




Supervision Law of the PRC


Presidential Decree No. 3


The Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the first session of the 13th National People 's Congress on 20 March 2018, is hereby promulgated, effective as of the date of promulgation.

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

President Xi Jinping


20 March 2018


(Adopted at the First Session of the 13th National People 's Congress on 20 March 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为了深化国家监察体制改革,加强对所有行使公权力的公职人员的监督,实现国家监察全面覆盖,深入开展反腐败工作,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution with a view to deepening the reform of the national supervision system, strengthening the supervision over all civil servants that exercise public power, achieving the full coverage of national supervision, thoroughly carrying out anti-corruption and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

第二条   坚持中国共产党对国家监察工作的领导,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,构建集中统一、权威高效的中国特色国家监察体制。

Article 2 A centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient national supervision system with Chinese characteristics will be established, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the national supervision work and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important "Three Represents" thought, Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

第三条   各级监察委员会是行使国家监察职能的专责机关,依照本法对所有行使公权力的公职人员(以下称公职人员)进行监察,调查职务违法和职务犯罪,开展廉政建设和反腐败工作,维护宪法和法律的尊严。

Article 3 Supervisory commissions at various levels are the specialized agencies that exercise the functions of national supervision, which shall conduct supervision over all public officials that exercise public power (hereinafter referred to as the "public officials"), investigate duty-related illegal activities and offences, carry out the construction of clean and honest administration and anti-corruption work and safeguard the dignity of the Constitution and laws in accordance with the Law.

第四条   监察委员会依照法律规定独立行使监察权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。

Article 4 Supervisory commissions shall exercise their right of supervision independently in accordance with legal provisions, free from interference of administrative organs, social groups and individuals.


When handling cases of illegal or criminal acts by taking advantage of duty, supervisory agencies shall cooperate with judicial, procuratorial and law enforcement organs and restrict each other.


If a supervisory organ needs assistance in its work, the organs and units concerned shall, upon its request, provide assistance in accordance with law.

第五条   国家监察工作严格遵照宪法和法律,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳;在适用法律上一律平等,保障当事人的合法权益;权责对等,严格监督;惩戒与教育相结合,宽严相济。

Article 5 The national supervision work shall strictly comply with the Constitution and laws, be based on facts and take laws as the criterion. All are equal in the application of laws, with protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned. It is imperative to balance power and responsibility with strict supervision. Punishment shall be combined with education and leniency with severity.

第六条   国家监察工作坚持标本兼治、综合治理,强化监督问责,严厉惩治腐败;深化改革、健全法治,有效制约和监督权力;加强法治教育和道德教育,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,构建不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的长效机制。

Article 6 National supervision work shall be carried out by adhering to the principle of treating both the root causes and the symptoms, with comprehensive governance, strengthening supervision accountability and severely punishing corruption. It is imperative to deepen reform, improve the rule of law, effectively restrict and supervise power. Meanwhile, it is required to strengthen the education on the rule of law and ethics, carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and establish a long-term mechanism under which none dares to be corrupt, none can be corrupt and none wants to be corrupt.

第二章 监察机关及其职责

Chapter 2 Supervisory Organs and Their Duties

第七条   中华人民共和国国家监察委员会是最高监察机关。

Article 7 The National Supervisory Commission of the People's Republic of China is the highest supervisory authority.


Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities and municipal districts shall establish supervisory commissions.

第八条   国家监察委员会由全国人民代表大会产生,负责全国监察工作。

Article 8 The National Supervisory Commission is created by the National People 's Congress and takes charge of the supervision work nationwide.


The National Supervisory Commission is composed of a director, several deputy directors, and several members. The director shall be elected by the National People 's Congress, while deputy directors and members are appointed or dismissed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress as proposed by the director of the National Supervisory Commission.


The term of office of the director of the National Supervisory Commission shall be the same as that of the deputies to the National People 's Congress. The director shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.


The National Supervisory Commission is responsible to the National People 's Congress and its Standing Committee, and subject to the supervision thereby.

第九条   地方各级监察委员会由本级人民代表大会产生,负责本行政区域内的监察工作。

Article 9 A local supervisory commission at any level shall be created by the people 's congress at the corresponding level and take charge of the supervision work within its administrative region.


A local supervisory commission at any level is composed of a director, several deputy directors, and several commission members; the director shall be elected by the people 's congress at the corresponding level, while deputy directors and commission members are appointed and dismissed by the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level upon recommendation of the director of the local supervisory commission.


The term of office of the director of a local supervisory commission at any level shall be the same as that of the people 's congress at the corresponding level.


A local supervisory commission at any level is responsible to the people's congress at the same level as well as its standing committee and the supervisory commission at the next higher level, and subject to the supervision thereby.

