

中华人民共和国军人保险法Servicemen Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China



Servicemen Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China


Presidential Decree No. 56



Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第二章 军人伤亡保险

Chapter 2 Casualty Insurance for Servicemen

  第三章 退役养老保险

Chapter III Endowment Insurance for Ex-servicemen

  第四章 退役医疗保险

Chapter 4 Medical Insurance for Ex-servicemen

  第五章 随军未就业的军人配偶保险

Chapter 5 Insurance for Unemployed Accompanying Spouses of Servicemen

  第六章 军人保险基金

Chapter 6 Insurance Funds for Servicemen

  第七章 保险经办与监督

Chapter 7 Insurance Handling and Supervision

  第八章 法律责任

Chapter 8 Legal Liabilities


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了规范军人保险关系,维护军人合法权益,促进国防和军队建设,制定本法。

Article 1 The Law is formulated in order to regulate the servicemen insurance relations, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of servicemen, and promote the national defense and army construction.

第二条   国家建立军人保险制度。

Article 2 The State shall establish a servicemen insurance system.


This Law applies to the establishment, premium payment, transfer and continuation of the casualty insurance for servicemen, the endowment insurance for ex-servicemen, the medical insurance for ex-servicemen and the insurance for unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen.

第三条   军人保险制度应当体现军人职业特点,与社会保险制度相衔接,与经济社会发展水平相适应。

Article 3 The servicemen insurance system shall embody the occupational characteristics of servicemen, be connected with the social insurance system, and adapt to the level of economic and social development.


The State will supplement and improve the servicemen insurance system in due course depending on the development of the social insurance system.

第四条   国家促进军人保险事业的发展,为军人保险提供财政拨款和政策支持。

Article 4 The State shall promote the development of the servicemen insurance business and provide financial funds and policy support for the servicemen insurance.

第五条   中国人民解放军军人保险主管部门负责全军的军人保险工作。国务院社会保险行政部门、财政部门和军队其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责有关的军人保险工作。

Article 5 The competent insurance authority of the Chinese People's Liberation Army shall be responsible for the insurance for servicemen. The administrative department of social insurance and the financial department under the State Council and other related military departments shall be responsible for the insurance for servicemen within the scope of their respective duties.


Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs shall be responsible for servicemen insurance registration, records of personal rights and interests, servicemen insurance benefits payment, etc.


Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies shall, according to their respective duties, handle the formalities for the transfer and continuity of the servicemen insurance and social insurance relations.

第六条   军人依法参加军人保险并享受相应的保险待遇。

Article 6 Servicemen shall participate in the servicemen insurance in accordance with the law and enjoy corresponding insurance benefits.


Servicemen shall have the right to inquire and verify their personal payment records and records of personal rights and interests, request the financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies to handle the formalities for the transfer and continuity of endowment, medical and other insurance relations in accordance with the law, and provide the servicemen insurance, social insurance consulting and other related services.

第二章 军人伤亡保险

Chapter 2 Casualty Insurance for Servicemen

第七条   军人因战、因公死亡的,按照认定的死亡性质和相应的保险金标准,给付军人死亡保险金。

Article 7 Where a serviceman dies in war or in the line of duty, death insurance proceeds shall be paid to the serviceman depending on the determined nature of death and corresponding insurance proceeds criteria.

第八条   军人因战、因公、因病致残的,按照评定的残疾等级和相应的保险金标准,给付军人残疾保险金。

Article 8 Where a serviceman becomes disabled while participating in a war or performing his military duties or due to a disease, disability insurance proceeds shall be paid to the serviceman depending on the determined grade of disability and corresponding insurance proceeds criteria.

第九条   军人死亡和残疾的性质认定、残疾等级评定和相应的保险金标准,按照国家和军队有关规定执行。

Article 9 The determination of the nature of a serviceman's death or disability, the disability grade assessment and the corresponding insurance proceeds criteria shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the State and the armed forces.

第十条   军人因下列情形之一死亡或者致残的,不享受军人伤亡保险待遇:

Article 10 Any serviceman who dies or becomes disabled under any of the following circumstances shall not be entitled to the casualty insurance benefits for servicemen:


1. intentional committing a crime;


(II) being drunk or taking drugs;


3. Self-mutilation or suicide; or


(IV) other circumstances stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and military regulations.

