1994年5月12日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议通过 2004年4月6日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议修订 根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》修正
Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China (2016 Revision)
(1994年5月12日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议通过 2004年4月6日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议修订 根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》修正)
(Adopted on 12 May 1994 by the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress Revised on 6 April 2004 by the 8th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress Revised on 7 November 2016 pursuant to the Decision on Revision of 12 Laws Including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China passed by the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress)
第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为了扩大对外开放,发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,?;ざ酝饷骋拙叩暮戏ㄈㄒ妫俳缁嶂饕迨谐【玫慕】捣⒄?,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to expanding opening -up, developing foreign trade, maintaining order in foreign trade activities and promoting the healthy development of the socialist market economy.
第二条 本法适用于对外贸易以及与对外贸易有关的知识产权保护。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to foreign trade and trade-related intellectual property protection.
The term "foreign trade" used in this law refers to the import and export of goods and technologies and international service trade.
第三条 国务院对外贸易主管部门依照本法主管全国对外贸易工作。
Article 3 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council is in charge of the administration of the foreign trade of the whole country pursuant to this Law.
第四条 国家实行统一的对外贸易制度,鼓励发展对外贸易,维护公平、自由的对外贸易秩序。
Article 4 The State shall adopt a unified foreign trade regime to encourage the development of foreign trade and maintain a fair and free foreign trade order.
第五条 中华人民共和国根据平等互利的原则,促进和发展同其他国家和地区的贸易关系,缔结或者参加关税同盟协定、自由贸易区协定等区域经济贸易协定,参加区域经济组织。
Article 5 The People's Republic of China shall promote and develop trading relations with all other countries and regions, establish or participate in agreements of tariff unions, free trade agreements and other regional economic and trade agreements and participate in regional economic organizations under the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
第六条 中华人民共和国在对外贸易方面根据所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定,给予其他缔约方、参加方最惠国待遇、国民待遇等待遇,或者根据互惠、对等原则给予对方最惠国待遇、国民待遇等待遇。
Article 6 The People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with the international treaties and agreements to which it is a contracting party or a participating party grant the other contracting parties or participating parties, or on the principle of reciprocity grant the other party most-favored-nation treatment or national treatment in respect of foreign trade.
第七条 任何国家或者地区在贸易方面对中华人民共和国采取歧视性的禁止、限制或者其他类似措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家或者该地区采取相应的措施。
Article 7 The People's Republic of China shall have the right to adopt, in accordance with the actual circumstances, corresponding measures against any country or region to counter their discriminatory banning, restriction or other measures concerning trade with the People's Republic of China.
第二章 对外贸易经营者
Chapter 2 Foreign Trade Dealers
第八条 本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依法办理工商登记或者其他执业手续,依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人、其他组织或者个人。
Article 8 The term "foreign trade operator" in this Law shall refer to a legal person, other organization or individual that has gone through its/his industrial and commercial registration or other formalities for business operation according to law and undertakes foreign trade business according to this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
第九条 从事货物进出口或者技术进出口的对外贸易经营者,应当向国务院对外贸易主管部门或者其委托的机构办理备案登记;但是,法律、行政法规和国务院对外贸易主管部门规定不需要备案登记的除外。备案登记的具体办法由国务院对外贸易主管部门规定。
Article 9. Foreign trade operators engaging in import or export of goods or technologies shall file records with the foreign trade department of the State Council or its authorised agencies, unless otherwise stipulated by the laws, administrative regulations and the foreign trade department of the State Council. Specific measures for record filing shall be stipulated by the foreign trade department of the State Council.
Customs shall not handle the declaration and clearance procedure for goods imported or exported by a foreign trade operator who fails to go through the registration for record in accordance with the rules.
第十条 从事国际服务贸易,应当遵守本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定。
Article 10 The operation of international service trade shall abide by the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws and administrative rules.