第十条   国家监察委员会领导地方各级监察委员会的工作,上级监察委员会领导下级监察委员会的工作。

Article 10 The National Supervisory Commission shall lead the work of local supervisory commissions at all levels; a superior supervisory commission shall lead the work of a subordinate supervisory commission.

第十一条   监察委员会依照本法和有关法律规定履行监督、调查、处置职责:

Article 11 A supervisory commission shall perform the duties of supervision, investigation and handling in accordance with this Law and applicable legal provisions:


1. carrying out clean governance education for civil servants, and supervising and inspecting their performance of duties in accordance with the law, impartiality, integrity, and moral integrity;


(II) Investigations over duty-related violations and crimes, such as suspected embezzlement and acceptance of bribes, abuse of power, neglect of duties, power rent-seeking, benefit transfer, favoritism, and waste of the State's assets;


(III) Making a decision in accordance with the law to impose an administrative sanction on a functionary that violates the law; pursuing the liability of the leader who performs his or her duties ineffectively or neglects his or her duties; referring investigation findings of a suspected duty-related crime to the people's procuratorate for its review and public prosecution; and giving supervisory opinions to the unit in which the supervised target works.

第十二条   各级监察委员会可以向本级中国共产党机关、国家机关、法律法规授权或者委托管理公共事务的组织和单位以及所管辖的行政区域、国有企业等派驻或者派出监察机构、监察专员。

Article 12 A supervisory commission at any level may accredit or dispatch a supervisory agency or supervisory commissioner to the organs of the CCP, state organs, organizations and entities authorized or entrusted with administering public affairs by laws and regulations at the same level as well as the administrative regions and state-owned enterprises under its jurisdiction.


The supervisory body and supervisors are responsible to the supervisory commission that has appointed them or dispatched them.

第十三条   派驻或者派出的监察机构、监察专员根据授权,按照管理权限依法对公职人员进行监督,提出监察建议,依法对公职人员进行调查、处置。

Article 13 The accredited or dispatched supervisory agencies or supervisory commissioners shall, as authorized and within the limit of authority, lawfully conduct supervision over public officials and give supervision suggestions, and shall investigate and punish public officials in accordance with the law.

第十四条   国家实行监察官制度,依法确定监察官的等级设置、任免、考评和晋升等制度。

Article 14 The State adopts the ombudsman system, and shall establish the systems for hierarchical setup, appointment and dismissal, assessment and promotion of ombudsmen in accordance with the law.

第三章 监察范围和管辖

Chapter III Scope of Supervision and Jurisdiction

第十五条   监察机关对下列公职人员和有关人员进行监察:

Article 15 A supervisory organ shall supervise the following functionaries and other relevant persons:


1. Civil servants of organs of the Communist Party of China, people's congresses and their standing committees, people's governments, supervisory commissions, people's courts, people's procuratorates, all levels of committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, organs of democratic parties and organs of confederations of trade unions, and other personnel managed with reference to the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China;


(II) Persons providing public services in organizations authorized by laws and regulations or entrusted by state organs to administer public affairs in accordance with the law;


3. managerial personnel of state-owned enterprises;


(IV) Personnel undertaking management affairs in state-run units for education, scientific research, culture, medical and public health and sports;


(V) Personnel undertaking management affairs in grassroots mass autonomous organizations; and


(VI) other personnel performing public duties in accordance with the law.

第十六条   各级监察机关按照管理权限管辖本辖区内本法第十五条规定的人员所涉监察事项。

Article 16 A supervisory organ at any level shall, in accordance with its administrative authority, have jurisdiction over the supervision matters which are involved with the persons prescribed in Article 15 of this Law within the area under its jurisdiction.


A supervisory organ at a higher level may handle matters of supervision that are under the jurisdiction of a supervisory organ at a lower level and, when necessary, may also handle such matters that are under the jurisdictions of the supervisory organs at the various lower levels.


Where a dispute over jurisdiction arises between supervisory organs, it shall be settled by a supervisory organ at a higher level above both the disputing parties.

第十七条   上级监察机关可以将其所管辖的监察事项指定下级监察机关管辖,也可以将下级监察机关有管辖权的监察事项指定给其他监察机关管辖。

Article 17 A superior supervisory agency may designate a subordinate supervisory agency to have jurisdiction over the supervision matters under its jurisdiction or may also designate any other supervisory agency to have jurisdiction over the supervision matters under the jurisdiction of a subordinate supervisory agency.


Where a supervisory agency believes that the supervision matters under its jurisdiction are significant and complicated, over which it is necessary for a superior supervisory agency to exercise jurisdiction, it may report the case to the superior supervisory agency for its jurisdiction.

