
1984年9月20日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議通過 1984年9月20日 中華人民共和國主席令第十七號公布 根據1998年4月29日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二次會議《關於修改的決定》第一次修正 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第二次修正



Forestry Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2009 Revision)

(1984920日第六屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第七次會議通過 1984920日 中華人民共和國主席令第十七號公布 根據1998429日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二次會議《關於修改的決定》第一次修正 根據2009827日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關於修改部分法律的決定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the 7th session of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People's Congress on September 20, 1984; promulgated by the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China No. 17 on September 20, 1984; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amendment adopted at the 2nd session of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on April 29, 1998; and amended for the second time according to the Decision on Amending Certain Laws adopted at the 10th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009)

第一章 總則

Chapter 1 General Provisions


Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of protecting, cultivating and rationally utilizing forest resources, speeding up afforestation of our land, giving full play to the forests' role of conserving water and soil, moderating the climate, improving the environment and providing forest products, so as to meet the needs of socialist construction and the people's life.


Article 2 Anyone who is engaged in afforestation and cultivation, felling and utilization of forests and trees as well as management and administration of forests, trees and forest land within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall observe this Law.


Article 3 Forest resources, with the exception of those owned by collectives as provided for by law, are owned by the State.


Local people's governments at county level and above will draw up a register of State-owned and collectively owned forests, woods and forest lands, as well as woods owned and forest lands used by individuals, and will issue certificates to confirm ownership or usage rights. The State Council may authorize its competent forestry department to have the state-owned forests, trees and forest land in key forest areas defined as such by the State Council registered, issue certificates and notify the matter to the local people's governments concerned.


The lawful rights and interests of the owners and users of forests, trees and forest land shall be protected by law and may not be infringed upon by any unit or individual.


Article 4 Forests are classified into the following five categories:


1. Shelter forests: forests, woods and bushes with protection as the main aim including water source conservation forests, water and soil conservation forests, Windbreak and sand-fixation forests, farmland and pasture shelter forests, embankment protection forests and highway/road protection forests;


(II) Timber forests: forests and woods with timber production as the main aim including bamboo forests with production of bamboo materials as the main aim;


(III) Economic forests: forest trees that are mainly used for producing fruits, edible oils, beverages, condiments, industrial raw materials and medicinal materials;


(IV) Firewood forests: forest trees that are used mainly for producing fuel wood; and


(V) Special-purpose forests: forests and woods with national defence, environmental protection and scientific experiments as the main aim including national defence forests, experimental forests, seed forests, environmental protection forests, scenic forests, forest trees at scenic spots and historical sites and revolutionary memorial places and forests in nature reserves.


Article 5 The guiding principles for forestry development are: put emphasis on forest management, protect forests everywhere, vigorously promote afforestation, coordinate felling with cultivation and ensure the sustained utilization of forest resources.


Article 6. The State will encourage forestry scientific research, promote forestry advanced technology, and improve the level of forestry science and technology.


Article 7 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of self-employed tree cultivators, lightens their burdens according to law, forbids illegal imposing of charges and fines on them and forbids imposing of donation quotas on them and raising of funds from among them by compulsory means.


The State protects the lawful rights and interests of the collectives and individuals that have contracted for afforestation; no unit or individual may infringe upon the lawful rights and interests enjoyed by them in the ownership of trees and other lawful rights and interests.


Article 8 The State adopts the following measures to protect forest resources:


1. Implementing quota forest felling, encouraging tree planting, mountain closure for afforestation and expanding forest coverage;


(II) providing financial support or long-term loans to collectives and individuals for afforestation and facilitation of afforestation in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and local people's governments;


(III) to encourage the all-purpose use and conservation of timber and the development and utilization of timber substitutes;


(IV) to collect afforestation fees for the exclusive use of tree planting and forest cultivation;


(V) to withdraw a certain amount of funds from the departments of coal and paper making for building timber forests that will be used for mine timber and paper-making according to the output of coal, wood pulp and paper; and


(VI) establishing a forestry funding system.


The State establishes a compensation fund for the benefit of the forest ecology, which is to be used for the benefit of the afforestation, cultivation, protection and administration of forest resources and trees of the shelter forests and forests for special uses that benefit the ecology. The compensation fund for the benefit of the forest ecology shall be used for no other than the said purposes. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.


Article 9 With regard to forestry production and development in autonomous areas of minority nationalities, the State and the people's governments of the provinces and autonomous regions shall, in accordance with the power of autonomy the State has provided for national autonomous areas, grant these areas greater decision-making power and more economic benefits than other areas in forestry development, timber distribution and use of forest fund.


