

1997年7月3日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议通过 根据1999年10月31日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公路法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公路法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2009年8月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》第三次修正 根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华



Highway Law of the Peoples Republic of China (Revision 2017)

199773日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议通过 根据19991031日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公路法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2004828日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国公路法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2009827日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》第三次修正 根据2016117日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》第四次修正 根据2017114日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国会计法〉等十一部法律的决定》第五次修正)

(Adopted at the 26th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress on July 3, 1997; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Highway Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress on October 31, 1999; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Highway Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on August 28, 2004; amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision on Amending Certain Laws adopted at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on August 27, 2009; amended for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending 12 Laws including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 24th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 7, 2016; and amended for the fifth time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Eleven Laws Including the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China at the 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress on November 4, 2017)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了加强公路的建设和管理,促进公路事业的发展,适应社会主义现代化建设和人民生活的需要,制定本法。

Article 1 The law is made to strengthen the construction and management and stimulate the development of highways so as to make their development to adapt to the need of socialist modernization and people's daily living.

第二条   在中华人民共和国境内从事公路的规划、建设、养护、经营、使用和管理,适用本法。

Article 2 The law is applicable to the planning, construction, maintenance, operation, use and management of highways inside the territory of the People's Republic of China.


The word "highways" in this Law includes highway bridges, tunnels and ferries.

第三条   公路的发展应当遵循全面规划、合理布局、确保质量、保障畅通、保护环境、建设改造与养护并重的原则。

Article 3 The development of highways in the country shall follow the principles of overall planning, rational layout, assured quality and smooth passage, environmental protection, and equal emphasis on construction and renovation and maintenance.

第四条   各级人民政府应当采取有力措施,扶持、促进公路建设。公路建设应当纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。

The people's governments at all levels must adopt effective measures to support and promote road construction. Highway construction shall be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans.


The State encourages and guides domestic and foreign economic organizations to invest in the construction and operation of highways in accordance with law.

第五条   国家帮助和扶持少数民族地区、边远地区和贫困地区发展公路建设。

Article 5 The State shall help and support areas of minority nationalities, remote and border areas and impoverished areas to develop highways.

第六条   公路按其在公路路网中的地位分为国道、省道、县道和乡道,并按技术等级分为高速公路、一级公路、二级公路、三级公路和四级公路。具体划分标准由国务院交通主管部门规定。

Article 6 Highways shall be divided, according to their positions in the networks, into State roads, provincial roads, county roads and township roads and, technically into express ways, first class roads, second class roads, third class roads and fourth class roads. The specific standards for the division shall be worked out by the transportation department under the State Council.


New roads should conform to their technical standards in grading. The existing roads that fail to meet the minimum technical grading standards thereof should be transformed step by step according to the set standards.

第七条   公路受国家?;ぃ魏蔚ノ缓透鋈瞬坏闷苹?、损坏或者非法占用公路、公路用地及公路附属设施。

Article 7 Highway roads shall be subject to the protection by the State. No unit or individual is allowed to break or damage highways, land and ancillary facilities used by highways or illegally put them into one's own use.


All units and individuals shall have the duty to protect highways, highway land and auxiliary highway facilities and have the right to expose and accuse any act that undermines or damages highways, highway land, or auxiliary highway facilities or adversely affects highway safety.

第八条   国务院交通主管部门主管全国公路工作。

Article 8 The competent department for communications under the State Council shall administer the highways throughout the country.


Transportation departments of local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of highways in their respective administrative areas; but the functions and responsibilities of Transportation departments of local people's governments at and above the county level for the administration and supervision of State roads and provincial roads shall be fixed by respective provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's governments.


People's governments of townships, townships of minority nationalities areas and towns shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of township roads within their respective administrative areas.


Transportation departments of local people's governments at and above the county level may decide to entrust road management organizations to exercise the duties of highway administration according to the provisions of this law.

第九条   禁止任何单位和个人在公路上非法设卡、收费、罚款和拦截车辆。

Article 9 It is forbidden for any unit or individual to set up check posts, collect fees, impose fines or intercept vehicles on highways.

第十条   国家鼓励公路工作方面的科学技术研究,对在公路科学技术研究和应用方面作出显著成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。

Article 10 The State encourages scientific research in terms of highways and reward units and individuals that have made significant achievements on scientific and technical research and application in terms of highways.

第十一条   本法对专用公路有规定的,适用于专用公路。

Article 11 Provisions concerning special roads in this law apply to special roads.


Special highway roads refer to those built, maintained, managed by enterprises or other units for their respective exclusive or main uses.

第二章 公路规划

Chapter II Planning of Highways

第十二条   公路规划应当根据国民经济和社会发展以及国防建设的需要编制,与城市建设发展规划和其他方式的交通运输发展规划相协调。

Article 12 Highway planning shall be made in the light of the needs of the national economic and social development and national defense and also in coordination with urban construction and development plans and the development of other traffic means.

第十三条   公路建设用地规划应当符合土地利用总体规划,当年建设用地应当纳入年度建设用地计划。

Article 13 Plans for requisition of lands for constructing roads shall conform to the master plan for land use and the land used for such purposes shall be incorporated into the general land use plan of the year.