第四章 监察权限

Chapter 4 Monitoring Jurisdiction

第十八条   监察机关行使监督、调查职权,有权依法向有关单位和个人了解情况,收集、调取证据。有关单位和个人应当如实提供。

Article 18 In exercising the functions and powers of supervision and investigation, a supervisory organ shall have the power to inquire of the units and individuals concerned and collect or have access to evidence. Such entities and individuals shall truthfully provide such information.


Supervisory agencies and their staff shall keep confidential any state secret, trade secret or personal privacy that they come into in the course of supervision or investigation.


No organisation or individual shall forge, conceal or destroy evidence.

第十九条   对可能发生职务违法的监察对象,监察机关按照管理权限,可以直接或者委托有关机关、人员进行谈话或者要求说明情况。

Article 19 For a supervision target who may commit duty-related violation, the supervisory agency may, within the limit of its authority, directly or by entrusting relevant organs or persons, have a talk with the supervision target or require the supervision target to give explanations.

第二十条   在调查过程中,对涉嫌职务违法的被调查人,监察机关可以要求其就涉嫌违法行为作出陈述,必要时向被调查人出具书面通知。

Article 20 During an investigation, the supervisory agency may require the person under the investigation for a suspected duty-related violation to make statements on the suspected violation, and if necessary, issue a written notice to the person under the investigation.


The supervisory body may interrogate an investigated individual who is suspected of committing a duty-related crime, such as embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, neglect of duties, or malpractice, requiring him or her to provide truthful information about the suspected crime.

第二十一条   在调查过程中,监察机关可以询问证人等人员。

Article 21 When the investigation is underway, the supervisory body may question witnesses and other personnel.

第二十二条   被调查人涉嫌贪污贿赂、失职渎职等严重职务违法或者职务犯罪,监察机关已经掌握其部分违法犯罪事实及证据,仍有重要问题需要进一步调查,并有下列情形之一的,经监察机关依法审批,可以将其留置在特定场所:

Article 22 Where an investigated individual is suspected of serious duty-related violations or crimes, such as embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, neglect of duties, and malpractice, and the supervisory body has mastered some of the facts about his or her violations or crimes and obtained evidence in this regard, he or she may be detained at a certain place upon review and approval of the supervisory body, under any of the following circumstances, if there are still important issues to be further investigated,


1. Where the case is significant and complicated;


2. the criminal suspect or defendant may escape or commit suicide;


3. the criminal suspect or defendant may collude, or forge, conceal or destroy evidence;


(IV) Where the suspect may commit any other act that impedes the investigation.


For those suspected of offering bribes or of joint job-related offences, supervisory agencies may take detention measures in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


The setup, management and supervision of the detention places shall be subject to the relevant state provisions.

第二十三条   监察机关调查涉嫌贪污贿赂、失职渎职等严重职务违法或者职务犯罪,根据工作需要,可以依照规定查询、冻结涉案单位和个人的存款、汇款、债券、股票、基金份额等财产。有关单位和个人应当配合。

Article 23 When investigating suspected serious duty-related illegalities or offences such as corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty or malpractice, supervisory agencies may, as needed for the investigation, inquire into or freeze the deposits, remittances, bonds, stocks, fund shares and other property of the entities and individuals involved as per the relevant provisions. Relevant units and individuals shall cooperate.


If it is ascertained that the frozen property is irrelevant to the case, it shall be unfrozen and returned within three days of the facts having been found out.

第二十四条   监察机关可以对涉嫌职务犯罪的被调查人以及可能隐藏被调查人或者犯罪证据的人的身体、物品、住处和其他有关地方进行搜查。在搜查时,应当出示搜查证,并有被搜查人或者其家属等见证人在场。

Article 24 Supervisory agencies may conduct a search of the bodies, belongings, domiciles and other relevant places of the persons under investigation for suspected duty-related crimes as well as the persons who may hide the investigated persons or evidence of crimes. When a search is conducted, the search warrant shall be shown, and the person to be searched or his family members, or other eyewitnesses shall be present at the scene.


The body of a female shall be searched by a female functionary.


When conducting a search, the supervisory body may solicit cooperation from the public security organ, depending on its work needs. Public security organs shall provide assistance in accordance with the law.

第二十五条   监察机关在调查过程中,可以调取、查封、扣押用以证明被调查人涉嫌违法犯罪的财物、文件和电子数据等信息。采取调取、查封、扣押措施,应当收集原物原件,会同持有人或者保管人、见证人,当面逐一拍照、登记、编号,开列清单,由在场人员当场核对、签名,并将清单副本交财物、文件的持有人或者保管人。

Article 25 When the investigation is underway, the supervisory body may have access to, seal up, or detain the property, documents, electronic data and other information that could be used to prove the investigated individual is suspected of a crime. When taking the aforesaid measures, the supervisory body shall collect the original objects and documents, and shall, in conjunction with the possessor, custodian or witness, take pictures of, record and number them one by one in the presence of the persons present, make a list of items, which shall be verified and signed by those present at the scene, and a copy of the list shall be given to the possessor or custodian of the property or documents.