Organisations engaging in foreign labour cooperation shall possess the corresponding qualifications. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第十一条 国家可以对部分货物的进出口实行国营贸易管理。实行国营贸易管理货物的进出口业务只能由经授权的企业经营;但是,国家允许部分数量的国营贸易管理货物的进出口业务由非授权企业经营的除外。
Article 11. The State may implement administration of State-run trading enterprises in relation to the import and export of certain goods. Import and export of goods subject to administration of State-run trading enterprises shall be operated only by authorised enterprises, except where the State permits the import and export by non-authorised enterprises of certain quantities of goods subject to administration of State-run trading enterprises.
The catalogue of the goods subject to state-trading regime and of the authorized enterprises shall be determined, adjusted and published by the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant authorities under the State Council.
Goods subject to state-trading regime imported or exported without permission and in violation of this Article shall not be released by the Customs.
第十二条 对外贸易经营者可以接受他人的委托,在经营范围内代为办理对外贸易业务。
Article 12 A foreign trade operator may accept entrustment from others to conduct foreign trade within its business scope.
第十三条 对外贸易经营者应当按照国务院对外贸易主管部门或者国务院其他有关部门依法作出的规定,向有关部门提交与其对外贸易经营活动有关的文件及资料。有关部门应当为提供者保守商业秘密。
Article 13. Foreign trade operators shall submit documents and information related to their foreign trade business activities to the relevant authorities in accordance with the provisions of the foreign trade department of the State Council or other relevant State Council departments in accordance with the law. The relevant authorities shall keep the commercial secrets of the providers confidential.
第三章 货物进出口与技术进出口
Chapter III Import and Export of Goods and Technologies
第十四条 国家准许货物与技术的自由进出口。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 14 The State allows free import and export of goods and technologies. However, if it is otherwise provided for in any law or administrative regulation, it shall be excluded.
第十五条 国务院对外贸易主管部门基于监测进出口情况的需要,可以对部分自由进出口的货物实行进出口自动许可并公布其目录。
Article 15 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may, in accordance with the need to monitor import and export, implement automatic import and export licensing for certain goods subject to free import and export and make public the list thereof.
The foreign trade department of the State Council or its authorised agencies shall grant a licence to the consignee or consignor who applies for automatic licensing prior to completing Customs declaration formalities for imports and exports subject to automatic licensing. Where automatic licensing formalities have not been completed, the Customs shall not grant clearance.
Import or export contracts for freely imported or exported technologies shall be filed with the foreign trade department of the State Council or its authorised agencies for records.
第十六条 国家基于下列原因,可以限制或者禁止有关货物、技术的进口或者出口:
Article 16 The State may restrict or prohibit the import or export of relevant goods or technologies for the following reasons:
1. Being necessary to restrict or ban the import or export because of national security, public interests or public morality;
(II) Being necessary to restrict or ban the import or export in order to protect the health or safety of the people, life or health of animals and plants and the environment;
3. the import or export needs to be restricted or prohibited in order to implement the measures relating to the importation or exportation of gold or silver;
(IV) Being necessary to restrict or ban the export because of shortage of supplies at home or as important natural resources that are of danger of depletion;
(V) Being necessary to restrict the export as the limited market in the importing country or region;
(VI) It is necessary to restrict the export of goods due to serious disorder of export operation;
(VII) They shall be restricted from importing as required for establishing or speeding up the establishment of certain domestic industries;
(VIII) agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery products in any form that are necessary to be restricted of importing by the State;
(IX) They shall be restricted from importing as required for maintaining the international financial status and the balance of international payments of the State;
(X) the import or export needs to be restricted or prohibited as laws and administrative regulations so provide, or
(XI) the import or export needs to be restricted or prohibited as the international treaties or agreements to which the state is a contracting party or a participating party so require.
第十七条 国家对与裂变、聚变物质或者衍生此类物质的物质有关的货物、技术进出口,以及与武器、弹药或者其他军用物资有关的进出口,可以采取任何必要的措施,维护国家安全。
Article 17 The State may, in the case of the import or export of the goods and technologies relating to fissionable and fissionable materials or the materials form which they are derived as well as the import or export relating to weapons, ammunition and other materials for military use, take any measures as necessary to safeguard the state security.