第十四条   国道规划由国务院交通主管部门会同国务院有关部门并商国道沿线省、自治区、直辖市人民政府编制,报国务院批准。

Article 14 Plans in respect to State roads shall be formulated by the transportation department of the State Council together with other related departments of the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities along the lines and submitted to the State Council for approval.


Plans in respect to provincial roads shall be formulated by the transportation departments of people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities together with the people's governments of the lower level along the lines and submitted to the people's governments of the respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for approval and to the transportation department of the State Council for the record.


Plans in respect to county roads shall be formulated by the transportation departments of the People's Governments at the county level together with related departments at the same level and submitted to the People's Governments of the same level for examination and to the People's Governments of the next higher level for approval.


Plans with respect to township roads shall be formulated by the people's governments of township, townships inhabited by people of minority nationalities and towns with the assistance of the transportation departments of the people's governments at the county level and submitted to the people's governments at the county level for approval.


Plans in respect to county roads and township roads to be approved according to the provisions of paragraph three and paragraph four of this article shall be submitted to the transportation departments of the people's governments at the next higher level for the record.


Provincial highway plans must be coordinated with national highway plans. County road plans must be coordinated with provincial road plans. Township road plans must be coordinated with county road plans.

第十五条   专用公路规划由专用公路的主管单位编制,经其上级主管部门审定后,报县级以上人民政府交通主管部门审核。

Article 15 Plans of special roads shall be formulated by units in charge of special roads and, after being examined by departments in charge at the next higher level, be submitted to the transportation departments of the people's governments at and above the county level for approval.


Plans for accommodation roads shall be consistent with those for highways. Transportation departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall put forward proposals for revision should they find the plans of special roads not coordinated with plans of State roads, provincial roads, county roads and township roads and the departments and units in charge of the special roads shall make revisions accordingly.

第十六条   国道规划的局部调整由原编制机关决定。国道规划需要作重大修改的,由原编制机关提出修改方案,报国务院批准。

Article 16 Partial adjustments of State road plans shall be determined by the original organ of formulation. For major revisions of State road plans, the original organ of formulation shall put forward revision plans and submit them to the State Council for approval.


If plans of provincial roads, county roads and township roads already approved need revisions, the original organ of formulation shall put forward revision proposals and submit them to the original organ of approval for approval.

第十七条   国道的命名和编号,由国务院交通主管部门确定;省道、县道、乡道的命名和编号,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门按照国务院交通主管部门的有关规定确定。

Article 17 Names and indexes of State roads shall be set by the transportation department of the State Council. Names and indexes of provincial, county and township roads shall be set by the transportation departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities according to the relevant provisions of the transportation department of the State Council.

第十八条   规划和新建村镇、开发区,应当与公路保持规定的距离并避免在公路两侧对应进行,防止造成公路街道化,影响公路的运行安全与畅通。

Article 18 New villages and towns and development zones should be planned and built with prescribed distances from highways and absolutely not to have any highway running across to avoid using highways as part of streets to impede the safety and smooth operations of the highways.

第十九条   国家鼓励专用公路用于社会公共运输。专用公路主要用于社会公共运输时,由专用公路的主管单位申请,或者由有关方面申请,专用公路的主管单位同意,并经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门批准,可以改划为省道、县道或者乡道。

Article 19 The State encourages special roads to be used for public traffic. If a special road is turned to public use, it shall be made part of provincial, county or township roads at the request of units in charge of the special roads or related departments and with the consent of the units in charge of special roads and the approval of the transportation departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.

第三章 公路建设

Chapter III Construction of Highways

第二十条   县级以上人民政府交通主管部门应当依据职责维护公路建设秩序,加强对公路建设的监督管理。

Article 20 The transportation departments of people's governments at and above the county level should according to their respective duties, safeguard the order and strengthen supervision and control of highway roads construction.

第二十一条   筹集公路建设资金,除各级人民政府的财政拨款,包括依法征税筹集的公路建设专项资金转为的财政拨款外,可以依法向国内外金融机构或者外国政府贷款。

Article 21 In raising funds for highway construction, people's government at all levels may, in addition to put in appropriations which derives from special funds for road construction by tax collection according to law, solicit loans from domestic and foreign financial organizations or foreign governments according to law and relevant provisions of the State Council on their own decisions.


The State will encourage domestic and foreign economic organisations to invest in road construction. Companies which engage in development and/or management of highways may, according to law and administrative regulations, raise funds by means of issuance of stocks or debentures.


Incomes from transfer of rights for collection of toll from highways according to the provisions of this law should be used for construction of highways.


Raising funds for highway roads construction from enterprises or individuals should be undertaken under the principle of voluntariness and in accordance with true needs and possibilities and relevant regulations of the State Council. No forcible apportionment is permitted.


Other means of fund raising which comply with the law and relevant State Council regulations may also be used to raise funds for road construction.

第二十二条   公路建设应当按照国家规定的基本建设程序和有关规定进行。

Article 22 Highway construction should be undertaken in accordance with procedures for infrastructural construction as provided for by the State and related regulations.