Article 10. The State Council principal forestry department will be responsible for national forestry work. The competent forestry departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for forestry work in their respective areas. Full-time or part-time posts shall be set up in people's governments at the township level to take charge of forestry work.


Article 11 Planting trees and protecting forests are the bounden duty of every citizen. People's governments at all levels shall organize voluntary tree planting by all citizens and carry out afforestation activities.


Article 12 Units or individuals that have achieved outstanding successes in afforestation, forest protection, forest administration and scientific research in forestry, etc. shall be rewarded by people's governments at different levels.

第二章 森林經營管理

Chapter 2 Forest Management and Administration


Article 13 The competent forestry departments at all levels shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, administer and supervise the protection, utilization and regeneration of forest resources.


Article 14 The competent forestry departments at all levels shall be responsible for organizing surveys and keeping files of records on forest resources so as to have a good grasp of the changes in forest resources.

第十五條???下列森林、林木、林地使用權可以依法轉讓,也可以依法作價入股或者作為合資、合作造林、經營林木的出資、合作條件,但不得將林地改為非林地 :

Article 15 The following forests and trees and the right to use the following forest land may be transferred according to law and they may also be valued and converted as shares or used as funds or conditions for joint or co-operative afforestation or tree management according to law, provided that no forest land is changed into non-forest land:


1. timber forests, economic forests and fuel forests;


2. the right to use the land of timber forests, economic forests and fuel forests;


(III) the right to use the cut-over land and cut-over land of timber forests, economic forests and fuel forests; and


(IV) the right of use of other forests, woods and other forest lands stipulated by the State Council.


Where the forests or trees or the right to use the forest land are transferred and where they are valued and converted as shares or used as funds or conditions for joint or co-operative afforestation or tree management in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the licenses obtained for tree felling may be transferred at the same time, the two parties involved shall observe the provisions of this Law governing the felling of forests and trees and reafforestation.


No forests or trees and no right to use forest land other than the ones as provided for in the first paragraph of this Article may be transferred.


The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.


Article 16 The people's governments at all levels shall each work out a long-term forestry development plan. State-owned forestry enterprises, institutions and nature reserves should compile forest management schemes in accordance with the long-term forestry planning and submit them to the competent department at the next higher level for approval before implementation.


The competent forestry departments shall provide guidance to rural collective economic organizations, state-owned farms, pastures, industrial enterprises and mines in drawing up their forest management plans.


Article 17 Disputes arising between units over ownership or right of use of trees or forest land shall be handled by people's governments at or above the county level according to law.


Disputes arising between individuals or between individuals and units over ownership of trees or right of use of forest land shall be handled by local people's governments at the county or township level according to law.


If a party refuses to accept the decision of the people's government, it may file a suit in a People's Court within one month after receiving notification of the decision.


Pending a settlement of the dispute over woods and forest land ownership, no Party shall fell the woods in dispute.


Article 18 No forest land or only a small tract of forest land may be used for prospecting or exploiting mineral resources or for constructing projects. Where it is necessary to use or expropriate or requisition forest land, the unit that wishes to use the land shall, after examination and approval by the competent forestry department of the people's government at or above the county level, go through the examination and approval formalities for the use of the land for construction in accordance with laws and administrative rules and regulations regarding land administration and pay forest vegetation recovery fees in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council. Forest vegetation recovery fees shall be used for no other purposes; the competent forestry department shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, make unified arrangement for afforestation and forest vegetation recovery, and the afforestation area shall be no smaller than the forest vegetation area to be used or expropriated or requisitioned. The competent forestry department at a higher level shall, at regular intervals, supervise and inspect afforestation and forest vegetation recovery arranged by it.


No unit or individual may divert the forest vegetation recovery fees for other purposes. Auditing organs of the people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise strict supervision over the use of the forest vegetation recovery fees.

第三章 森林保護

Chapter 3 Forest Protection


Article 19 Local people's governments at various levels shall make arrangements for the relevant departments to set up organizations to be responsible for forest protection. They shall, in light of the actual needs, increase facilities in large forest areas for their effective protection, urge grass-roots units which own forests or which are located in forest areas to formulate forest protection pledges, mobilize the masses to protect the forests, delimit the areas of responsibility for forest protection and appoint full-time or part-time forest guards.


Forest guards may be appointed by people's governments at the county or township level. The main duties of forest rangers are: patrol the forest and stop the destruction of forest resources. Forest guards shall have the right to request the local departments concerned to deal with persons who cause damage to forest resources.