In wartime or to maintain international peace and security, the State may take any necessary measures concerning the import and export of goods and technologies.
第十八条 国务院对外贸易主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门,依照本法第十六条和第十七条的规定,制定、调整并公布限制或者禁止进出口的货物、技术目录。
Article 18 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant authorities under the State Council shall, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 in this Law, draw up, revise and publish the catalogues of goods and technologies whose import or export are restricted or prohibited.
The department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council may, independently or in consultation with other relevant departments under the State Council, make decisions to provisionally restrict or ban the import or export of special goods or technologies that are not listed in the afore-mentioned catalogues within the provisions of Article 16 and 17 of this Law.
第十九条 国家对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额、许可证等方式管理;对限制进口或者出口的技术,实行许可证管理。
Article 19 Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota and/or licensing control; technologies whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to licensing control.
Goods and technologies subject to quota or licence administration can be imported or exported only when it has been approved by the department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council independently or in consultation with other relevant departments under the State Council in accordance with the provisions promulgated by the State Council.
. The State may implement tariff quota administration on certain imports.
第二十条 进出口货物配额、关税配额,由国务院对外贸易主管部门或者国务院其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,按照公开、公平、公正和效益的原则进行分配。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 20 Import and export quotas and tariff quotas shall be allocated by the department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council or other relevant departments under the State Council within their terms of reference in line with the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and efficiency. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第二十一条 国家实行统一的商品合格评定制度,根据有关法律、行政法规的规定,对进出口商品进行认证、检验、检疫。
Article 21. The State shall implement a unified commodity quality assessment system and carry out authentication, inspection and quarantine of import and export commodities in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations.
第二十二条 国家对进出口货物进行原产地管理。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 22 The State shall implement place of origin administration for imports and exports. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第二十三条 对文物和野生动物、植物及其产品等,其他法律、行政法规有禁止或者限制进出口规定的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。
Article 23 Where the import or export of cultural relics, wild animals and plants and the products thereof are prohibited or restricted by any other law or administrative regulation, the provisions of the relevant law or administrative regulation shall be observed.
第四章 国际服务贸易
Chapter 4 International Trade in Services
第二十四条 中华人民共和国在国际服务贸易方面根据所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定中所作的承诺,给予其他缔约方、参加方市场准入和国民待遇。
Article 24 In respect of international trade in services, the People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with the commitments made in international treaties or agreements to which the People's Republic of China is a contracting party or a participating party, grant the other contracting parties or participating parties market access and national treatment.
第二十五条 国务院对外贸易主管部门和国务院其他有关部门,依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,对国际服务贸易进行管理。
Article 25. The foreign trade department of the State Council and other relevant State Council departments shall administer international trade in services in accordance with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
第二十六条 国家基于下列原因,可以限制或者禁止有关的国际服务贸易:
Article 26 The State may restrict or prohibit relevant international trade in services for the following reasons:
1. Being necessary to restrict or ban because of national security, public interests or public morality;
2. Being necessary to restrict or ban to protect the health or safety of the citizens, life or health of animals and plants and the environment;
3. Being necessary to restrict to establish or accelerate to establish certain domestic service industries;
(IV) Being necessary to restrict by the state to maintain the balance of foreign exchange payment;
(V) restrictions or prohibitions are needed under other laws or administrative regulations; and
(VI) Other restrictions or prohibitions are needed as the international treaties or agreements to which the state is a contracting party or a participating party so require.
第二十七条 国家对与军事有关的国际服务贸易,以及与裂变、聚变物质或者衍生此类物质的物质有关的国际服务贸易,可以采取任何必要的措施,维护国家安全。
Article 27 The State may, in the case of military- related international trade in services, as well as the international trade in services relating to fissionable and fissionable materials or the materials form which they are derived, take any measures as necessary to safeguard the state security.