第二十三条   公路建设项目应当按照国家有关规定实行法人负责制度、招标投标制度和工程监理制度。

Article 23 Systems of legal person responsibility, public bidding and project supervision should be introduced in projects of highway construction according to the relevant regulations of the State.

第二十四条   公路建设单位应当根据公路建设工程的特点和技术要求,选择具有相应资格的勘查设计单位、施工单位和工程监理单位,并依照有关法律、法规、规章的规定和公路工程技术标准的要求,分别签订合同,明确双方的权利义务。

Article 24 Units undertaking highway roads construction should, according to the characteristics and technical requirements of the projects, choose qualified survey and designing units, construction units and projects supervisors and sign contracts with them to clearly define respective rights and obligations of both sides in accordance with provisions of related laws, regulations and rules and the requirements of the road engineering and technical standards.


Units undertaking feasibility studies, survey and designing, construction, project supervision for highway roads construction projects must be accommodated with qualification certificates issued by the State.

第二十五条   公路建设项目的施工,须按国务院交通主管部门的规定报请县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门批准。

Article 25 Undertakings of highway construction should be reported to the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level for approval in accordance with the provisions of transportation department under the State Council.

第二十六条   公路建设必须符合公路工程技术标准。

Article 26 Highway construction should be undertaken strictly in conformance with prescribed technical standards of highway construction.


Units of designing, construction and project supervision of highway construction projects should establish capable Q/C systems and strictly carry out the job responsibility system in accordance with related laws of the country and undertake to design, construct and supervise the projects according to the requirements of related laws, regulations and rules and highway engineering technical standards and the terms agreed upon in the contracts in order to ensure the quality of construction.

第二十七条   公路建设使用土地依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。

Article 27 The use of land for constructing highway roads shall be handled according to relevant laws and administrative decrees.


Highways shall be constructed in adherence to the principles of effective protection of cultivated land and conservation of land.

第二十八条   公路建设需要使用国有荒山、荒地或者需要在国有荒山、荒地、河滩、滩涂上挖砂、采石、取土的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理后,任何单位和个人不得阻挠或者非法收取费用。

Article 28 No unit or individual is allowed to intrude or collect fees illegally for the use of State owned waste hills, wasteland or for the digging of sand, stone or earth from the State owned waste hills, wasteland, river beds and boulders for highway construction only if necessary procedures as provided for by related laws and administrative decrees have been undertaken for the respective actions.

第二十九条   地方各级人民政府对公路建设依法使用土地和搬迁居民,应当给予支持和协助。

Article 29 Local people's governments at all levels should provide necessary support and assistance to the lawful use of land and resettlement of people for construction of highway roads.

第三十条   公路建设项目的设计和施工,应当符合依法保护环境、保护文物古迹和防止水土流失的要求。

Article 30 Design and work of highway construction should be done in conformance with requirements of the protection of environment, historical relics and sites and the prevention of water loss and soil erosion.


Highway construction projects planned to adapt to the requirements of national defense should be undertaken strictly according to the plans so as to ensure meeting the needs of national defense in transportation.

第三十一条   因建设公路影响铁路、水利、电力、邮电设施和其他设施正常使用时,公路建设单位应当事先征得有关部门的同意;因公路建设对有关设施造成损坏的,公路建设单位应当按照不低于该设施原有的技术标准予以修复,或者给予相应的经济补偿。

Article 31 Should road construction project affect the normal operation of railways, water conservancy, power, postal and telecommunications and other facilities, the unit for the construction should convey prior agreements form related units. If the construction of road has caused damages to the afore-said facilities, the unit responsible for carrying out the construction should undertake to give a remedy to the facilities affected to help restore their technical standards to no lower than the originals or give them corresponding economic compensations.

第三十二条   改建公路时,施工单位应当在施工路段两端设置明显的施工标志、安全标志。需要车辆绕行的,应当在绕行路口设置标志;不能绕行的,必须修建临时道路,保证车辆和行人通行。

Article 32 In reconstructing highway roads, construction units concerned should post signs at both ends of the section under reconstruction. If the reconstruction requires vehicles to bypass, signs should be posted at the entry of the road to indicate the way to by pass and on condition that there is no way for by-passing the section, a temporary road should be built by the construction unit concerned to facilitate the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.

第三十三条   公路建设项目和公路修复项目竣工后,应当按照国家有关规定进行验收;未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得交付使用。

Article 33 Upon completion, highway roads construction and repairing projects are subject to procedures of examination and acceptance according to relevant regulations of the State. Those projects that have not been examined or have been found unqualified for acceptance shall not be put to use.


Clear signs and lines should be created for completed highway roads according to the regulations of the transportation under the State Council.

第三十四条   县级以上地方人民政府应当确定公路两侧边沟(截水沟、坡脚护坡道,下同)外缘起不少于一米的公路用地。

Article 34 Local people's governments above the county level should allocate land on the roadside within 1 meter width from the outer edges of the side ditches (water catch ditches and road protection channel, the same below) on both sides of a road for the use of the related highway.