Article 20 Forestry public security organs, established in forest areas in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, are in charge of maintaining public order and protecting the forest resources in the areas under their jurisdiction, and they may also, acting in accordance with the provisions of this Law and within the limits of their power authorized by the competent forestry department under the State Council, exercise the right of imposing administrative penalties as provided for in Articles 39, 42, 43 and 44 of this Law.


The Armed Forest Police Force performs the tasks entrusted by the State to prevent and fight against major forest disasters.


Article 21 Local people's governments at various levels shall adopt practical measures to prevent and fight forest fires:


1. fix fire prevention periods in forests. During such periods, it is forbidden to use fire in the open air in a forest area. If the use of fire is necessary under special circumstances, prior approval shall be obtained from the people's government at the county level or from the agency it authorized;


2. install fire prevention facilities in forest regions;


(III) immediately mobilize the local military and civilians as well as departments concerned to fight forest fires; and


(IV) in case that a person is wounded, disabled or killed in fighting forest fire, the unit to which he belongs shall provide medical treatment or pensions if the person is an employee of a State unit; in case that the person wounded, disabled or killed is not a State employee, the unit where the fire broke out shall, in accordance with the regulations of the relevant competent departments under the State Council, provide the medical treatment or pensions; in case the unit where the fire broke out bears no responsibility for the fire or is really incapable of bearing, the local people's government shall provide the medical treatment or pensions.


Article 22 The competent forestry departments at various levels shall be responsible for making arrangements for prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests in the forests.


The competent forestry departments shall be responsible for determining the categories of forest tree seeds and seedlings that should be quarantined, designating quarantine zones and protection zones and carrying out quarantine on forest tree seeds and seedlings.


Article 23 It is forbidden to disafforest for purposes of reclaiming land, quarrying stone and digging sand or earth as well as other purposes.


Cutting of firewood and grazing in young forest lands and special-purpose forests are prohibited.


Any person entering a forest or its fringe areas shall be forbidden to move or damage without authorization any mark set up in the service of forestry.


Article 24 The competent department of the State Council for forestry as well as the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, for the purpose of better protection and administration, set up nature reserves in areas with typical forest ecology in different natural zones, forest areas where rare animals and plants propagate, natural tropical rain forests and other natural forest areas calling for special protection.


Administrative measures for nature reserves shall be formulated by the competent department of forestry under the State Council and implemented after approval by the State Council.


Rare trees growing outside the nature reserves as well as plant species of special value in the forest areas shall be well protected; and none of them may be felled or collected without approval obtained from the competent departments of forestry of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.


Article 25 It is forbidden to hunt wild animals that are under State protection in the forest areas. Where such animals have to be hunted for special needs, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State.

第四章 植樹造林

Chapter 4 Afforestation


Article 26 The people's governments at various levels shall work out afforestation plans and, in light of the specific local conditions, set forth targets for increasing the forest coverage of their own areas.


People's governments at all levels should organize all trades and professions and urban and rural residents to fulfill the tasks assigned in the afforestation plans.


Afforestation on State-owned barren hills and wastelands that are suitable for afforestation shall be organized by the competent forestry departments and other competent departments; afforestation on collectively owned barren hills and wastelands shall be organized by collective economic organizations.


Afforestation of areas on both sides of railways, highways and rivers and around lakes and reservoirs shall be organized by the competent departments concerned in light of the local conditions; afforestation in industrial and mining areas, on grounds occupied by government departments and schools, in army barracks as well as in areas managed by farms, grazing grounds and fishing grounds shall be the responsibility of the said units.


State-owned and collective-owned barren hills and wastelands suitable for afforestation may be contracted out to collectives or individuals for afforestation.


Article 27 The trees planted by State-owned enterprises and institutions, government departments, public organizations and army units shall be managed by them and the proceeds therefrom shall be controlled by them in accordance with State regulations.


Trees planted by units under collective ownership shall be owned by such units.


Trees planted by rural residents in front of and behind their houses, on private plots of land and on private hills shall be owned by them. Trees planted by urban residents and staff and workers in the courtyard of their own houses shall be owned by themselves.


In cases where a collective or an individual contracts to afforest State-owned or collectively owned barren hills or wastelands that are suitable for afforestation, the trees planted pursuant to the contract shall be owned by the said collective or individual; if the contract provides otherwise, the provisions of the contract shall be followed.


Article 28 Local people's governments shall be responsible for closing the newly cultivated young growth land and the hillsides that must be closed to facilitate afforestation.

