joint group meeting of the Standing Committee may hear and deliberate on the special committees' reports on their deliberations on bills and proposals and discuss the items on the agenda of the meeting.


Article 18 Reading members of organs sponsoring the bills or proposals may make supplementary explanations about them at plenary meetings or joint group meetings of the Standing Committee.


Article 19 Deliberations on a bill or proposal already placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Standing Committee may be cancelled upon approval by the Council of Chairmen at the request made by the sponsor for its withdrawal before it is put to vote.


Article 20 If important issues requiring further study are raised during deliberations on a bill or proposal submitted to a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for approval by the Chairman or the Council of Chairmen, the vote on the bill or proposal may be postponed temporarily upon a proposal by the Chairman of the Standing Committee or the Council of Chairmen and with the consent of the joint group meeting or the plenary meeting, and the bill or proposal shall be submitted to the relevant special committee for further deliberation and reports on the deliberation shall be provided.


Article 21 The Standing Committee may, when it deems it necessary, organize investigation committees on particular issues and make decisions in the light of the reports prepared by the investigation committees.

第四章 聽取和審議工作報告

Chapter 4 Hearing and Deliberating Work Reports


Article 22 The plenary meeting of the Standing Committee shall hear the special work reports of the State Council, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, plans for national economic and social development and reports on the implementation of the budget, final reports and audit reports, reports on examination of law enforcement provided by the law-enforcing inspection group of the Standing Committee and other reports.


Article 23 After hearing the work reports at its plenary meetings, members of the Standing Committee may examine them at group meetings or joint group meetings.


The Council of Chairmen may decide to refer such work reports to relevant special committees for deliberation and comments.


Article 24 The Standing Committee may, when it deems it necessary, adopt resolutions on the work reports.

第五章 詢問和質詢

Chapter 5 Enquiry and Interrogatory


Article 25 Then members of the Standing Committee are going to deliberate on bills or proposals or work reports at group meetings, the departments concerned shall be notified to send people to attend the meetings to listen to comments and answer questions.


Then members of the Standing Committee are going to deliberate on bills or proposals or work reports at joint group meetings, leading members of the departments concerned shall be notified to attend the meetings to listen to comments and answer questions.


Article 26 During a session of the Standing Committee, 10 or more members of the Standing Committee may jointly submit to the Standing Committee a written proposal for addressing questions to the State Council, any department under the State Council, the Supreme People's Court or the Supreme People's Procuratorate.


Article 27 In the proposals for the addressing of questions, the objects to be questioned and the topics and contents to be questioned about must be clearly stated.


Article 28 The Council of Chairmen shall decide to refer the proposals for the addressing of questions to the relevant special committees for deliberation or submit them to a session of the Standing Committee for deliberation.


Article 29 With respect to proposals for the addressing of questions, the Council of Chairmen shall decide whether responsible persons of the organs questioned shall give oral replies at a meeting of the Standing Committee or at meetings of the relevant special committees, or the organs questioned shall make written replies. For questions answered at meetings of the relevant special committees, these special committees shall submit a report to the Standing Committee or the Council of Chairmen.


Written replies to the questions addressed shall be signed by responsible persons of the organs questioned, then printed and distributed to members of the Standing Committee and to the relevant special committees.


When the special committees concerned deliberate on proposals for the addressing of questions, the Standing Committee members who raised such proposals may attend the meetings to express their opinions.

第六章 發言和表決

Chapter 6 Speaking and Voting


Article 30 At the plenary meeting, joint group meeting and group meeting, all members of the Standing Committee shall make speeches by focusing on the discussion topics for the meetings.


Where the members of the Standing Committee ask to make speeches when the plenary meeting or the joint group meeting of the Standing Committee organizes deliberation upon relevant topics, the addressers shall, prior to the meeting, apply to the working bodies of the Standing Committee for such requests, and make speeches in priority arranged by the presider of the meeting. The requests for making temporary speeches at the plenary meeting and joint group meeting shall be agreed by the presider of the meeting. The requests for making speeches at the group meeting and joint group meeting shall be agreed by the presider of the meeting.


Relevant provisions of this Chapter shall be applicable to the speeches of the people attending the meeting as nonvoting delegates.


Article 31 The speeches made at the plenary meetings shall not exceed 10 minutes; the first speech made at the joint group meeting and group meeting shall not exceed 15 minutes and the second speech made on the same issue shall not exceed 10 minutes. Speeches may be longer if approved by the person conducting the meeting sat requests put forward in advance.


The speeches made at the meeting of the Standing Committee shall be recorded by the staffs of the working bodies of the Standing Committee, and shall be printed and issued as meeting briefing as well as kept for archival filing after being checked and signed by the addressers.


Article 32 Bills and proposals shall be adopted if they are voted for by a simple majority of all the members of the Standing Committee.


The voting result shall be announced on the spot by the presider of the meeting.


Article 33 If amendments are proposed to the bills and proposals to be put to vote, such amendments shall be voted on first.


Article 34 Proposals regarding appointments or removals shall be voted on person by person or may, in the light of specific circumstances, be voted on together.


Article 35 The voting on bills and proposals shall be conducted at sessions of the Standing Committee by secret ballot, a show of hands or other methods.


Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions


Article 36 These Rules shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.


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