第四章 公路养护

Chapter 4 Maintenance of Highway Roads

第三十五条   公路管理机构应当按照国务院交通主管部门规定的技术规范和操作规程对公路进行养护,保证公路经常处于良好的技术状态。

Article 35 Related administrative departments of highways should undertake to maintain highway roads according to the technical standards and operational procedures as prescribed by the transportation department under the State Council to ensure the roads are in good state technically.

第三十六条   国家采用依法征税的办法筹集公路养护资金,具体实施办法和步骤由国务院规定。

Article 36 For the expenses for highway maintenance by tax collection by the State according to law, specific procedures and steps shall be set by the State Council for the purpose.


Expenses for highway maintenance by tax collection by the State according to law shall be used in highway maintenance and reconstruction.

第三十七条   县、乡级人民政府对公路养护需要的挖砂、采石、取土以及取水,应当给予支持和协助。

Article 37 People's governments at the county and township levels should give support and assistance in fetch of sand, stone, earth or water for road maintenance.

第三十八条   县、乡级人民政府应当在农村义务工的范围内,按照国家有关规定组织公路两侧的农村居民履行为公路建设和养护提供劳务的义务。

Article 38 People's governments at the county and township levels should organise free services of rural residents on both sides of roads for highway construction and maintenance according to the related regulations of the State.

第三十九条   为保障公路养护人员的人身安全,公路养护人员进行养护作业时,应当穿着统一的安全标志服;利用车辆进行养护作业时,应当在公路作业车辆上设置明显的作业标志。

Article 39 To ensure the personal safety of road maintenance personnel, specific and safety uniform should be wore by such personnel in maintaining roads. Vehicles used in road maintenance should bear easy- to-see signs indicating that work of road maintenance is proceeding.


In the running operation of road maintenance, vehicles shall not be subject to the restrictions of road signs and road marks in route and direction under the condition of no effect to the normal running of other vehicles. Other vehicles running along the road should give way to road maintenance vehicles and personnel.


If road maintenance operation affects the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, the provisions of Article 32 of this Law shall apply.

第四十条   因严重自然灾害致使国道、省道交通中断,公路管理机构应当及时修复;公路管理机构难以及时修复时,县级以上地方人民政府应当及时组织当地机关、团体、企业事业单位、城乡居民进行抢修,并可以请求当地驻军支援,尽快恢复交通。

Article 40 When break of State highways and provincial roads due to serious natural disasters, related highway administrative departments should give timely repair. Should there be any difficulties for the related highway administration to undertake repair in time, local people's governments above the county level should lose not time to organize local government institutions, people's organizations, enterprises and urban and rural residents for rush repairs. They may also ask for assistance from local army so as to restore the operation of the roads as soon as possible.

第四十一条   公路用地范围内的山坡、荒地,由公路管理机构负责水土保持。

Article 41 Highway administrative departments are responsible for soil and water preservation on hillslopes and wasteland at two sides of highways.

第四十二条   公路绿化工作,由公路管理机构按照公路工程技术标准组织实施。

Article 42 Highway administration departments shall organize greening of highway roads according to the road engineering technical standards.


Trees at two sides of highways should not be felled without authorization. Required regenerative felling should go through prescribed examination and approval procedures to get the consent of transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level and re-planting should be undertaken.

第五章 路政管理

Chapter 5 Road Administration

第四十三条   各级地方人民政府应当采取措施,加强对公路的?;?。

Article 43 Appropriate measures should be undertaken by local people's governments at all levels to strengthen protection to the roads.


Departments in charge of transportation of local people's governments above the county level should conscientiously work to protect highway according to law and strive to improve road management by employing scientific methods and advanced technologies, gradually raise level of facilities used by the road in services and ensure good conditions, safety, and good traffic of the roads.

第四十四条   任何单位和个人不得擅自占用、挖掘公路。

Article 44 Without authorization, no unit or individual is allowed to occupy or dig the roads for their own uses.


If the construction of railways, airports, power plants, telecommunications facilities, water conservancy projects and other constructions projects needs to occupy, dig or change the route of roads, prior consents should be obtained by construction unit concerned from related departments in charge of transportation. If safety of transport would also be affected, approval from the related public security organs should also be conveyed. After occupying, digging up or changing the routes of roads, construction units concerned should repair or rebuild them at least up to their original technical standards or give corresponding economic compensations.

第四十五条   跨越、穿越公路修建桥梁、渡槽或者架设、埋设管线等设施的,以及在公路用地范围内架设、埋设管线、电缆等设施的,应当事先经有关交通主管部门同意,影响交通安全的,还须征得有关公安机关的同意;所修建、架设或者埋设的设施应当符合公路工程技术标准的要求。对公路造成损坏的,应当按照损坏程度给予补偿。

Article 45 Building of bridges and/or aqueducts or putting up or laying pipelines across over, at or under the roads or erecting or laying pipelines, cables and other facilities in land used by roads, prior consent should be conveyed from related departments in charge of transportation. If safety of transport would also be affected prior consent from the related public security organs should also be conveyed. Facilities being built, erected or laid should conform to technical standards as required by road engineering. Damages to the roads should be compensated for according to the seriousness of cases.

