Administrative Enforcement Law of the People's Republic of China
Presidential Decree No. 49
The Administrative Coercion Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on June 30, 2011, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on January 1, 2012.
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
President Hu Jintao
June 30, 2011
(Adopted at the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress on June 30, 2011)
第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为了规范行政强制的设定和实施,保障和监督行政机关依法履行职责,维护公共利益和社会秩序,?;す?、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution to regulate prescribing and implementation of administrative coercion, ensure and supervise over lawful performance of duties by administrative agencies, safeguard public interests and social order, and protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations.
第二条 本法所称行政强制,包括行政强制措施和行政强制执行。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, "administrative coercion" includes administrative coercive measures and administrative enforcement.
Administrative coercive measures mean that administrative agencies, during the administration process, temporarily restrict personal freedom of citizens or temporarily take control over properties of citizens, legal persons or other organizations, in order to stop illegal behaviors, prevent spoilage of evidences, avoid harms and prevent danger from worsening.
Administrative enforcement means that administrative agencies lawfully coerce, or request a people's court to coerce, citizens, legal persons or other organizations who fail to implement administrative decisions to perform their obligations.
第三条 行政强制的设定和实施,适用本法。
Article 3 The prescribing and implementation of administrative coercion shall be governed by this Law.
The emergency measures or temporary measures to be taken by administrative agencies upon occurrence or imminent occurrence of emergencies, such as natural disasters, accidents, public health events or public security incidents, shall be subject to the provisions of applicable laws and administrative regulations.
The financial prudential regulatory measures and coercive technical controls against inbound and outbound goods to be taken by administrative agencies shall be subject to the provisions of applicable laws and administrative regulations.
第四条 行政强制的设定和实施,应当依照法定的权限、范围、条件和程序。
Article 4 The prescribing and implementation of administrative coercion shall be subject to the authority, scope, conditions and procedures prescribed by law.
第五条 行政强制的设定和实施,应当适当。采用非强制手段可以达到行政管理目的的,不得设定和实施行政强制。
Article 5 The prescribing and implementation of administrative coercion shall be appropriate. It is not allowed to set and implement administrative coercion if the purpose of administration can be achieved by non-coercive means.
第六条 实施行政强制,应当坚持教育与强制相结合。
Article 6 Administration coercion shall be educational in nature.
第七条 行政机关及其工作人员不得利用行政强制权为单位或者个人谋取利益。
Article 7 Neither any administrative agency nor staff thereof may seek benefits for the agency or the staff by making advantages of the power of administrative coercion.
第八条 公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关实施行政强制,享有陈述权、申辩权;有权依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼;因行政机关违法实施行政强制受到损害的,有权依法要求赔偿。
Article 8 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations against whom the administrative agencies take administrative coercive measures have the right to make statement or defence and apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit in accordance with the law, and have the right to claim damages resulted from illegal implementation of administrative coercion by the administrative agencies.
Citizens, legal persons or other organizations have the right to claim damages resulted from illegal activities of courts in enforcement or from expansion of enforcement scope by courts.
第二章 行政强制的种类和设定
Chapter II Types and Prescription of Administrative Coercion
第九条 行政强制措施的种类:
Article 9 Administrative coercive measures include the following types:
1. Restrictions on personal freedom of citizens;
2. Seizure of premises, facilities or other properties;
(III) Detainment of properties;
(IV) Freezing deposits or remittances;
(V) Other administrative coercive measures.
第十条 行政强制措施由法律设定。
Article 10 Administrative coercive measures shall be prescribed by laws.
Where such laws are not available and provided that the matters are subject to the administration of the State Council, the administrative coercive measures other than those specified in Item 1 or 4 of Article 9 hereof or to be prescribed by laws can be prescribed with administrative regulations.
Where such laws or administrative regulations are not available and provided that the matters are subject to local administration, the administrative coercive measures specified in Item 2 or 3 of Article 9 hereof can be prescribed with local regulations.
No administrative coercive measures may be prescribed with regulatory documents other than laws and regulations.
第十一条 法律对行政强制措施的对象、条件、种类作了规定的,行政法规、地方性法规不得作出扩大规定。
Article 11 Administrative and local regulations may not expand the objects, conditions or categories of administrative coercive measures prescribed by laws.
Administrative and local regulations may not prescribe any administrative coercive measures that have not been prescribed by laws. However, where specific administrative measures are required by laws to be prescribed by administrative regulations for certain matters, they may be prescribed with administrative coercive measures other than those specified in Item 1 or 4 of Article 9 hereof or to be prescribed by laws.
第十二条 行政强制执行的方式:
Article 12 Administrative coercion can be enforced by:
1. Imposing an additional fine or overdue fine;
(II) Debiting and transferring deposit or remittance;
(III) Auction sale or lawful disposal of premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized or detained;
4. Removal of obstacles or restoration of the status quo ante;
(V) acting performance;
(VI) Other means of enforcement.