In times of war or for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security, the State may take any necessary measures concerning international trade in services.
第二十八条 国务院对外贸易主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门,依照本法第二十六条、第二十七条和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定、调整并公布国际服务贸易市场准入目录。
Article 28 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant authorities under the State Council shall, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 26 and 27 in this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, formulate, adjust and publish the market access list of international trade in services.
第五章 与对外贸易有关的知识产权?;?/span>
Chapter 5 Trade-related Intellectual Property Protection
第二十九条 国家依照有关知识产权的法律、行政法规,?;び攵酝饷骋子泄氐闹恫?。
Article 29 The State shall protect trade-related intellectual property in accordance with laws and administrative regulations on intellectual property.
Where any imported goods infringe upon an intellectual property and disrupt the foreign trade order, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may take such measures as prohibiting the import of the relevant goods produced or sold by the infringer within a certain period.
第三十条 知识产权权利人有阻止被许可人对许可合同中的知识产权的有效性提出质疑、进行强制性一揽子许可、在许可合同中规定排他性返授条件等行为之一,并危害对外贸易公平竞争秩序的,国务院对外贸易主管部门可以采取必要的措施消除危害。
Article 30 Where the intellectual property right holder is involved in any one of such acts as preventing the licensee from challenging the validity of the intellectual property right in the license contract, conducting coercive package licensing or stipulating exclusive grant back conditions in the license contract and thus impairing the fair competition order in foreign trade, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may take necessary measures to eliminate such impairment.
第三十一条 其他国家或者地区在知识产权?;し矫嫖锤柚谢嗣窆埠凸姆ㄈ?、其他组织或者个人国民待遇,或者不能对来源于中华人民共和国的货物、技术或者服务提供充分有效的知识产权?;さ?,国务院对外贸易主管部门可以依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,并根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定,对与该国家或者该地区的贸易采取必要的措施。
Article 31 Where any other country or region does not grant national treatment to legal persons, other organisations or individuals from the People's Republic of China in respect of intellectual property protection, or is unable to provide adequate and effective intellectual property protection for goods, technologies or services sourced from the People's Republic of China, the foreign trade department of the State Council may adopt the requisite measures on trade with the said country or region pursuant to the provisions of this Law and the relevant laws and administrative regulations and pursuant to international treaties or agreements concluded or participated by the People's Republic of China.
第六章 对外贸易秩序
Chapter 6 Foreign Trade Order
第三十二条 在对外贸易经营活动中,不得违反有关反垄断的法律、行政法规的规定实施垄断行为。
Article 32 In the operation of foreign trade, monopolistic activities in violation of anti-monopoly laws and administrative regulations are not allowed.
Foreign trade operators engaging in monopolistic activities to undermine fair market competition shall be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of the relevant anti-monopoly laws and administrative regulations.
For the afore-mentioned activities violating laws and disrupting the foreign trade order, the department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council shall take necessary measures to eliminate the disruption.
第三十三条 在对外贸易经营活动中,不得实施以不正当的低价销售商品、串通投标、发布虚假广告、进行商业贿赂等不正当竞争行为。
Article 33 Foreign trade operators shall not engage in unfair competition practices such as selling goods at unreasonable low prices, colluding with each other in a tender, advertising falsely or making commercial bribes, etc.
Foreign trade operators engaging in unfair competition practices in their foreign trade business shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the anti-unfair competition laws and administrative regulations.
For the afore-mentioned activities violating laws and disrupting the foreign trade order, the department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council may ban the import and export of the relevant goods and technologies conducted by the operators to eliminate the disruption.
第三十四条 在对外贸易活动中,不得有下列行为:
Article 34 In the operation of foreign trade, the following activities shall be prohibited:
1. Counterfeiting or altering the marks of origin of the imported or exported goods, counterfeiting, altering, buying or selling the certificates of origin, licenses for import or export, certificates of import or export quotas or other certification documents for import or export;
(II) Defrauding export tax refunds;
(III) smuggling;
(IV) evading certification, inspection and quarantine inspection as provided by laws and administrative regulations;
(V) other acts in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.