第五章 森林采伐

Chapter 5 Forest Felling


Article 29. The State will strictly control annual forest felling volume based on the principle of the commercial forest consumption being less than forest growth. Annual felling quotas will be formulated by a State-owned forestry enterprise or institutional unit, farm, factory or mine as a unit for State-owned forests and woods, and by a county as a unit for collectively-owned forests and woods and individually-owned woods. The principal forestry department of the province, autonomous region or directly administered municipality will consolidate the quotas and, after the examination and verification by the same level people's government, will submit them to the State Council for approval.


Article 30. The State will formulate uniform annual timber production plans. The annual timber production plan must not exceed the approved annual felling quotas. The scope of plan control shall be defined by the State Council.


Article 31 The felling of forests and woods must comply with the following provisions:


1. For mature timber forests the modes of selective felling, clear felling or gradual felling should be employed in the light of different conditions. Clear felling shall be strictly controlled and reafforestation shall be completed within the same year of felling or the following year.


(II) Only felling in the nature of tending and regeneration is permitted in shelter forests and such special-purpose forests as national defence forests, seed forests, environmental protection forests and scenic forests.


(III) It is strictly forbidden to fell trees in such forests for special uses as forest trees at scenic and historical sites and places of historic significance in the Chinese revolution as well as the forests in nature reserves.


Article 32 Anyone who wishes to fell trees shall apply for a felling license and do the felling according to the provisions of the felling license, but exceptions shall be made for rural inhabitants who wish to fell their own trees growing here and there on their private plots or around their houses.


State-owned forestry enterprises and institutions, government departments, public organizations, army units, schools as well as other State-owned enterprises and institutions that wish to fell trees shall be issued felling licenses, after examination and in accordance with relevant regulations, by the competent forestry departments at or above the county level in the places where they are located.


When felling protective belts along railways and roads, or the regeneration felling of urban and township woods is carried out, the relevant principal department will examine and verify the application, and issue a felling permit in accordance with relevant regulations.


When rural collective economic organisations fell timber, the county level principal forestry department will examine and verify the application, and issue a felling permit in accordance with relevant regulations.


When rural residents fell timber on private hillsides and individuals contract to fell collectively-owned timber, the county level principal forestry department or the village or township people's government commissioned by the county level principal forestry department will examine and verify the application, and issue a felling permit in accordance with relevant regulations.


The provisions of the paragraphs above shall apply to the felling of bamboo in bamboo forests cultivated mainly for producing bamboo timber.


Article 33. Departments which examine, verify and issue felling permits must not exceed the approved annual felling quota when issuing felling permits.


Article 34 When applying for felling licenses, State-owned forestry enterprises and institutions shall submit documents of survey and design of the felling area. When any other unit applies for a felling license, it must submit documents which state the felling purpose, location, type of forest, forest conditions, area of land, amount of forest retained, felling method, regeneration measures, etc.


The department which issued the felling license shall have the right to revoke the license of a unit which, in violation of the regulations, carries out felling operations in an felling area, to suspend its felling operations until it is rectified.


Article 35 Units or individuals that are to fell trees shall complete the task of reforestation in terms of the area, number of trees, types of trees and time limit as provided for in the felling licenses, and the area of reforestation and the number of trees required to be planted shall be no smaller than the original area and the number of trees felled.


Article 36 Measures for the management, supervision and administration of timber in forest areas shall be separately formulated by the State Council.


Article 37 A transport license issued by the competent forestry department shall be required for transporting timber out of a forest area, except for timber under unified distribution by the State.


After the issue of a felling permit in accordance with the law, the principal forestry department must issue a transportation certificate when transporting out of the forest area timber which has been felled pursuant to the provisions of the felling permit.


With the approval of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, timber inspection stations may be set up in forest areas to be responsible for the inspection of timber transportation. A timber inspection station will have the right to stop anyone who transports timber without a transportation permit or allocation notice issued by the principal commodities department.


Article 38 The State prohibits or restricts the export of rare and precious trees and their products and derivatives. The State Council principal forestry department, in conjunction with other relevant State Council departments, will formulate a catalogue of rare trees and their products and derivatives whose export is prohibited or restricted, and the total annual restricted export volume, and will submit these to the State Council for approval.