第十三条 行政强制执行由法律设定。
Article 13 Enforcement of administrative coercion shall be prescribed by laws.
Where there are no laws prescribing enforcement by administrative agencies, the administrative agency which makes the administrative decision shall apply to a court for enforcement.
第十四条 起草法律草案、法规草案,拟设定行政强制的,起草单位应当采取听证会、论证会等形式听取意见,并向制定机关说明设定该行政强制的必要性、可能产生的影响以及听取和采纳意见的情况。
Article 14 When drafting laws or regulations in which administrative coercive measures are intended to be prescribed, the drafting body shall solicit opinions through hearings or feasibility study seminars and explain to the promulgator about the necessity and possible impact of the administrative coercive measures as well as the opinions that have been fed back and adopted.
第十五条 行政强制的设定机关应当定期对其设定的行政强制进行评价,并对不适当的行政强制及时予以修改或者废止。
Article 15 The authorities prescribing administrative coercive measures shall assess the administrative coercive measures prescribed thereby on a regular basis, and amend or repeal the improper administrative coercive measures in a timely manner.
The authorities implementing administrative coercive measures may timely assess the implementation of existing administrative coercive measures and necessity of their existence, and report their opinions to the authorities prescribing such administrative coercive measures.
Citizens, legal persons and other organizations may propose opinions and recommendations regarding prescribing and implementation of administrative coercive measures to the authorities which prescribe and implement such measures. The relevant authorities shall study and discuss such opinions and recommendations carefully and give their feedbacks by appropriate means.
第三章 行政强制措施实施程序
Chapter 3 Procedures for Implementing Administrative Coercive Measures
第一节 一般规定
Section 1 General Provisions
第十六条 行政机关履行行政管理职责,依照法律、法规的规定,实施行政强制措施。
Article 16 In performing their administrative duties, administrative agencies shall implement administrative coercive measures in accordance with laws and regulations.
For any offence with minor circumstance or obvious social harm, it is allowed not to take administrative coercive measures.
第十七条 行政强制措施由法律、法规规定的行政机关在法定职权范围内实施。行政强制措施权不得委托。
Article 17 Administrative coercive measures shall be implemented by administrative agencies stipulated by laws and regulations within their statutory scope of powers. The right to take administrative coercive measures shall not be delegated.
Administrative agencies which exercise relatively concentrated authority of administrative penalty in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties may implement administrative coercive measures relating to authority of administrative penalty stipulated by laws and regulations.
Administrative coercive measures shall be implemented by no one but qualified administrative enforcement officers of administrative agencies.
第十八条 行政机关实施行政强制措施应当遵守下列规定:
Article 18 In implementing administrative coercive measures, an administrative agency shall:
1. Report to and get approval from the head of the administrative agency before the implementation;
2. the measures shall be implemented by two or more administrative law enforcement officers;
(III) Present the identity certification for law enforcement;
(IV) Notify the party concerned to be present;
(V) Inform the party concerned on the spot of the reasons and basis for taking the administrative coercive measures and the rights and the remedies that the party concerned is entitled to under laws;
(VI) Listen to the statements and defenses of the parties;
(VII) Produce on-site notes;
(VIII) have the party involved and the administrative law enforcement officers sign or seal the on-the-spot records, and if any party involved refuses to do so, indicate the circumstances in the records;
(IX) where the party concerned fails to be present, invite witnesses to be present and have the witnesses and the administrative law enforcement officers sign or seal the on-the-spot record; and
10. other procedures stipulated by laws and regulations.
第十九条 情况紧急,需要当场实施行政强制措施的,行政执法人员应当在二十四小时内向行政机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续。行政机关负责人认为不应当采取行政强制措施的,应当立即解除。
Article 19 Where administrative coercive measures need to be taken immediately under urgent circumstances, the administrative enforcement officers shall report to the head of the administrative agency and complete relevant approval formalities within 24 hours. The administrative coercive measures shall be immediately lifted if the head of the administrative agency deems that they should not be taken.
第二十条 依照法律规定实施限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施,除应当履行本法第十八条规定的程序外,还应当遵守下列规定:
Article 20 When taking administrative coercive measures to restrict personal freedom of citizens in accordance with the provisions of laws, in addition to performing the procedures stipulated in Article 18 hereof, the administrative agency shall also:
1. Inform, on the spot or immediately after the administrative coercive measures are taken, the families of the party concerned about the administrative agency which takes the administrative coercive measures as well as the location and duration of such measures;
2. Immediately report to the head of the administrative agency and complete relevant approval formalities after returning to the administrative agency in the event where administrative coercive measures are taken immediately in an emergency; and
(III) Other procedures stipulated by the law.
The duration of any administrative enforcement measure for restricting personal freedom must not exceed the statutory period. The administrative coercive measures shall be discharged immediately when the objectives or the conditions for taking such measures have been achieved or disappeared.