第三十五条 对外贸易经营者在对外贸易经营活动中,应当遵守国家有关外汇管理的规定。
Article 35 In the operation of foreign trade, regulations on foreign exchange promulgated by the State shall be observed.
第三十六条 违反本法规定,危害对外贸易秩序的,国务院对外贸易主管部门可以向社会公告。
Article 36 The department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council may publish notifications to the public on activities that violate this Law and disrupt foreign trade order.
第七章 对外贸易调查
Chapter 7 Foreign Trade Survey
第三十七条 为了维护对外贸易秩序,国务院对外贸易主管部门可以自行或者会同国务院其他有关部门,依照法律、行政法规的规定对下列事项进行调查:
Article 37 In order to maintain the foreign trade order, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may, independently or in consultation with other relevant authorities under the State Council, conduct investigations on the following matters:
1. Import and export of goods, import and export of technologies and trade in international services' impact on domestic industries and their competitiveness;
(II) trade barriers of relevant countries or regions;
(III) matters needed to be investigated on in order to determine whether such foreign trade remedies as anti-dumping, countervailing or safeguard measures shall be taken;
(IV) Acts that circumvent foreign trade remedies;
(V) Matters concerning state security in foreign trade;
(VI) Matters that are necessary to be investigated to implement Article 7, Paragraph 2 of Article 29, Article 30, Article 31, Paragraph 3 of Article 32 and Paragraph 3 of Article 33; and
(VII) Other matters that have an impact on the foreign trade order and need to be investigated on.
第三十八条 启动对外贸易调查,由国务院对外贸易主管部门发布公告。
Article 38. The foreign trade department of the State Council shall announce the launch of a foreign trade investigation.
The investigation may take the form of questionnaires in writing, hearings, on-site investigations, commissioned investigations and otherwise.
The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall, on the basis of the findings, submit investigation reports or make determinations and give public notices.
第三十九条 有关单位和个人应当对对外贸易调查给予配合、协助。
Article 39 Relevant units and individuals shall provide the foreign trade investigation with cooperation and assistance.
. The foreign trade department of the State Council, other relevant State Council departments and their personnel shall have an obligation to keep State or commercial secrets made known to them in foreign trade investigations.
第八章 对外贸易救济
Chapter 8 Foreign Trade Remedies
第四十条 国家根据对外贸易调查结果,可以采取适当的对外贸易救济措施。
Article 40 The State may take appropriate foreign trade relief measures according to the results of foreign trade investigation.
第四十一条 其他国家或者地区的产品以低于正常价值的倾销方式进入我国市场,对已建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,国家可以采取反倾销措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁或者阻碍。
Article 41 Where a product from other countries or regions is dumped into the domestic market at a price lower than its normal value and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause material injury to the established domestic industries, or materially retards the establishment of domestic industries, the State may take anti-dumping measures to eliminate or ease the injury or the threat of injury or retardation.
第四十二条 其他国家或者地区的产品以低于正常价值出口至第三国市场,对我国已建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对我国建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,应国内产业的申请,国务院对外贸易主管部门可以与该第三国政府进行磋商,要求其采取适当的措施。
Article 42. Where a product from another country or region is exported to the market of a third country at prices lower than normal and causes substantial damage or threatens to cause substantial damage or causes substantial hindrance to an established domestic industry, the foreign trade department of the State Council may, on application from that domestic industry, consult with the government of that third country and request that appropriate measures be adopted.
第四十三条 进口的产品直接或者间接地接受出口国家或者地区给予的任何形式的专向性补贴,对已建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,国家可以采取反补贴措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁或者阻碍。
Article 43. Where an import which directly or indirectly accepts any form of specific subsidy from the exporting country or region causes substantial damage or threatens to cause substantial damage or causes substantial hindrance to an established domestic industry, the State may adopt anti-subsidy measures to eliminate or reduce such damage or threat of damage or hindrance.