A party which wants to export rare trees or their products or derivatives whose export is restricted by the State must, subject to examination and verification of its application by the principal forestry department of the provincial, autonomous region or directly administered municipal people's government in the exporter's locality, apply to the State Council principal forestry department for approval. Customs will base its release of the goods on presentation of the approval documents issued by the State Council principal forestry department. If trees or their products or derivatives for import or export are regarded as endangered species whose import and export is restricted under an international treaty to which China has acceded, an application must also be made to the State endangered species import and export administrative organ to obtain an authorised import or export certificate. Customs will base its release of the goods on presentation of the authorised import or export certificate.

第六章 法律責任

Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities


Article 39 Whoever illegally fells trees, bamboo, etc. shall compensate for the losses according to law; the competent forestry department shall order him to plant ten times the number of trees illegally felled, confiscate the trees illegally felled or the gains from the sale of them, and fine him not less than three times but not more than ten times the value of the trees illegally felled.


Whoever indiscriminately fells trees, bamboo, etc. shall be ordered by the competent forestry department to plant five times the number of trees, etc. indiscriminately felled and shall be fined not less than two times but not more than five times the value of the trees, etc. indiscriminately felled.


Where a person who violates the law refuses to replant trees or fails to do so in compliance with the regulations of the State, the competent forestry department shall do the replanting instead, and the person shall pay the expense thus incurred.


Where the unlawful felling or denudation of forests or other woods constitutes a crime, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.


Article 40 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, illegally fells or damages rare trees shall be investigated of criminal liability in accordance with law.


Article 41. Where the provisions of this Law are violated through the issue of forest felling permits in excess of the approved annual felling quota or through the issue of forest felling permits, timber transportation certificates, export approval documents or authorised import or export certificates outside an authority's powers of office, the principal forestry department of the people's government at the next highest level will order the matter to be rectified and will, in accordance with the law, impose administrative penalties on the principal persons in charge and the persons directly responsible. If the principal forestry department of the relevant people's government fails to rectify the matter, the State Council principal forestry department may handle the matter directly. If a case constitutes a crime, criminal liability will be pursued in accordance with the law.


Article 42 Where a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law, buys or sells tree felling licenses, timber transportation certificates, export permission documents or import and export permission certificates, the competent forestry department shall confiscate the said licenses, certificates or documents and the illegal gains therefrom and fine him not less than one time but not more than three times the money spent on illegally buying or gained from illegally selling such licenses, certificates or documents. If the violation constitutes a crime, the person shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


Whoever forges tree felling licenses, timber transportation certificates, export approval documents and import and export permission certificates shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


Article 43 Where a person illegally buys trees in a forest area while clearly knowing that they are illegally or indiscriminately felled, the competent forestry department shall order him to stop buying the trees, or confiscate the illegally or indiscriminately felled trees he illegally buys or the gains he obtains from selling them, and it may also fine him not less than one time but not more than three times the money he spends on illegally buying the trees. If a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.


Article 44 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, reclaims land, quarries stone, digs sand or earth, gathers seeds or resin or engages in other activities and thereby causes damage to forests and trees shall compensate the losses according to law; the competent forestry department shall order him to stop violating the provisions and to replant not less than one time but not more than three times the number of trees damaged, and it may also fine him not less than one time but not more than five times the value of the forests and trees damaged.


Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, cuts firewood or grazes animals in young growth areas and forests for special uses and thereby causes damage to the forests and trees shall compensate the losses according to law; the competent forestry department shall order him to stop violating the provisions and to replant not less than one time but not more than three times the number of trees damaged.


Where a person who violates the law refuses to replant trees or fails to do so in compliance with the regulations of the State, the competent forestry department shall do the replanting instead, and the person shall pay the expense thus incurred.


Article 45 Where lumbering units or individuals fail to accomplish their tasks of regeneration of forests as required, the departments issuing felling licenses shall have the right to stop issuing them such licenses until they fulfill the tasks. If the circumstances are serious, they may be fined by the competent forestry department, and the persons who are directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the units to which they belong or by the competent department at the higher level.


Article 46 Any member of the competent forestry department for protection of forest resources and for forestry supervision and administration or any functionary of other State organs concerned who abuses his power, neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal gain, if the case constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law; if the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given administrative sanction according to law.

第七章 附則

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions


Article 47. The State Council principal forestry department will formulate implementing measures in accordance with this Law for implementation subject to the approval by the State Council.


Article 48 Where the provisions of this Law cannot be completely applied in national autonomous areas, the organs of self-government there may, in light of the principles of this Law and the characteristics of those areas, formulate adoptive or supplementary provisions, which shall be submitted according to the legally prescribed procedure to the standing committee of the provincial or autonomous regional people's congress or to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for approval before they are implemented.


Article 49 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1985.


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