第二十一条 违法行为涉嫌犯罪应当移送司法机关的,行政机关应当将查封、扣押、冻结的财物一并移送,并书面告知当事人。
Article 21 Where the case of violation shall be referred to a judicial authority due to suspected crime, the administrative agency shall also transfer the properties which have been seized, detained or frozen and shall inform the party concerned in writing.
第二节 查封、扣押
Section 2.
第二十二条 查封、扣押应当由法律、法规规定的行政机关实施,其他任何行政机关或者组织不得实施。
Article 22 Seizure and detainment shall be implemented only by administrative agencies stipulated by laws and regulations but not any other administrative agencies or organizations.
第二十三条 查封、扣押限于涉案的场所、设施或者财物,不得查封、扣押与违法行为无关的场所、设施或者财物;不得查封、扣押公民个人及其所扶养家属的生活必需品。
Article 23 The scope of seizure and detainment is limited to the premises, facilities or other properties involved in a case but not to any premises, facilities or other properties that are irrelevant with the violation. It is not allowed to seize or detain daily necessities of the citizens and dependents thereof.
The premises, facilities or other properties of the party concerned which have been seized by a state organ in accordance with the law may not be seized again.
第二十四条 行政机关决定实施查封、扣押的,应当履行本法第十八条规定的程序,制作并当场交付查封、扣押决定书和清单。
Article 24 Where the administrative agency decides on seizure or detainment, it shall perform the procedures stipulated in Article 18 hereof, produce the decision of seizure or detainment and the list of properties concerned and deliver them on the spot.
The decision of seizure or detainment shall indicate:
1. The name or title and address of the party involved;
(II) reasons, basis and period for sealing-up or seizure;
(III) The name and quantity of premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized or detained;
(IV) channels and time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration or for bringing an administrative lawsuit; and
(V) Name and seal of the administrative agency and the date.
The list of seized or detained properties shall be made in duplicate, and the party concerned and the administrative agency shall each keep one copy.
第二十五条 查封、扣押的期限不得超过三十日;情况复杂的,经行政机关负责人批准,可以延长,但是延长期限不得超过三十日。法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 25 The duration of any seizure or detainment shall not exceed 30 days. Under complicated circumstances, the duration may be extended for a period not to exceed 30 days upon the approval of the head of the administrative agency. Unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.
The decision on extending the duration of seizure or detainment shall be notified, with the reasons stated, to the party concerned in writing in a timely manner.
Where it is necessary to test, inspect, quarantine or technically appraise the articles involved, the time required therefor shall not be included into the duration of seizure or detainment. The time required therefor shall be specified and informed to the party concerned in writing. The expenses of testing, inspection, quarantine or technical authentification shall be borne by the administrative agency.
第二十六条 对查封、扣押的场所、设施或者财物,行政机关应当妥善保管,不得使用或者损毁;造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 26 The administrative agency shall properly keep the premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized or detained and may not use or destroy them, and shall be liable for compensation if it causes any loss.
The administrative agency may entrust a third party to keep the premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized, and the third party may not destroy or move or otherwise dispose of such properties without authorization. In the event of damage caused by any reasons on the part of the third party, the administrative agency after compensation shall have the right of recourse against the third party.
Expenses incurred in keeping the seized or detained properties shall be borne by the administrative agency.
第二十七条 行政机关采取查封、扣押措施后,应当及时查清事实,在本法第二十五条规定的期限内作出处理决定。对违法事实清楚,依法应当没收的非法财物予以没收;法律、行政法规规定应当销毁的,依法销毁;应当解除查封、扣押的,作出解除查封、扣押的决定。
Article 27 After taking seizure or detainment measures, the administrative agency shall identify the facts in a timely manner and make the decision thereon within the period prescribed in Article 25 hereof. If the facts of the violation are clear, the illegal properties shall be confiscated if so required by laws, or shall be destroyed if so required by laws or administrative regulations, or a decision on removing the seizure or detainment measure shall be made if seizure or detainment shall be removed.
第二十八条 有下列情形之一的,行政机关应当及时作出解除查封、扣押决定:
Article 28 The administrative agency shall make a decision on removing the seizure or detainment measure in a timely manner if:
1. The parties have no illegal acts;
(II) The premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized or detained are irrelevant with the violation;
(III) Seizure or detainment is no longer necessary since the administrative agency has made the decision of disposal against the violation;
(IV) The duration of seizure or detainment has expired; or
(V) Any other circumstance under which seizure or detainment measure becomes unnecessary arises.
The properties shall be returned to the party concerned forthwith upon removal of seizure or detainment. Where the fresh and living goods or other properties difficult to be kept are auctioned or sold off, the proceeds from auction or sale shall be refunded. Where the party concerned suffers any loss due to sale at a price that is obviously lower than the market price, compensation shall be given.