第四十六条   任何单位和个人不得在公路上及公路用地范围内摆摊设点、堆放物品、倾倒垃圾、设置障碍、挖沟引水、利用公路边沟排放污物或者进行其他损坏、污染公路和影响公路畅通的活动。

Article 46 No unit or individual is allowed to put up stands or stalls, store things, dump refuse, put up obstructions, dig ditches to divert water, or use roadside ditches to discharge waste matters on highway roads or land used by the roads or carry out any other activities that would result in damages or pollution to the roads or affect the smooth passage of the roads.

第四十七条   在大中型公路桥梁和渡口周围二百米、公路隧道上方和洞口外一百米范围内,以及在公路两侧一定距离内,不得挖砂、采石、取土、倾倒废弃物,不得进行爆破作业及其他危及公路、公路桥梁、公路隧道、公路渡口安全的活动。

Article 47 No sand collection, stone query, earth digging or waste dumping, explosive operations and other activities that would threaten the safety of roads, road bridges, road tunnels and road ferries is allowed within the perimeter of 200 meters of large and medium -sized road bridges or ferries and within a perimeter of 100 meters above road tunnels or outside the mouths of road tunnels and within a certain distance on both sides of the roads.


Building of dams, narrowing or widening of river beds for the purpose of rescue operations and flood prevention in the areas mentioned in the preceding paragraph should get prior approval from transportation depattments of the people's governments of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and related water resources administrative departments, and effective measures should be carried out to protect the related roads, road bridges, road tunnels and road ferries.

第四十八条   铁轮车、履带车和其他可能损害公路路面的机具,不得在公路上行驶。

Article 48 Iron-wheel carts, caterpillar vehicles and other machines and tools that might damage road surfaces are not allowed to run on the roads.


Where short crossings by farm machineries are made to perform necessary operations in fields or a military vehicle needs to drive on a highway while carrying out its tasks, it may not be restricted by the preceding paragraph, but safety protection measures shall be taken. Damages to the roads should be compensated for according to the seriousness of cases.

第四十九条   在公路上行驶的车辆的轴载质量应当符合公路工程技术标准要求。

Article 49 The axle-load mass of vehicles running on roads should conform to the technical standards as set by road engineering requirements.

第五十条   超过公路、公路桥梁、公路隧道或者汽车渡船的限载、限高、限宽、限长标准的车辆,不得在有限定标准的公路、公路桥梁上或者公路隧道内行驶,不得使用汽车渡船。超过公路或者公路桥梁限载标准确需行驶的,必须经县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门批准,并按要求采取有效的防护措施;运载不可解体的超限物品的,应当按照指定的时间、路线、时速行驶,并悬挂明显标志。

Article 50 Vehicles that exceed the limit of load, height, width or length of roads, road bridges, road tunnels or auto ferries are not allowed to run on such roads, road bridges or through road tunnels or on auto ferries. If it is actually necessary for a vehicle exceeding the load limit of a road or road bridge, it shall be subject to approval of the competent transportation department of local people's government at or above the county level and shall adopt effective safety measures as required.


If the transport unit concerned is incapable of carrying out the protective measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph alone, transportation departments in charge should assist in action with costs of the actions being borne by the transport unit concerned.

第五十一条   机动车制造厂和其他单位不得将公路作为检验机动车制动性能的试车场地。

Article 51 Highway roads are not permitted to be used by motor vehicle manufacturers and other units as testing ground for braking of motor vehicles.

第五十二条   任何单位和个人不得损坏、擅自移动、涂改公路附属设施。

Article 52 No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move or alter ancillary facilities of roads.


Ancillary facilities of roads mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to facilities, equipment and special buildings or structures for road protection, water discharge, maintenance, management, services, traffic safety, ferrying, monitoring and control, telecommunications and fee collection for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and ensuring traffic safety of roads.

第五十三条   造成公路损坏的,责任者应当及时报告公路管理机构,并接受公路管理机构的现场调查。

Article 53 Those who have caused damages to roads should timely report the cases concerned to and accept on-the-spot investigations by road administrative organizations.

第五十四条   任何单位和个人未经县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门批准,不得在公路用地范围内设置公路标志以外的其他标志。

Article 54 No unit or individual is allowed to erect signs other than road signs within the land used by roads without the approval of the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level.

第五十五条   在公路上增设平面交叉道口,必须按照国家有关规定经过批准,并按照国家规定的技术标准建设。

Article 55 The addition of road crossings should get prior approval according to the related regulations of the State and the crossings should be built according to the State prescribed standards.

第五十六条   除公路防护、养护需要的以外,禁止在公路两侧的建筑控制区内修建建筑物和地面构筑物;需要在建筑控制区内埋设管线、电缆等设施的,应当事先经县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门批准。

Article 56 Except as required by road protection and maintenance, it is forbidden to construct buildings or ground structures within the control areas on both side of roads. Necessary layings of pipelines and cables and other facilities within the control areas of roads, prior approvals of the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level should be conveyed.