第十一条   已经评定残疾等级的因战、因公致残的军人退出现役参加工作后旧伤复发的,依法享受相应的工伤待遇。

Article 11 For a serviceman who became disabled due to his or her participation in a war or performance of his duties and whose disability has been graded, he or she shall enjoy corresponding work-related injury benefits according to the law provided that he or she relapses after being released from active service and starts work.

第十二条   军人伤亡保险所需资金由国家承担,个人不缴纳保险费。

Article 12 Funds for the casualty insurance for servicemen shall be borne by the State, and the individuals are not required to pay the insurance premiums.

第三章 退役养老保险

Chapter III Endowment Insurance for Ex-servicemen

第十三条   军人退出现役参加基本养老保险的,国家给予退役养老保险补助。

Article 13 Where a serviceman is released from active military service and participates in the endowment insurance, the State will subsidize the endowment insurance for ex-servicemen.

第十四条   军人退役养老保险补助标准,由中国人民解放军总后勤部会同国务院有关部门,按照国家规定的基本养老保险缴费标准、军人工资水平等因素拟订,报国务院、中央军事委员会批准。

Article 14 The pension insurance subsidy standards for ex-servicemen shall be set by the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in concert with the relevant departments of the State Council according to the basic pension insurance contribution standards stipulated by the State, the salary level of servicemen and other factors, before being submitted to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval.

第十五条   军人入伍前已经参加基本养老保险的,由地方社会保险经办机构和军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门办理基本养老保险关系转移接续手续。

Article 15 Where a serviceman has participated in the basic endowment insurance before joining the army, the local social insurance agency and the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall handle the formalities for the transfer and continuity of the basic endowment insurance relation.

第十六条   军人退出现役后参加职工基本养老保险的,由军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门将军人退役养老保险关系和相应资金转入地方社会保险经办机构,地方社会保险经办机构办理相应的转移接续手续。

Article 16 Where a serviceman participates in the basic endowment insurance after being released from active military service, the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall transfer the endowment insurance relation of the serviceman and corresponding funds to the local social insurance agency, and the local social insurance agency shall handle the corresponding formalities for the transfer and continuity of such relation.


The years of the serviceman's active military service shall be calculated in combination with the payment period of basic endowment insurance for employees prior to his enlistment and after being released from active military service.

第十七条   军人退出现役后参加新型农村社会养老保险或者城镇居民社会养老保险的,按照国家有关规定办理转移接续手续。

Article 17 Where a serviceman participates in the new social endowment insurance for rural residents or the social endowment insurance for urban residents after being released from active military service, the transfer and continuity formalities shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第十八条   军人退出现役到公务员岗位或者参照公务员法管理的工作人员岗位的,以及现役军官、文职干部退出现役自主择业的,其养老保险办法按照国家有关规定执行。

Article 18 Where a serviceman, after being released from active military service, takes up a post as a civil servant or a post managed with reference to the civil servant law, or an active military officer or a civilian cadre chooses a job on his own after being released from active military service, measures for his pension insurance shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the State.

第十九条   军人退出现役采取退休方式安置的,其养老办法按照国务院和中央军事委员会的有关规定执行。

Article 19 Where a serviceman is resettled by means of retirement after being released from active military service, measures for his or her elderly care shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

第四章 退役医疗保险

Chapter 4 Medical Insurance for Ex-servicemen

第二十条   参加军人退役医疗保险的军官、文职干部和士官应当缴纳军人退役医疗保险费,国家按照个人缴纳的军人退役医疗保险费的同等数额给予补助。

Article 20 Military officers, civilian cadres and sergeants who participate in the medical insurance for ex-servicemen shall pay the insurance premium for this purpose, and the State shall provide subsidies equal to the amount of insurance premiums paid by individuals.


Conscripts and cadets under the supply system are not required to pay the insurance premiums, and the State shall subsidize the medical insurance for ex-servicemen in accordance with applicable standards.

第二十一条   军人退役医疗保险个人缴费标准和国家补助标准,由中国人民解放军总后勤部会同国务院有关部门,按照国家规定的缴费比例、军人工资水平等因素确定。

Article 21 The individual payment criteria and national subsidy criteria for the medical insurance for ex-servicemen shall be determined by the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in concert with the relevant departments of the State Council in accordance with the payment proportion prescribed by the State, the salary level of servicemen and other factors.