第四十四条 因进口产品数量大量增加,对生产同类产品或者与其直接竞争的产品的国内产业造成严重损害或者严重损害威胁的,国家可以采取必要的保障措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁,并可以对该产业提供必要的支持。
Article 44 Should the substantially increased import cause material injury or threat of material injury to the domestic industry that produces like or directly competitive products, the State may take necessary safeguard measures to eliminate or mitigate such injury or the threat of injury and provide necessary support to the industry.
第四十五条 因其他国家或者地区的服务提供者向我国提供的服务增加,对提供同类服务或者与其直接竞争的服务的国内产业造成损害或者产生损害威胁的,国家可以采取必要的救济措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁。
Article 45 Where the increase in services provided by service providers from other countries or regions causes or threatens to cause injury to a domestic industry that provides like or directly competitive services, the State may take necessary remedial measures to eliminate or mitigate such injury or threat of injury.
第四十六条 因第三国限制进口而导致某种产品进入我国市场的数量大量增加,对已建立的国内产业造成损害或者产生损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成阻碍的,国家可以采取必要的救济措施,限制该产品进口。
Article 46 Where the restriction imposed by a third country on the import of a certain product results in the dramatic increase in the volume of such product entering the domestic market, and under such circumstances as to cause or threaten to cause injury to the established domestic industries, or to impede the establishment of domestic industries, the State may take necessary relief measures to restrict the import of the product.
第四十七条 与中华人民共和国缔结或者共同参加经济贸易条约、协定的国家或者地区,违反条约、协定的规定,使中华人民共和国根据该条约、协定享有的利益丧失或者受损,或者阻碍条约、协定目标实现的,中华人民共和国政府有权要求有关国家或者地区政府采取适当的补救措施,并可以根据有关条约、协定中止或者终止履行相关义务。
Article 47 Where any country or region that enters into or participates in the economic and trade treaties and agreements with the People's Republic of China deprives the People's Republic of China of or impairs its interests under such treaties and agreements, or hinders realization of the objectives of such treaties and agreements, in violation of the provisions of such treaties and agreements, the People's Republic of China has the right to request the government of the country or region concerned to take appropriate remedies and suspend or terminate its performance of relevant obligations in accordance with relevant treaties and agreements.
第四十八条 国务院对外贸易主管部门依照本法和其他有关法律的规定,进行对外贸易的双边或者多边磋商、谈判和争端的解决。
Article 48 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall carry out bilateral or multilateral foreign trade consultations, negotiations and dispute settlements in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.
第四十九条 国务院对外贸易主管部门和国务院其他有关部门应当建立货物进出口、技术进出口和国际服务贸易的预警应急机制,应对对外贸易中的突发和异常情况,维护国家经济安全。
Article 49 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council and the other relevant authorities under the State Council shall establish the pre-warning and response mechanism on the import and export of goods, import and export of technologies and international trade in services so as to cope with the unexpected and unusual situations and safeguard the economic security of the State.
第五十条 国家对规避本法规定的对外贸易救济措施的行为,可以采取必要的反规避措施。
Article 50 The State may take necessary anti-circumvention measures against the acts that circumvent the foreign trade relief measures provided for by this Law.
第九章 对外贸易促进
Chapter 9 Foreign Trade Promotion
第五十一条 国家制定对外贸易发展战略,建立和完善对外贸易促进机制。
Article 51 The State shall draw up the foreign trade development strategy, establish and perfect the foreign trade promotion mechanism.
第五十二条 国家根据对外贸易发展的需要,建立和完善为对外贸易服务的金融机构,设立对外贸易发展基金、风险基金。
Article 52 The State shall establish and improve financial institutions for foreign trade and establish funds for foreign trade development and risk as the development of foreign trade requires.
第五十三条 国家通过进出口信贷、出口信用保险、出口退税及其他促进对外贸易的方式,发展对外贸易。
Article 53 The State shall adopt various promotion measures to develop foreign trade including issuing of import and export credits, export credit insurance and setting up of export rebates.