The control area for construction mentioned in the preceding paragraph should be demarcated by the local people's governments above the county level according to the principle of ensuring traffic safety and economical use of land and the provisions of the State Council.


After the control area for construction has been demarcated by the local people's governments above the county level, the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level should put up signs and boundary markers. No units or individuals may damage, or move away the signs or boundary markers without authorization.

第五十七条   除本法第四十七条第二款的规定外,本章规定由交通主管部门行使的路政管理职责,可以依照本法第八条第四款的规定,由公路管理机构行使。

Article 57 Except the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 47 of this law, the road administration functions exercised by the transportation departments prescribed by this chapter should be exercised by road management organizations according to the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 8 of this law.

第六章 收费公路

Chapter 6 Toll Roads

第五十八条   国家允许依法设立收费公路,同时对收费公路的数量进行控制。

Article 58 The State allows the opening of toll highways according to law and the number of toll highways must be put on control.


Except for the highways mentioned in Article 59 of this Law, no toll may be charged for any other highways.

第五十九条   符合国务院交通主管部门规定的技术等级和规模的下列公路,可以依法收取车辆通行费:

Article 59 Collection of tolls is allowed according to law for the following roads that conform to the technical grading and size prescribed by the transportation departments under the State Council:


1. Roads built by transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level by using loans or funds raised from enterprises and individuals;


(II) Roads of domestic or foreign economic organizations that have got the right to collect tolls according to law;


(III) Roads built with investment from domestic or foreign economic organizations according to law.

第六十条   县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门利用贷款或者集资建成的收费公路的收费期限,按照收费偿还贷款、集资款的原则,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府依照国务院交通主管部门的规定确定。

Article 60 Terms of collection of tolls of roads built by transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level with loans or funds raised should be determined by the people's governments of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities according to the principle of return of the loans or funds raised through collection of tolls in line with the provisions of the transportation department under the State Council.


After a transfer of the right of toll collection, the toll road concerned should be operated by the side to which the toll collection right is transferred. The transferor and the transferee shall agree on the transfer period for the toll collection rights, the maximum transfer period shall not exceed the number of years stipulated by the State Council.


When domestic and foreign economic organisations invest in the construction of a highway, examination and approval procedures must be handled in accordance with relevant State regulations. After the completion of the highway, the investors will collect a toll and manage operations. Terms for toll collection should be agreed upon by related transportation departments and investors according to the principle of return of investment with reasonable profits and submitted for examination and approval according to the relevant regulations of the State, but the time limit shall not exceed that set by the State Council.

第六十一条   本法第五十九条第一款第一项规定的公路中的国道收费权的转让,应当在转让协议签订之日起三十个工作日内报国务院交通主管部门备案;国道以外的其他公路收费权的转让,应当在转让协议签订之日起三十个工作日内报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府备案。

Article 61. For transfer of toll collection rights for national highways among roads stipulated in item (1) of the first paragraph of Article 59, filing shall be completed with the transport administrative authorities of the State Council within 30 working days from execution of the transfer agreement; for transfer of toll collection rights for roads other than national highways, filing shall be completed with the People's Government of the province, autonomous region or centrally-administered municipality within 30 working days from execution of the transfer agreement.


Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by State property appraisal organizations.

第六十二条   受让公路收费权和投资建设公路的国内外经济组织应当依法成立开发、经营公路的企业(以下简称公路经营企业)。

Article 62 Domestic or foreign economic organizations to which the toll collection right has been transferred and which have invested in the construction of roads should set up enterprises for developing and managing roads according to law (hereinafter referred to as "road management enterprises").

第六十三条   收费公路车辆通行费的收费标准,由公路收费单位提出方案,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门会同同级物价行政主管部门审查批准。

Article 63 The standards for toll collection should be proposed by toll collecting units and submitted to the people's government of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities together with price departments at the same level for approval.

第六十四条   收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,应当报经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审查批准。跨省、自治区、直辖市的收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府协商确定;协商不成的,由国务院交通主管部门决定。同一收费公路由不同的交通主管部门组织建设或者由不同的公路经营企业经营的,应当按照“统一收费、按比例分成”的原则,统筹规划,合理设置收费站。

Article 64 Opening of toll gates to collert tolls on the toll roads should get approval from local government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the jurisdiction of the State Council. Openings of toll gates that transcend provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should be decided by the people's governments of related provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities through consultation. Should consultation fail, the related decisions shall be made by transportation department under the State Council. When a single toll road is built by different transportation departments or run by different road management enterprises, toll gates of which should be built in a unified and rational manner according to the principle of "unified collection and proportionate sharing of toll fees".


The distance between two toll gates should not be less than the standards set by the transportation department under the State Council.

第六十五条   有偿转让公路收费权的公路,转让收费权合同约定的期限届满,收费权由出让方收回。

Article 65 When a toll collection right contract expires, the right shall be recovered by the transferor.


When the toll collection right transfer contracts for toll roads that are invested and managed by domestic and foreign economic organizations expires, the roads should be recovered free by the State and handed over to transportation departments for management.