第二十二条   军人入伍前已经参加基本医疗保险的,由地方社会保险经办机构和军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门办理基本医疗保险关系转移接续手续。

Article 22 Where a serviceman has participated in the basic medical insurance before joining the army, the local social insurance agency and the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall handle the formalities for the transfer and continuity of the basic medical insurance relation.

第二十三条   军人退出现役后参加职工基本医疗保险的,由军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门将军人退役医疗保险关系和相应资金转入地方社会保险经办机构,地方社会保险经办机构办理相应的转移接续手续。

Article 23 Where a serviceman participates in the basic medical insurance for employees after being released from active military service, the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall transfer the serviceman's medical insurance relation for ex-servicemen and corresponding funds to the local social insurance agency, and the local social insurance agency shall handle the corresponding formalities for the transfer and continuity of such relation.


The years of the serviceman's active military service shall be deemed equivalent to the payment period of basic medical insurance for employees, and shall be calculated in combination with the payment periods of basic medical insurance for employees prior to his enlistment and after being released from active military service.

第二十四条   军人退出现役后参加新型农村合作医疗或者城镇居民基本医疗保险的,按照国家有关规定办理。

Article 24 Where a serviceman participates in the new cooperative medical insurance for rural residents or the basic medical insurance for urban residents after being released from active military service, the formalities for the participation shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

第五章 随军未就业的军人配偶保险

Chapter 5 Insurance for Unemployed Accompanying Spouses of Servicemen

第二十五条   国家为随军未就业的军人配偶建立养老保险、医疗保险等。随军未就业的军人配偶参加保险,应当缴纳养老保险费和医疗保险费,国家给予相应的补助。

Article 25 The State shall establish endowment insurance and medical insurance for unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen. Unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen participating in insurance shall pay the endowment insurance premium and the medical insurance premium, and the State shall provide corresponding subsidies.


Individual payment standards and national subsidy standards for insurance for unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the State.

第二十六条   随军未就业的军人配偶随军前已经参加社会保险的,由地方社会保险经办机构和军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门办理保险关系转移接续手续。

Article 26 Where the unemployed accompanying spouse of a serviceman has participated in the social insurance before accompanying his or her spouse, the local social insurance agency and the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall handle the insurance relation transfer and continuity formalities.

第二十七条   随军未就业的军人配偶实现就业或者军人退出现役时,由军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门将其养老保险、医疗保险关系和相应资金转入地方社会保险经办机构,地方社会保险经办机构办理相应的转移接续手续。

Article 27 When the unemployed accompanying spouse of a serviceman becomes employed or the serviceman is released from active military service, the financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall transfer the endowment insurance and medical insurance relations as well as corresponding funds to the local social insurance agency, and the local social insurance agency shall handle the corresponding formalities for the transfer and continuity of such relations.


The payment periods of endowment insurance and medical insurance by the unemployed accompanying spouse of a serviceman shall be calculated in combination with the payment period of basic endowment insurance for employees and basic medical insurance for employees he or she participates in locally.

第二十八条   随军未就业的军人配偶达到国家规定的退休年龄时,按照国家有关规定确定退休地,由军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门将其养老保险关系和相应资金转入退休地社会保险经办机构,享受相应的基本养老保险待遇。

Article 28 When the unemployed accompanying spouse of a serviceman reaches the retirement age prescribed by the State, the place of his or her retirement shall be determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the State. The financial department of the military logistics (joint logistics) organ shall transfer his or her endowment insurance relationship and corresponding funds to the social insurance agency at the locality of his or her retirement, and such spouse shall enjoy corresponding basic endowment insurance benefits.

第二十九条   地方人民政府和有关部门应当为随军未就业的军人配偶提供就业指导、培训等方面的服务。

Article 29 Local people's governments and relevant departments shall provide employment guidance, training and other services for unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen.


Where the unemployed accompanying spouse of a serviceman refuses to accept an employment placement from the local people's government without justified reasons, or an appropriate job or employment training provided by the department or institution designated by the local people's government without justified reasons, the insurance subsidies shall be suspended.