The supervisory body shall set up special accounts and place for the property and documents it has accessed, sealed up or detained, designate special persons to properly keep them, strictly go through formalities for handing over and accessing such property and documents, check the accounts regularly, and shall not damage such property and documents or use them for other purposes. Items of which the value is unclear shall be promptly appraised and specially sealed for safekeeping.


If it is ascertained that the property or document sealed up and distrained is irrelevant to the case, the seal-up and distraint shall be removed within three days after investigation, and the property shall be returned.

第二十六条   监察机关在调查过程中,可以直接或者指派、聘请具有专门知识、资格的人员在调查人员主持下进行勘验检查??毖榧觳榍榭鲇Φ敝谱鞅事迹刹渭涌毖榧觳榈娜嗽焙图と饲┟蛘吒钦?。

Article 26 When the investigation is underway, the supervisory body may carry out the inspection and examination directly or designate or engage persons with specialized knowledge and qualifications to carry out the inspection and examination which is presided over by investigators. A written record shall be made of the circumstances of the inspection or examination, and it shall be signed or sealed by the persons participating in the inspection or examination and the eyewitnesses.

第二十七条   监察机关在调查过程中,对于案件中的专门性问题,可以指派、聘请有专门知识的人进行鉴定。鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当出具鉴定意见,并且签名。

Article 27 When the investigation is underway, the supervisory body may designate or engage persons with expertise to evaluate specialized issues involved in the case. After the appraisal, the appraiser shall issue appraisal opinions with signature.

第二十八条   监察机关调查涉嫌重大贪污贿赂等职务犯罪,根据需要,经过严格的批准手续,可以采取技术调查措施,按照规定交有关机关执行。

Article 28 When investigating a duty-related crime, such as suspected embezzlement of and acceptance of bribes of a serious nature, the supervisory body may, depending on the needs, adopt technical measures for investigation, after it has obtained strict approval formalities, in accordance with applicable rules.


The approval decision shall specify the types of technical investigation measures and their targets of application, and shall be valid within three months from the date of issuance; in the case of complex and complex cases, where there is a need to continue to adopt technical investigation measures upon expiry of the validity period, the validity period may be extended upon approval, and shall not exceed three months each time. Where there is no need to continue with technical investigation measures, such measures shall be promptly lifted.

第二十九条   依法应当留置的被调查人如果在逃,监察机关可以决定在本行政区域内通缉,由公安机关发布通缉令,追捕归案。通缉范围超出本行政区域的,应当报请有权决定的上级监察机关决定。

Article 29 Where the investigated individual who should have been detained is at large, the supervisory body may decide to list the individual as wanted within the local administrative region, and the public security organ shall issue a wanted order and pursue such individual and bring him or her to justice. Where the scope of the wanted order exceeds the local administrative region, the supervisory agency shall report to a superior supervisory agency with competent authority for decision.

第三十条   监察机关为防止被调查人及相关人员逃匿境外,经省级以上监察机关批准,可以对被调查人及相关人员采取限制出境措施,由公安机关依法执行。对于不需要继续采取限制出境措施的,应当及时解除。

Article 30 To prevent the investigated individual and related personnel from escaping to a foreign country, the supervisory body may, upon approval of the supervisory body above the provincial level, take measures to restrict the investigated individual and related personnel from leaving the country, which shall be carried out by the public security organ according to the law. Where there is no need to continue imposing embarkation restriction measures, such measures shall be promptly lifted.

第三十一条   涉嫌职务犯罪的被调查人主动认罪认罚,有下列情形之一的,监察机关经领导人员集体研究,并报上一级监察机关批准,可以在移送人民检察院时提出从宽处罚的建议:

Article 31 Under any of the following circumstances, the supervisory body may propose a lenient punishment when referring the case to the people's procuratorate, upon group discussions of the leaders and approval of the supervisory body at the next higher level, if the investigated individual suspected of committing a duty-related crime pleads guilty voluntarily,


1. the criminal surrenders himself to the justice voluntarily and shows sincere repentance;


(II) He/she actively cooperates with the investigation, and truthfully confesses his/her illegal or criminal act that has not been learned by the supervisory body; or


3. Where the suspected individual takes a proactive approach to giving up ill-gotten gains, thereby reducing the losses;


(IV) Where the suspected individual displays other major meritorious behavior or the case involves major interests of the State.

