




Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration


(Adopted at the 91st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on January 9, 1958)

第一条   为了维持社会秩序,?;す竦娜ɡ屠妫裼谏缁嶂饕褰ㄉ?,制定本条例。

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated for the purposes of maintaining public order, protecting the rights and interests of citizens and serving the socialist construction.

第二条   中华人民共和国公民,都应当依照本条例的规定履行户口登记。

Article 2 All the citizens of the People's Republic of China shall perform household registration in accordance with the provisions hereof.


The household registration of active servicemen shall be handled by military organs in accordance with the relevant regulations on active servicemen.


These Regulations shall apply to the household registration of foreigners and stateless persons within the territory of the People's Republic of China, unless otherwise provided in laws and regulations.

第三条   户口登记工作,由各级公安机关主管。

Article 3 Public security organs of various levels shall take charge of household registration.


In cities and towns with police stations, the jurisdiction of police stations is the household jurisdiction; in townships and towns without police stations, the jurisdiction of townships and towns is the household jurisdiction. People's committees of townships and towns and police stations are departments of household registration.


For households within such units as government departments, organizations, schools, enterprises and institutions, as well as their dormitories, each unit shall specially assign personnel to assist the departments of household registration to handle household registration; for scattered households, the departments of household registration shall directly handle household registration.


For households of non- servicemen living in military organs and military dormitories, each unit shall specially assign personnel to assist the departments of household registration to handle household registration.


For households of such production cooperatives as those in agriculture, fishery, salt industry, forestry, animal husbandry and handicraft industry, the cooperatives shall specially assign personnel to assist the departments of household registration to handle household registration. For households outside cooperatives, the departments of household registration shall directly handle household registration.

第四条   户口登记机关应当设立户口登记簿。

Article 4 The departments of household registration shall set up household registers.


In cities, in towns with police stations, and for people residing on water surfaces, each household shall be issued a residence booklet.


In rural areas, residence booklets shall be issued for cooperatives as a unit; households outside cooperatives shall not be issued residence booklets.


The items registered in a household register and a household booklet have the effect of proving a citizen's identity.

第五条   户口登记以户为单位。同主管人共同居住一处的立为一户,以主管人为户主。单身居住的自立一户,以本人为户主。居住在机关、团体、学校、企业、事业等单位内部和公共宿舍的户口共立一户或者分别立户?;е鞲涸鸢凑毡咎趵墓娑ㄉ瓯ɑЭ诘羌?。

Article 5 Household registration shall take household as the unit. Living in the same place with the person in charge of the establishment of a household, to the person in charge as head of the household. Single living on their own a household, to the head of the household. All the households living within such units as government departments, organizations, schools, enterprises and institutions, as well as their dormitories shall form one household or separate households. The head of a household shall be responsible for applying for household registration in accordance with the provisions herein.

第六条   公民应当在经常居住的地方登记为常住人口,一个公民只能在一个地方登记为常住人口。

Article 6 Citizens shall be registered as permanent residents in a place where they reside permanently. One citizen may be registered as a permanent resident in only one place.

第七条   婴儿出生后一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向婴儿常住地户口登记机关申报出生登记。弃婴,由收养人或者育婴机关向户口登记机关申报出生登记。

Article 7 Within one month after a baby is born, the head of the household, a relative, a provider or a neighbor shall apply for birth registration at the department of household registration in the permanent residence of the baby. For discarded babies, adopters or foundling departments shall apply for birth registration at the department of household registration.

第八条   公民死亡,城市在葬前,农村在一个月以内,由户主、亲属、抚养人或者邻居向户口登记机关申报死亡登记,注销户口。公民如果在暂住地死亡,由暂住地户口登记机关通知常住地户口登记机关注销户口。

Article 8 When a citizen dies, before burial in cities, and within one month in rural areas, the head of the household, a relative, a provider or a neighbor shall apply for death registration at the department of household registration and cancel his/her household registration. If a citizen dies in a temporary residence, the department of household registration of the temporary residence shall notify the department of household registration of the permanent residence to cancel his/her household registration.


If a citizen dies from an accident or from an unknown cause, the head of the household or a discoverer shall immediately report to the local police station or the people's committee of a township or town.

第九条   婴儿出生后,在申报出生登记前死亡的,应当同时申报出生、死亡两项登记。

Article 9 After a baby is born and dies before birth registration is applied for, the two registrations, for birth and for death, shall be applied for at the same time.

第十条   公民迁出本户口管辖区,由本人或者户主在迁出前向户口登记机关申报迁出登记,领取迁移证件,注销户口。

Article 10 When a citizen moves out of the jurisdiction of his/her household registration, the citizen or the head of the household shall apply for registration of moving out to the department of household registration before moving, obtain a moving certificate and cancel his/her household registration.


When a citizen moves from a rural area to a city, he/she must apply for going through the moving out formalities to the department of household registration of his/her permanent residence on the strength of the employment certificate of the labor department of a city, the enrollment certificate of a school or the certificate of move-in permit of an urban department of household registration.


A citizen's move to an area of frontier defense must be approved by the public security organ of the county, city or a municipal district in his/her permanent residence.

第十一条   被征集服现役的公民,在入伍前,由本人或者户主持应征公民入伍通知书向常住地户口登记机关申报迁出登记,注销户口,不发迁移证件。

Article 11 For citizens who are recruited for active service, before enrollment, the citizens themselves or the heads of households shall apply for registration of moving out to the department of household registration of their permanent residence and cancel their household registration, with no certificates of moving issued.