第六十六条   依照本法第五十九条规定受让收费权或者由国内外经济组织投资建成经营的公路的养护工作,由各该公路经营企业负责。各该公路经营企业在经营期间应当按照国务院交通主管部门规定的技术规范和操作规程做好对公路的养护工作。在受让收费权的期限届满,或者经营期限届满时,公路应当处于良好的技术状态。

Article 66 The maintenance of roads whose toll collection rights have been transferred according to the provisions of Article 59 of this law or jointly invested and built by domestic of foreign economic organizations should be undertaken by enterprises that jointly manage the roads. The afore-said road management organizations, during their management of the roads, should do a good job in maintaining the roads according to the technical standards and operational procedures prescribed by the transportation department under the State Council. The roads should remain in a sound technical state when the term for toll collection right transfer or operation expires.


The greening and water and soil conservation within the land used by roads should be undertaken by road management enterprises.


Road administration prescribed in the first paragraph is applicable to the provisions of Chapter Five of this law. The functions of road administration should be exercised by organizations and personnel commissioned by the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level or road management organizations.

第六十七条   在收费公路上从事本法第四十四条第二款、第四十五条、第四十八条、第五十条所列活动的,除依照各该条的规定办理外,给公路经营企业造成损失的,应当给予相应的补偿。

Article 67 If activities on toll roads listed in the second paragraph of Article 44, Article 45, Article 48 and Article 50 of this law have caused damages to road management organizations, corresponding compensation should be made in addition to undertakings prescribed in this article.

第六十八条   收费公路的具体管理办法,由国务院依照本法制定。

Article 68 The specific methods for operating toll roads shall be formulated by the State Council according to the provisions of this law.

第七章 监督检查

Chapter 7 Supervision and Inspection

第六十九条   交通主管部门、公路管理机构依法对有关公路的法律、法规执行情况进行监督检查。

Article 69 Departments in charge of transportation and highway administrative organizations shall exercise supervision and checking on the implementation of laws and regulations concerning highways.

第七十条   交通主管部门、公路管理机构负有管理和?;す返脑鹑危腥觳?、制止各种侵占、损坏公路、公路用地、公路附属设施及其他违反本法规定的行为。

Article 70 Departments in charge of transportation and highway administration organizations are responsible for the administration and protection of the roads and are empowered to check and stop all acts that occupy, damage roads and land used by roads and road ancillary facilities and other acts that violate the provisions of this law.

第七十一条   公路监督检查人员依法在公路、建筑控制区、车辆停放场所、车辆所属单位等进行监督检查时,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。

Article 71 No unit or individual may intrude the work of supervisory and checking personnel in supervision and checks made to roads, building control area of roads, parking lots and owners of vehicles.


Managers and users of highways and other related units or individuals should accept the supervision and checking by road supervisory and checking personnel and provide them with conveniences.


In performing their duties, road supervisory and checking personnel should wear signs and show certificates.

第七十二条   交通主管部门、公路管理机构应当加强对所属公路监督检查人员的管理和教育,要求公路监督检查人员熟悉国家有关法律和规定,公正廉洁,热情服务,秉公执法,对公路监督检查人员的执法行为应当加强监督检查,对其违法行为应当及时纠正,依法处理。

Article 72 Departments in charge of transportation and highways administration organizations should strengthen administration and training of road supervisory and checking personnel, urging them to get familiar with the related laws and regulations of the State, to be fair, honest and warm-hearted in performing their duties, and to enforce the law impartially. Supervision and checking should be strengthened on the supervisory and checking personnel to see whether they work in strict accordance with the law and lose no time to correct their law-violating acts and handle such acts according to law.

第七十三条   用于公路监督检查的专用车辆,应当设置统一的标志和示警灯。

Article 73 Special vehicles used for highway supervision and checking should bear clear and unified signs and warning lights.

第八章 法律责任

Chapter 8 Legal Liabilities

第七十四条   违反法律或者国务院有关规定,擅自在公路上设卡、收费的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,可以处违法所得三倍以下的???,没有违法所得的,可以处二万元以下的??睿欢愿河兄苯釉鹑蔚闹鞴苋嗽焙推渌苯釉鹑稳嗽?,依法给予行政处分。

Article 74 Erection of check posts or collection of tolls without authorization in violation of the laws or related regulations of the State Council, shall be ordered to immediately stop by the transportation department in charge with confiscation of the illegal proceeds and a fine of less than three times the illegal proceeds, if any, and of less than RMB20,000 if there are no illegal proceeds. The people in charge, directly responsible and other people directly involved shall be given administrative punishments.

第七十五条   违反本法第二十五条规定,未经有关交通主管部门批准擅自施工的,交通主管部门可以责令停止施工,并可以处五万元以下的罚款。

Article 75 Undertakings of any engineering work without approval by transportation departments in charge in violation of the provisions of Article 25 of this law, shall be ordered immediately to stop by departments of transportation in charge with a fine of less than RMB50,000.