第三节 冻 结
Section 3 Freezing
第二十九条 冻结存款、汇款应当由法律规定的行政机关实施,不得委托给其他行政机关或者组织;其他任何行政机关或者组织不得冻结存款、汇款。
Article 29 Freezing of deposits and remittances shall be implemented only by administrative agencies stipulated by laws but not any other administrative agencies or organizations and shall not be delegated to any other administrative agencies or organizations.
The amount of deposit or remittance that is frozen shall be equivalent to that involved in the violation. Where the deposit or remittance has been frozen by another state organ, freezing measure shall not be taken again.
第三十条 行政机关依照法律规定决定实施冻结存款、汇款的,应当履行本法第十八条第一项、第二项、第三项、第七项规定的程序,并向金融机构交付冻结通知书。
Article 30 Where the administrative agency decides to freeze any deposit or remittance in accordance with relevant legal provisions, it shall perform the procedures stipulated in Items 1 to 3 and Item 7 of Article 18 hereof and deliver the freezing notice to the relevant financial institution.
Upon receipt of the freezing notice from the administrative agency, the financial institution shall freeze the deposit or remittance immediately without delay and may not make disclosure to the party concerned before the freezing measure is taken.
Where any administrative agency or organization other than those stipulated by laws requests to freeze the deposit or remittance of the party concerned, the financial institution shall refuse such request.
第三十一条 依照法律规定冻结存款、汇款的,作出决定的行政机关应当在三日内向当事人交付冻结决定书。冻结决定书应当载明下列事项:
Article 31 Where any deposit or remittance is to be frozen in accordance with relevant legal provisions, the administrative agency making the decision shall deliver the freezing decision to the party concerned within three days. The freezing notice shall indicate:
1. The name or title and address of the party involved;
2. The reasons and basis for taking the freezing measure and duration of such measure;
(III) The number of account and amount subject to freezing measure;
(IV) channels and time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration or for bringing an administrative lawsuit; and
(V) Name and seal of the administrative agency and the date.
第三十二条 自冻结存款、汇款之日起三十日内,行政机关应当作出处理决定或者作出解除冻结决定;情况复杂的,经行政机关负责人批准,可以延长,但是延长期限不得超过三十日。法律另有规定的除外。
Article 32 The administrative agency shall make a decision on disposal or on unfreezing within 30 days after the deposit or remittance is frozen. Unless otherwise required by law.
The decision on extending the duration of freezing measure shall be notified, with the reasons stated, to the party concerned in writing in a timely manner.
第三十三条 有下列情形之一的,行政机关应当及时作出解除冻结决定:
Article 33 The administrative agency shall make a decision on unfreezing in a timely manner if:
1. The parties have no illegal acts;
2. The frozen deposit or remittance is irrelevant with the violation;
3. The freezing measure is no longer necessary since the administrative agency has made the decision of disposal against the violation;
(IV) The duration of freezing has expired; or
(V) Any other circumstance under which freezing measure becomes unnecessary arises.
Where a decision on unfreezing is made, the administrative agency shall notify the financial institution and the party concerned thereof in a timely manner. Upon receipt of the notice, the financial institution shall forthwith lift the freeze.
Where the administrative agency fails to make a decision on disposal or on unfreezing within the prescribed time limit, the financial institution shall remove the freezing measure as from the date when the freezing duration expires.
第四章 行政机关强制执行程序
Chapter 4 Enforcement Procedures for Administrative Agencies
第一节 一般规定
Section 1 General Provisions
第三十四条 行政机关依法作出行政决定后,当事人在行政机关决定的期限内不履行义务的,具有行政强制执行权的行政机关依照本章规定强制执行。
Article 34 Where, after an administrative agency makes an administrative decision in accordance with the law, the party concerned fails to perform its obligations within the period decided by the administrative agency, the administrative agency may enforce the obligations in accordance with the provision of this Chapter VI if it has the authority of administrative enforcement.
第三十五条 行政机关作出强制执行决定前,应当事先催告当事人履行义务。催告应当以书面形式作出,并载明下列事项:
Article 35 Prior to making the enforcement decision, the administrative agency shall remind the party concerned to perform its obligations. The reminder shall be made in writing and specify the following:
1. The period for performing the obligations;
(II) the methods for performing the obligations;
3. The specific amount to be paid and the payment method in the case where monetary payment is involved; and
(IV) The rights that the party concerned has to make statement and defence pursuant to the law.
第三十六条 当事人收到催告书后有权进行陈述和申辩。行政机关应当充分听取当事人的意见,对当事人提出的事实、理由和证据,应当进行记录、复核。当事人提出的事实、理由或者证据成立的,行政机关应当采纳。
Article 36 The party concerned shall have the right to make statement and defence after receipt of the reminder. The administrative agency shall take opinions of the party concerned fully into consideration, and record and review the facts, reasons and evidence proposed by the party concerned. Where the facts, reasons or evidence provided by the party concerned prove to be true, the administrative agency shall adopt them accordingly.