第十二条   被逮捕的人犯,由逮捕机关在通知人犯家属的同时,通知人犯常住地户口登记机关注销户口。

Article 12 For arrested offenders, the arresting department shall notify the department of household registration of their permanent residence to cancel their household registration while notifying the relatives of the offenders.

第十三条   公民迁移,从到达迁入地的时候起,城市在三日以内,农村在十日以内,由本人或者户主持迁移证件向户口登记机关申报迁入登记,缴销迁移证件。

Article 13 When a citizen moves, from the time of arrival at the new place of residence, within three days in cities and within ten days in rural areas, the citizen himself/herself or the head of the household shall apply to the department of household registration for move-in registration and hand in the moving certificate for cancellation.


Citizens without a moving certificate shall apply for move-in registration to the department of household registration of the new place of residence with the following certificates:


1. for demobilized servicemen, on the strength of a certificate issued by a military service department of a county or city or a military department above a regiment;


II、 for overseas Chinese and students returned from abroad, on the strength of a passport of the People's Republic of China or a certificate for entering the country;


III、 for people released by the people's court, the people's procuratorate or a public security organ, on the strength of a certificate issued by the releasing authority.

第十四条   被假释、缓刑的犯人,被管制分子和其他依法被剥夺政治权利的人,在迁移的时候,必须经过户口登记机关转报县、市、市辖区人民法院或者公安机关批准,才可以办理迁出登记;到达迁入地后,应当立即向户口登记机关申报迁入登记。

Article 14 Any prisoner on parole or on probation, person under public surveillance or any other person who is deprived of political rights according to law may move out of the residence registration only after the said person has been reported by the department of household registration to a people's court or a public security organ of a county, city or municipal district for approval; the said person shall immediately apply to the department of household registration for move-in registration after arriving at a new residence.

第十五条   公民在常住地市、县范围以外的城市暂住三日以上的,由暂住地的户主或者本人在三日以内向户口登记机关申报暂住登记,离开前申报注销;暂住在旅店的,由旅店设置旅客登记簿随时登记。

Article 15 If a citizen temporarily stays in a city outside the city or county of his/her permanent residence for more than three days, the head of the household of the temporary residence or the citizen himself/herself shall apply for registration of temporary residence to the department of household registration within three days, and apply for cancellation before leaving; if the citizen stays in a hotel, the hotel shall set up a guest register for registration at any time.


If a citizen temporarily stays within the city or county of his/her permanent residence or in a rural area outside the city or county of his/her permanent residence, he/she does not have to handle registration of temporary residence except when staying in a hotel, which shall set up a guest register for registration at any time.

第十六条   公民因私事离开常住地外出、暂住的时间超过三个月的,应当向户口登记机关申请延长时间或者办理迁移手续;既无理由延长时间又无迁移条件的,应当返回常住地。

Article 16 If a citizen leaves his/her permanent residence for more than three months because of private affairs, he/she shall apply to the department of household registration for extension, or go through the formalities for moving; if there is no reason for extension or conditions for moving, he/she shall return to his/her permanent residence.

第十七条   户口登记的内容需要变更或者更正的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报;户口登记机关审查属实后予以变更或者更正。

Article 17 When the contents in household registration require change or correction, the head of the household or the person himself/herself shall apply to the department of household registration; the department of household registration shall make the change or correction after the examination has been completed.


When the department of household registration deems necessary, it may ask for related certification for change or correction from the applicant.

第十八条   公民变更姓名,依照下列规定办理:

Article 18 The change of the name of a citizen shall be handled according to the following provisions:


1. If a person under the age of 18 needs to change his/her name, the person himself/herself or his/her parents or adopter shall apply for change in registration to the department of household registration;


II、 When a person above the age of 18 needs to change his/her name, the person himself/herself shall apply for such change to the department of household registration.

第十九条   公民因结婚、离婚、收养、认领、分户、并户、失踪、寻回或者其他事由引起户口变动的时候,由户主或者本人向户口登记机关申报变更登记。

Article 19 When changes in household registration are caused by marriage, divorce, adoption, claim, family splitting, family combination, disappearance, recovery or other reasons, the head of the household or the person himself/herself shall apply for change in registration to the department of household registration.

第二十条   有下列情形之一的,根据情节轻重,依法给予治安管理处?;蛘咦肪啃淌略鹑危?/span>

Article 20 In any of the following circumstances, the offender shall be punished for violation of public security or be prosecuted for criminal liabilities in accordance with law:


1. Failing to apply for household registration in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;


IIfalse declaration of household registration;


IIIforging, altering, transferring, lending or selling household registration certificates;


IV、 using another person's household registration by assuming his/her name;


V、 a hotel manager fails to handle guest registration according to the regulations.

第二十一条   户口登记机关在户口登记工作中,如果发现有反革命分子和其他犯罪分子,应当提请司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

Article 21 During the household registration work, if a department of household registration finds out a counterrevolutionary or other criminal, it shall report to a judicial office to investigate into the criminal responsibility according to law.

第二十二条   户口簿、册、表格、证件,由中华人民共和国公安部统一制定式样,由省、自治区、直辖市公安机关统筹印制。

Article 22 The Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China shall work out a uniform format for household registers, booklets, forms and certificates, which shall be uniformly printed by the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.


Citizens shall pay cost of production when receiving a household register or a moving certificate.

第二十三条   民族自治地方的自治机关可以根据本条例的精神,结合当地具体情况,制定单行办法。

Article 23 In accordance with the spirit of these Regulations, the organs of self-government of national autonomous areas may formulate separate measures in light of the specific local conditions.

第二十四条   本条例自公布之日起施行。

Article 24 These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.


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