第三十二条   职务违法犯罪的涉案人员揭发有关被调查人职务违法犯罪行为,查证属实的,或者提供重要线索,有助于调查其他案件的,监察机关经领导人员集体研究,并报上一级监察机关批准,可以在移送人民检察院时提出从宽处罚的建议。

Article 32 Where the person involved in a case of duty-related illegalities or offences discloses the duty-related illegalities or offences of the person under an investigation, which has been verified, or provides important clues helpful to the investigation of other cases, the supervisory agency may, upon its leaders' collective study and approval by the supervisory agency at the next higher level, propose a lenient penalty when the case is referred to the people's procuratorate.

第三十三条   监察机关依照本法规定收集的物证、书证、证人证言、被调查人供述和辩解、视听资料、电子数据等证据材料,在刑事诉讼中可以作为证据使用。

Article 33 Evidential materials such as physical evidence, documentary evidence, testimony of the witness, confession and arguments of the person under investigation, audio-visual materials and electronic data collected by the supervisory body in accordance with provisions herein may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings.


When collecting, fixing, examining and using evidence, supervisory agencies shall comply with the requirements and standards on evidence in criminal trials.


Evidence collected by illegal means shall be excluded according to law, and shall not be used as the basis for handling cases.

第三十四条   人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、审计机关等国家机关在工作中发现公职人员涉嫌贪污贿赂、失职渎职等职务违法或者职务犯罪的问题线索,应当移送监察机关,由监察机关依法调查处置。

Article 34 Where the people's courts, people's procuratorates, public security organs, audit organs and other state organs find out any clue of suspected duty-related illegalities or offences including corruption, bribery, dereliction of duty or malfeasance committed by public officials, they shall transfer such clue to the supervisory bodies for investigation and handling thereby in accordance with the law.


Where the person under an investigation is suspected of both a serious duty-related violation or crime and other violations or crimes, the supervisory body shall generally take the lead in the investigation, and other organs shall provide assistance.

第五章 监察程序

Chapter 5 Supervision Procedures

第三十五条   监察机关对于报案或者举报,应当接受并按照有关规定处理。对于不属于本机关管辖的,应当移送主管机关处理。

Article 35 A supervisory organ shall accept and handle reports or tip-offs in accordance with the relevant provisions. If a case is not under its jurisdiction, it shall be transferred to the competent authority for handling.

第三十六条   监察机关应当严格按照程序开展工作,建立问题线索处置、调查、审理各部门相互协调、相互制约的工作机制。

Article 36 The supervisory body shall work in strict accordance with procedures, and establish the work mechanism of having departments coordinate and restrict each other in handling, investigating and hearing clues relating to the issues.


The supervisory body shall step up supervision and administration of the whole process of investigations and handling, and set up the corresponding departments to perform functions of coordinating clues management, supervision and inspection, urging for handling, statistical analysis, etc.

第三十七条   监察机关对监察对象的问题线索,应当按照有关规定提出处置意见,履行审批手续,进行分类办理。线索处置情况应当定期汇总、通报,定期检查、抽查。

Article 37 The supervisory body shall give opinions on how to respond to clues on issues of a target under supervision, in accordance with applicable rules, undergo examination and approval formalities, and handle them by category. Handling of leads shall be compiled and circulated on a regular basis, and carried out inspection and random sampling.

第三十八条   需要采取初步核实方式处置问题线索的,监察机关应当依法履行审批程序,成立核查组。初步核实工作结束后,核查组应当撰写初步核实情况报告,提出处理建议。承办部门应当提出分类处理意见。初步核实情况报告和分类处理意见报监察机关主要负责人审批。

Article 38 Where it is necessary to adopt a preliminary verification method to handle the clues to a problem, the supervisory body shall perform examination and approval procedures in accordance with the law and form a verification team. After the completion of the preliminary verification, the verification team shall write a report on the preliminary verification and propose handling suggestions. The undertaking department shall put forward categorized handling opinions. The report about the situation of preliminary verification and the opinions on how to deal with the case by category shall be submitted to the chief of the supervisory body for approval.

第三十九条   经过初步核实,对监察对象涉嫌职务违法犯罪,需要追究法律责任的,监察机关应当按照规定的权限和程序办理立案手续。

Article 39 Where, upon preliminary verification, the supervision target is suspected of duty-related illegalities or offences, for which legal liability shall be pursued, the supervisory agency shall complete formalities for filing the case within the limit of its authority and under procedures as prescribed.


After the chief of the supervisory body approves the filing of the case according to the law, the chief shall preside over a specialized meeting to discuss and determine the investigation plan and decide on what measures to be taken in the investigation.


The decision to file the case for investigation shall be announced to the person under investigation and be notified to the relevant organizations. Where there are suspected serious duty-related illegalities or offences, the family of the person under investigation shall be notified, with announcement to the public.

第四十条   监察机关对职务违法和职务犯罪案件,应当进行调查,收集被调查人有无违法犯罪以及情节轻重的证据,查明违法犯罪事实,形成相互印证、完整稳定的证据链。

Article 40 For cases of duty-related illegalities and offences, supervisory agencies shall conduct investigations, collect evidence of whether the persons under investigation have committed illegalities or offences and the seriousness thereof, and ascertain the facts of illegalities or offences, so as to form a mutually corroborative, complete and stable chain of evidence.