第七十六条   有下列违法行为之一的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处三万元以下的??睿?/span>

Article 76 For the following law-violating acts the department of transportation in charge shall order an immediate stop and impose a fine up to CNY30,000:


1. Occupying and/or digging roads in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 44 of this law;


2. Building bridges, aqueducts or erect or lay pipelines, cables or other facilities without approval or not in conformance with prescribed engineering technical standards in violation of the provisions of Article 45 of this law;


(III) Engaging in operations that threaten the road safety in violation of the provisions of Article 47 of this law;


(IV) Driving iron-wheel carts, caterpillar vehicles and other machinery that might damage road surfaces on the road without authorization in violation of the provisions of Article 48 of this law;


(V) Driving overloaded vehicles or auto ferry or driving vehicles exceeding limits set in violation of the provisions of Article 50 of this law; and


(VI) Damaging, moving or altering road ancillary facilities or damaging or moving signs or boundary markers of building control areas of roads to threaten the road safety in violation of the provisions of Article 52 and Article 56 of this law.

第七十七条   违反本法第四十六条的规定,造成公路路面损坏、污染或者影响公路畅通的,或者违反本法第五十一条规定,将公路作为试车场地的,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处五千元以下的??睢?/span>

Article 77 Causing damages and pollution of road surfaces, or impeding the smooth traffic of the roads in violation of the provisions of Article 46 of this law or using roads as test-run ground in violation of the provisions of Article 51 of this law, shall be ordered to an immediate stop by departments of transportation in charge with a fine up to CNY5,000.

第七十八条   违反本法第五十三条规定,造成公路损坏,未报告的,由交通主管部门处一千元以下的??睢?/span>

Article 78 Causing damages to roads without reporting in violation of the provisions of Article 53 of this law, shall be imposed a fine up to CNY1,000 by departments of transportation in charge.

第七十九条   违反本法第五十四条规定,在公路用地范围内设置公路标志以外的其他标志的,由交通主管部门责令限期拆除,可以处二万元以下的罚款;逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由设置者负担。

Article 79 Putting of signs other than road marks within the areas of the land for use by roads in violation of the provisions of Article 54, shall be ordered removal of the signs within a prescribed time limit by department of transportation in charge with a fine up to CNY20,000. If the illegal signs are not removed within the prescribed time limit, departments of transportation in charge shall remove them out with the expenses for the moving being borne by people who are held responsible for the signs.

第八十条   违反本法第五十五条规定,未经批准在公路上增设平面交叉道口的,由交通主管部门责令恢复原状,处五万元以下的???。

Article 80 Adding road crossings without approval in violation of the provisions of Article 55, shall be ordered to restore to the original state by departments of transportation in charge with a fine up to CNY50,000.

第八十一条   违反本法第五十六条规定,在公路建筑控制区内修建建筑物、地面构筑物或者擅自埋设管线、电缆等设施的,由交通主管部门责令限期拆除,并可以处五万元以下的???。逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由建筑者、构筑者承担。

Article 81 Erecting buildings and ground structures or laying pipelines, cables or other facilities without authorization in violation of the provisions of Article 56 of this law, shall be ordered by departments of transportation in charge to dismantle the projects within a prescribed time limit with a fine up to CNY50,000. If the dismantle work is not done within the prescribed time limit, the departments of transportation in charge shall dismantle them with the expense arisen thereof being borne by the builders.

第八十二条   除本法第七十四条、第七十五条的规定外,本章规定由交通主管部门行使的行政处罚权和行政措施,可以依照本法第八条第四款的规定由公路管理机构行使。

Article 82 Except those provided for in Article 74 and Article 75 of this law, the administrative penalties and measures exercised by departments of transportation in charge may be exercised by highway administrative organizations as prescribed in the fourth paragraph of Article 8 of this law.

第八十三条   阻碍公路建设或者公路抢修,致使公路建设或者抢修不能正常进行,尚未造成严重损失的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的规定处罚。

Article 83 Anyone who hinders highway construction or urgent highway repairs and thereby prevents such construction or repairs from being carried out regularly shall, where no serious damage is caused, be sanctioned in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for the Violation of Public Security Administration.


Anyone who damages a highway or removes a highway sign without permission in circumstances that may affect traffic safety but are not subject to criminal penalties shall be sanctioned in accordance with Article 99 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety.


For cases that have refused or intruded the work of road supervisory and checking personnel but without the use of force or threat, the provisions of Law of the People 's Republic of China on Public Security Administration and Imposition of Punishment shall apply.

第八十四条   违反本法有关规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 84 Where a violation of the relevant provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第八十五条   违反本法有关规定,对公路造成损害的,应当依法承担民事责任。

Article 85 For acts that have violated the provisions of this law and caused damages to roads, civil responsibilities shall be affixed.


For cases of fairly serious damages to roads, the vehicles concerned must be stopped running with strives undertaken to protect the site and report to the highway administrative organizations and the vehicles involved can only be removed after checking and settlement of the matter by related highway administrative organizations.

第八十六条   交通主管部门、公路管理机构的工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

Article 86 For dereliction of duty, deception to seek personal gains, abuse of power by working personnel of departments of transportation in charge or highway administrative organizations if the cases are serious enough to constitute crimes, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed but if the cases are not serious enough to constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted out.


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

第八十七条   本法自199811日起施行。

Article 87 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1998.


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