



Opinions of the Preparatory Committee for the Macao Special Administrative Region of the National People 's Congress on Implementing Paragraph 2, Article 24 of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China


(Adopted at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Preparatory Committee for the Macao Special Administrative Region of the National People 's Congress on January 16, 1999)


The following submissions are made in order to give effect to the provisions of the second paragraph in Article 24 of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Law) concerning permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region for reference in formulating rules for implementation by the Region:


I、 The Macao resident identity cards valid before the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region which are held by Macao residents shall remain valid after December 20, 1999 until the new identity cards are issued.


Chinese citizens among Macao residents who hold the above-mentioned Macao identity cards and meet one of the following conditions are permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region.


1、 The Macao born party indicated in ID card;


2、 it has been seven years or more since the date the ID card is first issued;

3、身份證不能證明在澳門合法住滿七年,但持有有效澳門永久居留證,或持有治安警察廳或身份證明司簽發的有效居住證明書證明其已在澳門合法居住滿七年者。 符合以上三項條件中任何一項的澳門居民中的葡萄牙人和其他人,作為澳門特別行政區永久性居民,還須符合“以澳門為永久居住地”的要求。

3、 Those who, though unable to prove their legal residence in Macao for seven years or more, hold a valid Certificate of Permanent Residence in Macao, or hold a valid residence certificate issued by the Public Security Police Department or the Identification Certificate Department, certifying their legal residence in Macao for seven years or more. As permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Portuguese or other persons among the Macao residents who meet any of the three conditions mentioned above shall also meet the requirement of "taking Macao as their permanent residence."


II、 Chinese citizens and Portuguese born in Macao as provided for in Items (1) and (3) of Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Basic Law refer to persons born during the period when one or both of their parents has lawfully settled in Macao, except for those who have become permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region because they meet the conditions listed in Item 1 of this Opinion.


III、 A person of Chinese nationality born outside Macao under sub-paragraphs (1) or (2) of the second paragraph of Article 24 of the Basic Law must be a permanent resident of Macao as prescribed in the Basic Law of Macao who, at the time of his birth, is both or one of his parents has become a permanent resident of Macao. If he wishes to enter the Macao Special Administrative Region for the purpose of settling down there, he must go through the relevant procedures in accordance with law.


IVThe method of computation for "seven consecutive years" for Chinese citizens ordinarily residing in Macao as stipulated in Item (2) of the second paragraph of Article 24 of the Basic Law shall be seven consecutive years at any time.


The method of computation of the "consecutive seven years" of ordinary residence in Macao of the Portuguese and other persons prescribed in Items (4) and (5) of Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Basic Law must meet the requirement of "taking Macao as a permanent residence", and shall therefore be the consecutive seven years immediately preceding the application for permanent residence in the Macao Special Administrative Region.


For the purpose of the Basic Law, "continuous residence in Macao" shall include study abroad during the period of residence in Macao


Business and visiting relatives and friends.


VWith respect to the children born in Macao under the age of 18, as stipulated in subparagraph (6) of the second paragraph of Article 24 of the Basic Law, those "other persons" must have been, at the time of their birth, permanent residents of Macao as stipulated in the Basic Law of Macao, of both or either of their parents. Those who have reached the age of 18 may become permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region if they conform to the relevant provisions of sub-paragraph (5) of the second paragraph of Article 24 of the Basic Law.


VI、 Any Chinese among the former Macao residents who emigrate abroad and meet the conditions for permanent resident status in the Macao Special Administrative Region as provided for in the Basic Law may return abroad and settle down in Macao, and shall have the right of abode. Those who return to Macao as foreign citizens may become permanent residents of the Macao Special Administrative Region if they meet the relevant conditions prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Basic Law.


VII、 The implementing rules for the provisions concerning "with Macao as a permanent residence" and "ordinarily residing in Macao" shall be formulated by the Macao Special Administrative Region.


評論列表 共有 0 條評論

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