第五十四条 国家建立对外贸易公共信息服务体系,向对外贸易经营者和其他社会公众提供信息服务。
Article 54 The State shall establish foreign trade public information service system to provide information service to foreign trade operators and other social public.
第五十五条 国家采取措施鼓励对外贸易经营者开拓国际市场,采取对外投资、对外工程承包和对外劳务合作等多种形式,发展对外贸易。
Article 55. The State shall adopt measures to encourage foreign trade operators to expand international markets and adopt various measures such as foreign investment, contracting of overseas projects and foreign labour cooperation to develop foreign trade.
第五十六条 对外贸易经营者可以依法成立和参加有关协会、商会。
Article 56 Foreign trade dealers may establish or join relevant associations or chambers of commerce according to law.
The relevant associations and chambers of commerce shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations, provide trade-related manufacturing, marketing, information and training services to their members pursuant to their articles of association, perform the role of coordination and self-governance, submit applications for the relevant foreign trade relief measures pursuant to the law, safeguard the interests of their members and the industry, provide feedback to the relevant government departments on recommendations of their members in respect of foreign trade promotion activities.
第五十七条 中国国际贸易促进组织按照章程开展对外联系,举办展览,提供信息、咨询服务和其他对外贸易促进活动。
Article 57 Chinese organizations for the promotion of international trade shall according to their articles of association, develop contacts with foreign countries, hold exhibitions, provide information and consultancy services and engage in other foreign trade promotion activities.
第五十八条 国家扶持和促进中小企业开展对外贸易。
Article 58 The State shall support and promote the small and medium-sized enterprises to develop foreign trade.
第五十九条 国家扶持和促进民族自治地方和经济不发达地区发展对外贸易。
Article 59 The State shall support and promote the development of foreign trade in national autonomous areas and economically under-developed areas.
第十章 法律责任
Chapter 10 Legal Liabilities
第六十条 违反本法第十一条规定,未经授权擅自进出口实行国营贸易管理的货物的,国务院对外贸易主管部门或者国务院其他有关部门可以处五万元以下??睿磺榻谘现氐?,可以自行政处罚决定生效之日起三年内,不受理违法行为人从事国营贸易管理货物进出口业务的申请,或者撤销已给予其从事其他国营贸易管理货物进出口的授权。
Article 60. Where goods subject to administration of State-run trading enterprises are imported or exported without authorisation in violation of the provisions of Article 11 of this Law, the foreign trade department of the State Council or other relevant State Council departments may impose a fine of up to RMB50,000. Where the circumstances are serious, the foreign trade department of the State Council or other relevant State Council departments may refuse to accept any applications submitted by the offender for the import or export of such goods subject to administration of State-run trade enterprises or revoke existing authorisation for the offender to engage in the import or export of goods subject to administration of State-run trade enterprises within 3 years from the effective date of the decision to impose administrative penalties.
第六十一条 进出口属于禁止进出口的货物的,或者未经许可擅自进出口属于限制进出口的货物的,由海关依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处理、处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 61. Where restricted or prohibited goods are imported or exported without permission, the case shall be dealt with by the Customs and penalties shall be imposed by the Customs in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations. Where the case constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
Import and export of technologies that are banned from import or export or import and export of technologies that are restricted for import and export without permission shall be handled and punished in accordance with provisions of laws and administrative rules; if the act is not provided for by laws and regulations, the department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council shall order the act to be rectified, confiscate the illegal gains and impose a fine of over one time and below five times of the illegal gains; if there are no illegal gains or the illegal gains are less than CNY10,000, a fine over CNY10,000 and below CNY50,000 shall be imposed; if the act constitutes a crime, the criminal liability shall be ascertained.
The department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council or other relevant departments under the State Council may refuse to accept the application filed by the law-breaker for import and export quota or licence within 3 years as of the date when the administrative punishment provided for by the above two paragraphs enters into force or when the criminal punishment enters into force, or forbid the law-breaker from operation of import and export of goods or technologies for more than 1 but less than 3 years.