第六章 军人保险基金

Chapter 6 Insurance Funds for Servicemen

第三十条   军人保险基金包括军人伤亡保险基金、军人退役养老保险基金、军人退役医疗保险基金和随军未就业的军人配偶保险基金。各项军人保险基金按照军人保险险种分别建账,分账核算,执行军队的会计制度。

Article 30 Insurance funds for servicemen include the casualty insurance fund for servicemen, endowment insurance fund for ex-servicemen, medical insurance fund for ex-servicemen and insurance fund for unemployed accompanying spouses of servicemen. For each type of insurance fund for servicemen, a separate account shall be established and the accounting shall be conducted separately under the accounting system of the army.

第三十一条   军人保险基金由个人缴费、中央财政负担的军人保险资金以及利息收入等资金构成。

Article 31 Insurance funds for servicemen are composed of personal payments, insurance funds for servicemen borne by the Central Government and interest income, etc.

第三十二条   军人应当缴纳的保险费,由其所在单位代扣代缴。

Article 32 Servicemen's payable insurance premiums shall be withheld and paid by their entities.


Insurance premiums payable by unemployed accompanying servicemen shall be withheld and paid by servicemen's entities.

第三十三条   中央财政负担的军人保险资金,由国务院财政部门纳入年度国防费预算。

Article 33 Insurance funds for servicemen borne by the Central Government shall be incorporated by the financial department under the State Council into the national defense budget.

第三十四条   军人保险基金按照国家和军队的预算管理制度,实行预算、决算管理。

Article 34 Insurance funds for servicemen shall be managed under the budget and final settlement systems of the State and the army.

第三十五条   军人保险基金实行专户存储,具体管理办法按照国家和军队有关规定执行。

Article 35 Insurance funds for servicemen shall be deposited in special accounts, and specific administrative measures shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the State and the army.

第三十六条   军人保险基金由中国人民解放军总后勤部军人保险基金管理机构集中管理。

Article 36 Insurance funds for servicemen shall be managed in a centralized manner by the servicemen insurance fund administrative agency of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


The servicemen insurance fund administrative agency shall strictly manage the servicemen insurance funds to ensure the safety thereof.

第三十七条   军人保险基金应当专款专用,按照规定的项目、范围和标准支出,任何单位和个人不得贪污、侵占、挪用,不得变更支出项目、扩大支出范围或者改变支出标准。

Article 37 Insurance funds for servicemen shall be used exclusively for specified purposes in accordance with the prescribed items, scope and standards. No entity or individual shall either embezzle, misappropriate or divert such funds, nor change the expenditure items, expand the expenditure scope or change the expenditure standards.

第七章 保险经办与监督

Chapter 7 Insurance Handling and Supervision

第三十八条   军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门和地方社会保险经办机构应当建立健全军人保险经办管理制度。

Article 38 Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies shall establish and improve the administrative system for the handling of servicemen insurance.


Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs shall pay servicemen insurance proceeds on time and in full.


Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies shall handle the formalities for the transfer and continuity of servicemen insurance and social insurance relations in a timely manner.

第三十九条   军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门应当为军人及随军未就业的军人配偶建立保险档案,及时、完整、准确地记录其个人缴费和国家补助,以及享受军人保险待遇等个人权益记录,并定期将个人权益记录单送达本人。

Article 39 Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs shall establish insurance archives for servicemen and the unemployed accompanying spouses thereof in order to record in a timely, complete and accurate manner both the details of their personal payments and state subsidies and particulars of their personal rights and interests, such as enjoying servicemen insurance benefits, and regularly send them the records on personal rights and interests.


Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies shall provide servicemen and unemployed accompanying spouses thereof with relevant services, including consulting services for servicemen insurance and social insurance.

第四十条   军人保险信息系统由中国人民解放军总后勤部负责统一建设。

Article 40 The China General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army shall be responsible for the unified development of the servicemen insurance information system.

第四十一条   中国人民解放军总后勤部财务部门和中国人民解放军审计机关按照各自职责,对军人保险基金的收支和管理情况实施监督。

Article 41 The financial department of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the audit organ of the Chinese People's Liberation Army shall, according to their respective duties, supervise the receipts, expenditures and management of insurance funds for servicemen.