It is strictly prohibited to collect evidence by means of threat, inducement, deception or any other illegal means, or to insult, beat, abuse, physically punish or physically punish in disguised forms of the persons under investigation and persons involved in cases.

第四十一条   调查人员采取讯问、询问、留置、搜查、调取、查封、扣押、勘验检查等调查措施,均应当依照规定出示证件,出具书面通知,由二人以上进行,形成笔录、报告等书面材料,并由相关人员签名、盖章。

Article 41 When taking such investigation measures as interrogation, questioning, detention, search, access, sealing, seizure, inspection or examination, two or more investigators shall, as required, present documents, issue written notices, prepare written records, reports and other written materials, with signatures or seals by the persons concerned.


Investigators carrying out important evidence collection work such as interrogation, search, seizure and seizure, etc shall make audio and video recording of the entire process and retain the audio and video recording for future inspection.

第四十二条   调查人员应当严格执行调查方案,不得随意扩大调查范围、变更调查对象和事项。

Article 42 The investigators shall strictly implement the investigation plan, and shall not expand the scope of investigation or change investigation targets and matters without authorization.


Important issues in the investigation process shall be reported for instructions after collective study.

第四十三条   监察机关采取留置措施,应当由监察机关领导人员集体研究决定。设区的市级以下监察机关采取留置措施,应当报上一级监察机关批准。省级监察机关采取留置措施,应当报国家监察委员会备案。

Article 43 Detention measures to be taken by a supervisory agency shall be decided upon collective study of the supervisory agency's leaders. A supervisory organ at or below the level of a city divided into districts shall report its detention measures to be taken to the supervisory organ at the next higher level for approval. Where a supervisory body at the provincial level intends to take detention measures, it shall file a record with the National Supervisory Commission.


The detention shall last up to three months. Under special circumstances, this time limit may be extended once for up to three months. Where a supervisory agency at provincial level or below takes detention measures, the extension period shall be reported to and approved by the supervisory agency at the next higher level. Where the supervisory body finds it improper to take detention measures, it shall lift such measures in a timely manner.


To take detention measures, the supervisory body may solicit cooperation from the public security organ, depending on its work needs. Public security organs shall provide assistance in accordance with the law.

第四十四条   对被调查人采取留置措施后,应当在二十四小时以内,通知被留置人员所在单位和家属,但有可能毁灭、伪造证据,干扰证人作证或者串供等有碍调查情形的除外。有碍调查的情形消失后,应当立即通知被留置人员所在单位和家属。

Article 44 After detention measures have been taken against the person under an investigation, the employer or families of the person detained shall be notified within 24 hours, unless there are potential obstructions to the investigation such as evidence destruction or falsification, disruption of witness testimony or collusion of confessions. After the circumstances of impeding the investigation disappear, the employer or families of the person detained shall be notified without delay.


The supervisory body shall ensure the detained individual has access to food, rest and security, and provide him or her with medical services. The person detained during interrogation shall be interrogated for a reasonable time and length, and the interrogation record shall be signed by the person interrogated after he/she reads it.


Where, after the person detained is referred to the judicial organ because he/she is suspected of committing a crime, he/she is sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment in accordance with the law, one day of detention is converted into two days of public surveillance, or one day of criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment.

第四十五条   监察机关根据监督、调查结果,依法作出如下处置:

Article 45 The supervisory body shall handle the case according to the law, according to the supervision and investigation results, as follows:


1. Where a functionary is found to have committed a duty-related violation which, however, is not serious, the supervisory body shall, according to its administrative authority, either directly have a talk with the functionary, giving him or her a warning, criticizing him or her for the violation for the education purpose or ordering him or her to make a self-criticism, or admonish him or her, or entrust a relevant authority and personnel to do so;


(II) Making decisions on giving a warning, recording a demerit, recording a serious demerit, demoting, dismissing, expelling the functionary who violates the law or giving him such administrative sanctions in accordance with the statutory procedures;


(III) Where a leader is held liable for the failure to fulfill his or her duties or the improper fulfillment of such duties, the supervisory body shall, according to its administrative authority, make a direct decision to pursue his or her liability, or put forward opinions on the accountability to the organ with the right to make the accountability decision;


(IV) where the supervisory body, after investigations, believes that the corpus delicti of a crime is clear and the evidence is reliable and sufficient, it shall prepare the written opinions for prosecution, which shall be transferred to the people's procuratorate together with the case files and evidence for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law; and


(V) To put forward supervisory opinions on problems existing in construction of clean and honest administration and performance of duties of the unit where the supervised object works.