第三十七条 经催告,当事人逾期仍不履行行政决定,且无正当理由的,行政机关可以作出强制执行决定。
Article 37 Where the party concerned fails to implement the administrative decision within the prescribed period without justifiable reasons despite being reminded, the administrative agency may make the enforcement decision.
The enforcement decision shall be made in writing and indicate:
1. The name or title and address of the party involved;
2. The reasons and basis of enforcement;
(III) The manner and time of enforcement;
(IV) channels and time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration or for bringing an administrative lawsuit; and
(V) Name and seal of the administrative agency and the date.
Where during the period of reminder, there is any evidence proving that the properties may be transferred or hided, the administrative agency can make a decision of immediate enforcement.
第三十八条 催告书、行政强制执行决定书应当直接送达当事人。当事人拒绝接收或者无法直接送达当事人的,应当依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的有关规定送达。
Article 38 The reminder and the administrative enforcement decision shall be served directly on the party concerned. Where the party concerned refuses to accept the documents or the documents cannot be directly served on the party concerned, the documents shall be served pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.
第三十九条 有下列情形之一的,中止执行:
Article 39 Execution of the punishment decision shall be suspended under any of the following circumstances:
1. The party concerned has difficulties in implementing or is temporarily unable to implement the administrative decision;
2. a third party claims right to the subject matter of enforcement with justifiable reasons;
(III) The enforcement may cause irremediable loss and suspension of enforcement will not damage the public interest;
(IV) Any other circumstance under which suspension of enforcement is deemed necessary by the administrative agency arises.
After the circumstance necessitating suspension of enforcement disappears, the administrative agency shall resume enforcement. Where enforcement fails to be resumed after three years of suspension due to inability of the party concerned to perform, the administrative agency will no longer pursue enforcement provided that non-enforcement will not cause obvious harm to the society.
第四十条 有下列情形之一的,终结执行:
Article 40 Enforcement shall be terminated if:
1. the citizen is deceased, with neither heritage for execution nor party succeeding the obligations;
2. The body corporate or organization of any other nature ceases to exist without properties available for enforcement or any person succeeding to its obligations;
3. the subject matter of enforcement is lost;
(IV) the administrative decision on which the enforcement is based is revoked; or
(V) Any other circumstance under which termination of enforcement is deemed necessary by the administrative agency arises.
第四十一条 在执行中或者执行完毕后,据以执行的行政决定被撤销、变更,或者执行错误的,应当恢复原状或者退还财物;不能恢复原状或者退还财物的,依法给予赔偿。
Article 41 Where the administrative decision on which enforcement is based is cancelled or changed in the course of or after enforcement or any mistake involves in the enforcement, the status quo ante shall be restored or the properties shall be returned; compensation shall be given in accordance with the law if it is unable to do so.
第四十二条 实施行政强制执行,行政机关可以在不损害公共利益和他人合法权益的情况下,与当事人达成执行协议。执行协议可以约定分阶段履行;当事人采取补救措施的,可以减免加处的??罨蛘咧湍山?。
Article 42 In enforcing administrative coercive measures, the administrative agency may reach an enforcement agreement with the party concerned provided that the public interest and lawful interests of third parties are not prejudiced. The enforcement agreement can be performed by stages as agreed; where the party concerned takes remedial measures, the additional fine or overdue fine can be reduced or exempted.
The enforcement agreement shall be performed. Where the party concerned fails to perform the enforcement agreement, the administrative agency shall resume mandatory enforcement.
第四十三条 行政机关不得在夜间或者法定节假日实施行政强制执行。但是,情况紧急的除外。
Article 43 Administrative agencies shall not enforce administrative coercive measures at night or during statutory holidays. However, those under urgent circumstances shall be excluded.
Administrative agencies may not force the parties concerned to implement the relevant administrative decisions by suspending supply of water, power, heat or gas required for daily living of residents.
第四十四条 对违法的建筑物、构筑物、设施等需要强制拆除的,应当由行政机关予以公告,限期当事人自行拆除。当事人在法定期限内不申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼,又不拆除的,行政机关可以依法强制拆除。
Article 44 For any unlawful building, structure, facility or otherwise that needs to be removed mandatorily, the administrative agency shall publish an announcement requiring removal by the party concerned within a prescribed period. Where the party concerned neither applies for administrative reconsideration or brings an administrative lawsuit nor makes removal within the statutory time limit, the administrative agency can take mandatory removal actions in accordance with the law.
第二节 金钱给付义务的执行
Section 2 Enforcement of Monetary Payment Obligations
第四十五条 行政机关依法作出金钱给付义务的行政决定,当事人逾期不履行的,行政机关可以依法加处??罨蛘咧湍山?。加处??罨蛘咧湍山鸬谋曜加Φ备嬷笔氯恕?/span>
Article 45 Where upon expiry of the prescribed period, the party concerned fails to implement the administrative decision requiring monetary payment that is made by the administrative agency pursuant to law, the administrative agency may impose additional fine or demurrage in accordance with the law. The party concerned shall be informed of the rates of additional fine or demurrage.