第六十二条 从事属于禁止的国际服务贸易的,或者未经许可擅自从事属于限制的国际服务贸易的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处罚;法律、行政法规没有规定的,由国务院对外贸易主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下???,没有违法所得或者违法所得不足一万元的,处一万元以上五万元以下???;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 62. Where restricted or prohibited international trade in services are undertaken without permission, penalties shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations. Where there are no provisions on such cases, the foreign trade department of the State Council shall order for rectification, confiscate any illegal income and impose a fine ranging from 1 to 5 times the amount of illegal income. Where there is no illegal income or the amount of illegal income is below RMB10,000, a fine ranging from RMB10,000 to RMB50,000 shall be imposed. Where the case constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
The foreign trade department of the State Council may ban the offender from engaging in international trade in services for a period of 1 to 3 years from the effective date of the decision to impose administrative penalties or the judgment on the imposition of criminal penalties stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
第六十三条 违反本法第三十四条规定,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 63 Anyone who violates the provisions of Article 34 of this Law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
The department in charge of foreign trade under the State Council may forbid the law-breaker from operation of the relevant foreign trade for more than one year but less than three years as of the date when the administrative punishment provided for by the above paragraph enters into force or when the criminal punishment enters into force.
第六十四条 依照本法第六十一条至第六十三条规定被禁止从事有关对外贸易经营活动的,在禁止期限内,海关根据国务院对外贸易主管部门依法作出的禁止决定,对该对外贸易经营者的有关进出口货物不予办理报关验放手续,外汇管理部门或者外汇指定银行不予办理有关结汇、售汇手续。
Article 64. Where a foreign trade operator is prohibited from engaging in foreign trade business activities in accordance with the provisions of Articles 61 to 63, the Customs shall not process declaration and clearance formalities for imports or exports by such foreign trade operator and the foreign exchange administration department or the designated foreign exchange bank shall not process settlement and sale of foreign exchange formalities for such foreign trade operator during the period of prohibition based on the decision made by the foreign trade department of the State Council in accordance with the law.
第六十五条 依照本法负责对外贸易管理工作的部门的工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊或者滥用职权,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。
Article 65 If the staff of the departments in charge of foreign trade are found committing dereliction of duty, resorting to deception for personal gains or abusing their powers, if crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be ascertained; otherwise, administrative punishments shall be meted out.
If staff with the departments in charge of foreign trade are found taking advantage of his/her position to extort belongings from others or seek interests for others after accepting benefits, if crime is constituted, the criminal liability shall be ascertained; otherwise, administrative punishments shall be meted out.
第六十六条 对外贸易经营活动当事人对依照本法负责对外贸易管理工作的部门作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者向人民法院提起行政诉讼。
Article 66. Foreign trade operators who disagree with any specific administrative act carried out by the foreign trade department may apply for an administrative review or file an administrative lawsuit with a people's court in accordance with the law.
第十一章 附 则
Chapter 11 Supplementary Provisions
第六十七条 与军品、裂变和聚变物质或者衍生此类物质的物质有关的对外贸易管理以及文化产品的进出口管理,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 67 Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise on foreign trade administration of military goods, fission and fusion materials or materials from which these types of materials are derived and import and export administration of cultural products, such provisions shall prevail.
第六十八条 国家对边境地区与接壤国家边境地区之间的贸易以及边民互市贸易,采取灵活措施,给予优惠和便利。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 68 The State shall adopt flexible measures, grant preferential treatment and facilitation to the trade between the border areas and those areas of neighboring countries and the trade among border residents. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
第六十九条 中华人民共和国的单独关税区不适用本法。
Article 69 This Law shall not apply to separate customs territories within the People's Republic of China.
第七十条 本法自2004年7月1日起施行。
Article 70. This Law shall be effective 1 July 2004.
转载请注明出处: 法总荟 ? 中华人民共和国对外贸易法(2016修正)(中英文对照版)