第四十二条   军队后勤(联勤)机关、地方社会保险行政部门,应当对单位和个人遵守本法的情况进行监督检查。

Article 42 Military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local administrative departments of social insurance shall supervise and inspect entities and individuals' compliance with this Law.


When military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local administrative departments of social insurance conduct supervision and inspection, entities and individuals under the inspection shall truthfully provide materials relating to the servicemen insurance, and shall not refuse the inspection, give false information, or conceal relevant information.

第四十三条   军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门和地方社会保险经办机构及其工作人员,应当依法为军队单位和军人的信息保密,不得以任何形式泄露。

Article 43 Financial departments of military logistics (joint logistics) organs and local social insurance agencies as well their functionaries shall keep confidential the information about military entities and servicemen in accordance with the law, and shall not disclose such information in any form.

第四十四条   任何单位或者个人有权对违反本法规定的行为进行举报、投诉。

Article 44 Any entity or individual has the right to report or complain about any act in violation of this Law.


Relevant military and local departments and agencies shall, in accordance with the law, handle reports or complaints within the scope of their respective duties; if not, they shall inform in writing the departments or agencies with the authority to handle such reports or complaints and transfer the same to them. The competent authorities and agencies shall handle the reports and complaints in a timely manner and shall not shirk their responsibilities.

第八章 法律责任

Chapter 8 Legal Liabilities

第四十五条   军队后勤(联勤)机关财务部门、社会保险经办机构,有下列情形之一的,由军队后勤(联勤)机关或者社会保险行政部门责令改正;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任:

Article 45 Where the financial department of a military logistics (joint logistics) organ or a social insurance agency falls under any of the following circumstances, the military logistics (joint logistics) organ or the administrative department of social insurance shall order it to make corrections; the person directly in charge and other persons directly liable shall be punished in accordance with the law; if losses are caused, the relevant entity shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law:


1. Where it fails to establish, transfer or continue the servicemen insurance relationship in accordance with the provisions;


2. failing to collect or turn over insurance premiums paid by individuals in accordance with the provision;


(III) Where it fails to pay servicemen insurance proceeds in accordance with the provisions;


(IV) Where it alters or loses the records on individual payments or any other archives on servicemen insurance;


(V) Divulging any information about military entities or servicemen;


(VI) Where it transfers or deposits servicemen insurance funds in violation of the relevant provisions; and


(VII) Where it has committed any other act of damaging servicemen's insurance rights and interests in violation of laws and regulations.

第四十六条   贪污、侵占、挪用军人保险基金的,由军队后勤(联勤)机关责令限期退回,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 46 Where the servicemen insurance funds are embezzled, misappropriated or diverted, the military logistics (joint logistics) organs shall order the relevant parties to return such funds within a required time limit, and impose sanctions according to the law on the heads directly in charge and other persons directly liable.

第四十七条   以欺诈、伪造证明材料等手段骗取军人保险待遇的,由军队后勤(联勤)机关和社会保险行政部门责令限期退回,并依法给予处分。

Article 47 Where relevant parties obtain the servicemen insurance benefits by committing fraud or forging proof materials or otherwise, the military logistics (joint logistics) organs and administrative departments of social insurance shall order them to return such benefits within a prescribed time limit, and impose sanctions according to the law.

第四十八条   违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 48 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

第四十九条   军人退出现役后参加失业保险的,其服现役年限视同失业保险缴费年限,与入伍前和退出现役后参加失业保险的缴费年限合并计算。

Article 49 Where a serviceman participates in the unemployment insurance after being released from active military service, his or her active service years shall be deemed to be the payment period of unemployment insurance, and shall be calculated in combination with the payment period of unemployment insurance prior to his enlistment and after being released from active military service.

第五十条   本法关于军人保险权益和义务的规定,适用于人民武装警察;中国人民武装警察部队保险基金管理,按照中国人民武装警察部队资金管理体制执行。

Article 50 The provisions herein on servicemen insurance rights and interests and obligations shall apply to the people's armed police; insurance funds for the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be managed in accordance with the fund management system of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.

第五十一条   本法自2012年7月1日起施行。

Article 51 This Law shall be effective 1 July 2012.


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