The amount of additional fine or demurrage may not exceed the amount of monetary payment obligation.
第四十六条 行政机关依照本法第四十五条规定实施加处??罨蛘咧湍山鸪眨吒娴笔氯巳圆宦男械?,具有行政强制执行权的行政机关可以强制执行。
Article 46 Where, upon expiration of 30 days after the administrative agency imposes additional fine or overdue fine pursuant to Article 45 hereof, the party concerned fails to implement the administrative decision despite being reminded to do so, the administrative agency may proceed with enforcement provided that it has power of administrative enforcement.
Where it is necessary to take seizure, detainment or freezing measures prior to enforcement by the administrative agency, the provisions of Chapter III hereof shall apply.
Administrative agencies without the authority of administrative enforcement shall apply to the courts for enforcement. However, if the party concerned fails to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit within the statutory time limit, and still fails to perform the obligations after being reminded, the administrative agency, which has taken the measures of sealing up or seizure in implementing the administration, may auction off the properties sealed up or seized in accordance with the law to offset the fine.
第四十七条 划拨存款、汇款应当由法律规定的行政机关决定,并书面通知金融机构。金融机构接到行政机关依法作出划拨存款、汇款的决定后,应当立即划拨。
Article 47 The decision on debiting and transferring deposit or remittance shall be made by the administrative agency stipulated by laws and notified to the financial institution in writing. Upon decision on debiting and transferring deposit or remittance made by the administrative agency, the financial institution concerned shall proceed with debiting and transfer immediately.
Where any administrative agency or organization other than those stipulated by laws requests to debit and transfer the deposit or remittance of the party concerned, the financial institution shall refuse such request.
第四十八条 依法拍卖财物,由行政机关委托拍卖机构依照《中华人民共和国拍卖法》的规定办理。
Article 48 Auction sale of properties shall be done in accordance with the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China by the auction agency entrusted by the administrative agency.
第四十九条 划拨的存款、汇款以及拍卖和依法处理所得的款项应当上缴国库或者划入财政专户。任何行政机关或者个人不得以任何形式截留、私分或者变相私分。
Article 49 Deposits and remittances that have been debited and transferred and proceeds from auction sales or lawful disposals shall be turned over to the State Treasury or transferred to the special fiscal account. No administrative organ or individual may withhold, share privately or do so in disguised form.
第三节 代履行
Section 3 Performance by Agent
第五十条 行政机关依法作出要求当事人履行排除妨碍、恢复原状等义务的行政决定,当事人逾期不履行,经催告仍不履行,其后果已经或者将危害交通安全、造成环境污染或者破坏自然资源的,行政机关可以代履行,或者委托没有利害关系的第三人代履行。
Article 50 Where after an administrative agency lawfully makes an administrative decision requiring the party concerned to perform obligation such as removal of obstacles or restoration of the status quo ante, the party concerned fails to perform the obligation within the prescribed period and still fails to perform it despite being reminded, the administrative agency may perform the obligation on behalf of the party concerned or entrust a third party without interest to perform the obligation on behalf of the party concerned ("acting performance") provided that such failure of the party concerned has endangered or will endanger traffic safety or has caused or will cause environmental pollution or natural resource damage.
第五十一条 代履行应当遵守下列规定:
Article 51 Acting performance shall abide by the following provisions:
1. Prior to acting performance, the decision on acting performance shall be served, which shall indicate the name and address of the party concerned, the reasons, basis, method, time, subject matter and estimated expenses of acting performance and the person who is to carry out acting performance;
2. The party concerned shall be reminded to perform its obligation three days prior to the acting performance. Where the party concerned performs its obligation, acting performance shall not be commenced;
(III) The administrative agency which makes the decision shall have designated staff to supervise over the acting performance on the spot;
(IV) After completion of acting performance, the staff of the administrative agency who act as supervisors on the spot, the person who carries out acting performance and the party concerned or the witnesses shall sign or stamp the enforcement document.
The expenses arising from acting performance shall be determined reasonably at cost and borne by the party concerned. Unless otherwise provided by laws.
Acting performance shall not be carried out by violence, coercion or any other illegal means.
第五十二条 需要立即清除道路、河道、航道或者公共场所的遗洒物、障碍物或者污染物,当事人不能清除的,行政机关可以决定立即实施代履行;当事人不在场的,行政机关应当在事后立即通知当事人,并依法作出处理。
Article 52 Where any spilled object, obstacle or pollutant needs to be removed forthwith from any road, river course, passage or public place but the party concerned is unable to carry out the removal, the administrative agency may decide on acting performance forthwith. Where the party concerned is not present, the administrative agency shall inform the party concerned after implementing the removal, and shall handle the case in accordance with the law.