Where the supervisory body finds through investigations that there is no evidence proving that the investigated individual is involved in any violation or crime, it shall withdraw the case and notify his or her employer.

第四十六条   监察机关经调查,对违法取得的财物,依法予以没收、追缴或者责令退赔;对涉嫌犯罪取得的财物,应当随案移送人民检察院。

Article 46 Supervisory agencies shall, upon investigation, confiscate, recover, or order the return of illegally obtained money or property in accordance with the law. The money or property acquired through suspected crimes shall be transferred with cases to people's procuratorates.

第四十七条   对监察机关移送的案件,人民检察院依照《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》对被调查人采取强制措施。

Article 47 For cases transferred by supervisory agencies, people's procuratorates shall take compulsory measures against the persons under investigation in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.


Where a people's procuratorate deems upon examination that corpus delicti has been ascertained with sufficient and solid evidence and criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law, it shall decide to prosecute.


If the people's procuratorate, after examination, believes that supplementary verification is required, return the case to the supervisory body for supplementary investigation, and may conduct supplementary investigation by itself if necessary. The additional investigation for a case shall be completed within one month. There shall be no more than two additional investigations.


For the circumstances of non-prosecution prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's procuratorate concerned shall, upon approval by the people's procuratorate at the next higher level, make a non-prosecution decision in accordance with the law. Where the supervisory body believes that the decision not to initiate a prosecution is wrong, it may request reconsideration from the people's procuratorate at the next higher level.

第四十八条   监察机关在调查贪污贿赂、失职渎职等职务犯罪案件过程中,被调查人逃匿或者死亡,有必要继续调查的,经省级以上监察机关批准,应当继续调查并作出结论。被调查人逃匿,在通缉一年后不能到案,或者死亡的,由监察机关提请人民检察院依照法定程序,向人民法院提出没收违法所得的申请。

Article 48 When the supervisory body is investigating a case involving a duty-related crime, such as embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, neglect of duties, and malpractice, and the investigated individual escapes and hides him or herself, or dies, but it is necessary to continue the investigation, the supervisory body shall proceed with the investigation and make a conclusion, upon approval of the supervisory body above the provincial level. If the person under investigation has escaped and cannot be brought in after being listed as wanted for one year, or has died, the supervisory agency shall request the people's procuratorate to make an application to the people's court for confiscation of illegal gains under statutory procedures.

第四十九条   监察对象对监察机关作出的涉及本人的处理决定不服的,可以在收到处理决定之日起一个月内,向作出决定的监察机关申请复审,复审机关应当在一个月内作出复审决定;监察对象对复审决定仍不服的,可以在收到复审决定之日起一个月内,向上一级监察机关申请复核,复核机关应当在二个月内作出复核决定。复审、复核期间,不停止原处理决定的执行。复核机关经审查,认定处理决定有错误的,原处理机关应当及时予以纠正。

Article 49 Where the target under supervision disagrees with a decision made by the supervisory body relating to him or herself, such target may, within one month of the date he or she receives the decision, apply to the supervisory body that made the decision for a review of the decision. The supervisory body shall make a review decision within one month. If the target still disagrees with the review decision, he or she may, within one month of the date of receipt of the review decision, apply to the supervisory body at the next higher level for review of the decision. The organ responsible for the review shall make a review decision within two months. During the period of reexamination or review, the implementation of the original decision shall not be suspended. If, upon review, the review organ determines that the handling decision is wrong, the original handling organ shall make corrections in a timely manner.

第六章 反腐败国际合作

Chapter 6 International Cooperation against Corruption

第五十条   国家监察委员会统筹协调与其他国家、地区、国际组织开展的反腐败国际交流、合作,组织反腐败国际条约实施工作。

Article 50 The National Supervisory Commission shall make overall planning and coordination for the international anti-corruption exchanges and cooperation with other countries, regions and international organizations, and organize the implementation of international anti-corruption treaties.

第五十一条   国家监察委员会组织协调有关方面加强与有关国家、地区、国际组织在反腐败执法、引渡、司法协助、被判刑人的移管、资产追回和信息交流等领域的合作。

Article 51 The National Supervisory Commission shall organize coordination with the relevant parties to strengthen cooperation with the relevant countries, regions and international organizations in such fields as anti-corruption law enforcement, extradition, judicial assistance, transfer of sentenced persons, asset recovery and information exchange.