第五章 申请人民法院强制执行
Chapter 5 Application for Enforcement with Courts
第五十三条 当事人在法定期限内不申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼,又不履行行政决定的,没有行政强制执行权的行政机关可以自期限届满之日起三个月内,依照本章规定申请人民法院强制执行。
Article 53 Where the party concerned neither applies for administrative reconsideration or brings an administrative lawsuit nor performs the administrative decision within the statutory time limit, the administrative agency, in the absence of power of administrative enforcement, may apply for enforcement with a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to this Chapter within three months as from the expiration of the time limit.
第五十四条 行政机关申请人民法院强制执行前,应当催告当事人履行义务。催告书送达十日后当事人仍未履行义务的,行政机关可以向所在地有管辖权的人民法院申请强制执行;执行对象是不动产的,向不动产所在地有管辖权的人民法院申请强制执行。
Article 54 Before applying to a court for enforcement, the administrative agency shall remind the party concerned to perform its obligations. Where the party concerned still fails to perform its obligations within ten days after service of the reminder, the administrative agency may apply for enforcement with a court of competent jurisdiction in the local place, or with a court of competent jurisdiction in the place of the immovable if enforcement is sought against the immovable.
第五十五条 行政机关向人民法院申请强制执行,应当提供下列材料:
Article 55 The administrative agency shall submit the following materials when applying for enforcement with a court:
1. Enforcement Application;
2. The administrative decision as well as the facts, reasons and basis supporting such decision; and
(III) Opinions of the party concerned and any reminder that has been sent by the administrative agency;
(IV) Information about the subject matter against which enforcement is sought; and
(V) Other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
The enforcement application form shall be signed by the head of the administrative agency, sealed by the administrative agency, and dated.
第五十六条 人民法院接到行政机关强制执行的申请,应当在五日内受理。
Article 56 The court shall accept the enforcement application from the administrative agency within five days after receipt thereof.
Where the administrative agency disagrees with the decision of the court on non-acceptance, it may apply for reconsideration with the court at the next higher level within 15 days, and the court at the next higher level shall decide whether to accept the application of reconsideration within 15 days after receipt of the same.
第五十七条 人民法院对行政机关强制执行的申请进行书面审查,对符合本法第五十五条规定,且行政决定具备法定执行效力的,除本法第五十八条规定的情形外,人民法院应当自受理之日起七日内作出执行裁定。
Article 57 The court shall conduct documentary review on the enforcement application of the administrative agency, and shall make a decision to proceed with enforcement within seven days as from the date of acceptance if the requirements under Article 55 hereof are met and the administrative decision is legally enforceable, unless any circumstance defined by the following Article 58 is involved.
第五十八条 人民法院发现有下列情形之一的,在作出裁定前可以听取被执行人和行政机关的意见:
Article 58 Before making a ruling, the court may listen to the opinions of the administrative agency and the person against whom enforcement is sought if it finds, in any of the following circumstances:
1. The action apparently lacks factual basis;
2. Where the administrative act apparently lacks a legal basis;
(III) Other situations where the action is apparently illegal and the legal rights and interests of the person subject to enforcement are damaged.
The people's court shall, within 30 days of acceptance, make a ruling on whether or not to proceed with enforcement. If a non-enforcement decision is made, the reasons shall be stated and the decision of non-enforcement shall be served to the administrative agency within five days.
Where the administrative agency disagrees with the non-enforcement decision of the court, it may apply for reconsideration with the court at the next higher level within 15 days after receipt of the decision, and the court at the next higher level shall decide whether or not to proceed with enforcement within 30 days after receipt of the application of reconsideration.
第五十九条 因情况紧急,为保障公共安全,行政机关可以申请人民法院立即执行。经人民法院院长批准,人民法院应当自作出执行裁定之日起五日内执行。
Article 59 In an emergency, an administrative agency may apply for immediate enforcement with a court for the purpose of safeguarding public security. Subject to approval of the president of the court, the court shall proceed with enforcement within five days as from the date the enforcement decision is made.
第六十条 行政机关申请人民法院强制执行,不缴纳申请费。强制执行的费用由被执行人承担。
Article 60 The administrative agency is not required to pay the application fee when applying for enforcement with the court. Enforcement costs shall be borne by the enforced.
Where the court enforces through debiting and transferring monies or auction sale, it may withhold the costs and expenses of enforcement from the debited and transferred monies or proceeds from auction sale.
Auction sale of properties pursuant to law shall be done in accordance with the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China by the auction agency entrusted by the court.
Deposits and remittances that have been debited and transferred and proceeds from auction sales or lawful disposals shall be turned over to the State Treasury or transferred to the dedicated fiscal account and may not be withheld or shared privately (whether or not in a disguised form) in any way whatsoever.
第六章 法律责任
Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities
第六十一条 行政机关实施行政强制,有下列情形之一的,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:
Article 61 The administrative agency at the next higher level or other relevant authority shall order remediation by the administrative agency and impose penalties on the direct supervisor and other directly liable persons pursuant to the law if the administrative agency implements administrative coercive measures:
1. Without legal and regulatory basis;
2. Changing the object, condition or manner of the administrative coercion;
(III) Implementing administrative coercion against statutory procedures;
(IV) At night or during statutory holidays against the provisions of this Law;
(V) forcing the party concerned to implement the relevant administrative decision by suspending supply of water, power, heat or gas required for daily living of residents; or
(VI) Other circumstances under which administrative coercion is implemented in an illegal manner.
第六十二条 违反本法规定,行政机关有下列情形之一的,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:
Article 62 The administrative agency at the next higher level or other relevant authority shall order remediation by the administrative agency and impose penalties on the direct supervisor and other direct responsible persons pursuant to the law if the administrative agency, in violation of this Law:
1. Expands the scope subject to seizure, detainment or freezing measure;
2. use or damage any premises, facilities or other properties which have been seized or detained;
(III) failing to make a decision of disposal during a statutory period of seizure or detainment or failing to remove the seizure or detainment measure in a timely manner in accordance with the law;
(IV) Fails to make the decision of disposal during the statutory period when the deposit or remittance is frozen, or fails to discharge the freezing measure in a timely manner in accordance with the law.
第六十三条 行政机关将查封、扣押的财物或者划拨的存款、汇款以及拍卖和依法处理所得的款项,截留、私分或者变相私分的,由财政部门或者有关部门予以追缴;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予记大过、降级、撤职或者开除的处分。
Article 63 Where the administrative agency withholds or privately shares (whether or not in a disguised form) the seized or detained properties or the deposits and remittances that have been debited and transferred and the proceeds from auction sales or lawful disposals, the financial authority or other relevant authority shall recover them from the administrative agency and impose penalties ranging from special demerit, degradation or removal to dismissal on the direct supervisor and other direct responsible persons pursuant to the law.
Where any employee of the administrative agency, by abusing his position, appropriates any premises, facilities or any other properties that have been seized or detained, the administrative agency at the next higher level or other relevant authority shall order remediation by the employee and impose penalty ranging from special demerit, degradation or removal to dismissal on the employee pursuant to the law.
第六十四条 行政机关及其工作人员利用行政强制权为单位或者个人谋取利益的,由上级行政机关或者有关部门责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。
Article 64 Where the administrative agency and staff thereof seek benefits for the agency or for the staff by making advantages of the power of administrative coercion, the administrative agency at the next higher level or other relevant authority shall order remediation and impose penalties on the direct supervisor and other directly liable persons pursuant to the law.
第六十五条 违反本法规定,金融机构有下列行为之一的,由金融业监督管理机构责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分:
Article 65 The financial regulator shall order remediation by the financial institution and impose penalties on the direct supervisor and other directly liable persons pursuant to the law if the financial institution, in violation of this Law:
1. Disclose information to the party concerned before the freezing measure is taken;
2. Failure to freeze or debit and transfer any deposit or remittance which should have been frozen or debited and transferred immediately, resulting in transfer of the deposit or remittance;
3. Freeze or debit and transfer any deposit or remittance which should not have been frozen or debited and transferred;
4. Failing to unfreeze any deposit or remittance in a timely manner.
第六十六条 违反本法规定,金融机构将款项划入国库或者财政专户以外的其他账户的,由金融业监督管理机构责令改正,并处以违法划拨款项二倍的罚款;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。
Article 66 Where the financial institution, in violation of this Law, transfers the monies into any account other than the State Treasury account or dedicated fiscal account, the financial regulator shall order remediation by the financial institution and impose upon it a fine equal to twice the illegally transferred monies, and shall impose penalties on the direct supervisor and other direct responsible persons pursuant to the law.
Where the administrative agency or the People's Court, in violation of this Law, orders the financial institution to transfer the monies into any account other than the State Treasury account or dedicated fiscal account, the direct supervisor and other directly liable persons shall be given penalties pursuant to the law.
第六十七条 人民法院及其工作人员在强制执行中有违法行为或者扩大强制执行范围的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。
Article 67 Where the court and staff thereof commit any violation or expand the scope of enforcement in the course of enforcement, the direct supervisor and other direct responsible persons shall be given penalties pursuant to the law.
第六十八条 违反本法规定,给公民、法人或者其他组织造成损失的,依法给予赔偿。
Article 68 Any loss incurred through violation of this Law to any citizen, body corporate or any other organization shall be compensated pursuant to the law.
Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
第七章 附 则
Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions
第六十九条 本法中十日以内期限的规定是指工作日,不含法定节假日。
Article 69 For the purpose of this Law, time limits of ten days or less refers to working days excluding statutory holidays.
第七十条 法律、行政法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织在法定授权范围内,以自己的名义实施行政强制,适用本法有关行政机关的规定。
Article 70 Where organizations with functions of public affairs administration authorized by laws and administrative regulations implement administrative coercion in their own name within the scope authorized by laws, the provisions of this Law applicable to administrative agencies shall apply.
第七十一条 本法自2012年1月1日起施行。
Article 71 This Law shall come into effect as of January 1, 2012.
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