第五十二条   国家监察委员会加强对反腐败国际追逃追赃和防逃工作的组织协调,督促有关单位做好相关工作:

Article 52 The National Supervisory Commission shall strengthen the organization and coordination of international pursuit of fugitives and recovery of stolen goods for anti-corruption purposes and the prevention of fugitives, and urge the relevant entities to effectively carry out the relevant work,


1. Where the investigated individual in a case involving a serious duty-related crime, such as embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, neglect of duties, and malpractice, escapes to and hides him or herself in a foreign country (outside the territory), and the evidence available to him or her is relatively conclusive, the investigated individual shall be arrested by carrying out the overseas pursuit cooperation;


(II) requesting the country where the proceeds of crime are located to inquire, freeze, seize, confiscate, recover or return the assets involved in the case; and


(III) to inquire about and monitor the entry and exit of the civil servants and relevant personnel involved in the duty-related crimes and the cross-border capital flow, and to set up procedures for preventing escape in the investigation of cases.

第七章 对监察机关和监察人员的监督

Chapter 7 Supervision over Supervisory Agencies and Supervisors

第五十三条   各级监察委员会应当接受本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会的监督。

Article 53 A supervisory commission at any level shall be subject to supervision by the people's congress at the same level as well as its standing committee.


The standing committee of a people's congress at any level shall listen to and deliberate the special work report of the supervisory commission at the same level, and organize law enforcement inspections.


When a people's congress above the county level as well as its standing committee holds a meeting, deputies of the people's congress or members of its standing committee may, under procedures prescribed by law, raise questions or question about relevant issues in supervision work.

第五十四条   监察机关应当依法公开监察工作信息,接受民主监督、社会监督、舆论监督。

Article 54 A supervisory organ shall disclose information on the supervision work in accordance with law and subject itself to democratic supervision, social supervision and supervision by public opinions.

第五十五条   监察机关通过设立内部专门的监督机构等方式,加强对监察人员执行职务和遵守法律情况的监督,建设忠诚、干净、担当的监察队伍。

Article 55 Supervisory agencies shall, by such means as establishing a specialized internal supervisory body, strengthen their supervision of the performance of duties and compliance with the law by supervisory officials, so as to build a supervision team that is loyal, clean and responsible.

第五十六条   监察人员必须模范遵守宪法和法律,忠于职守、秉公执法,清正廉洁、保守秘密;必须具有良好的政治素质,熟悉监察业务,具备运用法律、法规、政策和调查取证等能力,自觉接受监督。

Article 56 Supervisory officials must exemplarily abide by the Constitution and laws, be devoted to their duties, enforce laws impartially, be honest and upright and keep secrets; they must have good political quality, be familiar with supervision work and have the ability to apply laws, regulations and policies and collect evidence, and consciously accept supervision.

第五十七条   对于监察人员打听案情、过问案件、说情干预的,办理监察事项的监察人员应当及时报告。有关情况应当登记备案。

Article 57 Where any supervisor enquires about a case, takes an interest in a case, intercedes for relevant personnel or interferes with a case, supervisors handling supervisory matters shall report such situation in a timely manner. The relevant situation shall be registered and filed for the record.


Where a supervisory official handling a supervision matter is found to contact or have contacts with the person under investigation, the personnel involved in the case and the particular parties concerned without approval, the person in the know shall promptly report the situation. The relevant situation shall be registered and filed for the record.

第五十八条   办理监察事项的监察人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避,监察对象、检举人及其他有关人员也有权要求其回避:

Article 58 Where a supervisor responsible for handling supervisory matters falls under any of the following circumstances, he or she shall withdraw on his or her own initiative, and the target under supervision, the informant and other relevant personnel also have the right to demand his or her withdrawal:


1. being a close relative of the target under supervision or the informant;


2. if he has served as a witness in the current case;


(III) He himself or any of his close relatives has an interest in the matters under supervision;


(IV) Other circumstances under which an impartial settlement may be affected.

第五十九条   监察机关涉密人员离岗离职后,应当遵守脱密期管理规定,严格履行保密义务,不得泄露相关秘密。

Article 59 Any individual in a supervisory body that has access to classified information shall abide by administrative provisions on the period of being deprived of access to secrets, strictly perform confidentiality obligations, and shall not divulge relevant secrets, after he or she leaves the post or quits their job.


Within three years after his resignation or retirement, a supervisor shall not take up any occupation that relates to the supervision and judicial work and may involve conflicts of interest.

第六十条   监察机关及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,被调查人及其近亲属有权向该机关申诉:

Article 60 Where the supervisory body or its functionary commits any of the following acts, the investigated individual and his or her close relative have the right to file an appeal with such supervisory body:


1. Refusing to discharge the lien upon expiration of the statutory lien period;


2. where property irrelevant to the case has been sealed up, seized or frozen;


(III) Where the supervisory body fails to lift any sealing, seizure or freezing measure that should have been lifted;


4. To embezzle, misappropriate, divide without authorization, replace, or use in violation of the relevant provisions the property that has been sealed up, seized or frozen;


(V) other acts in violation of laws and regulations or infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the party under investigation.


The supervisory department that accepts the appeal shall make a decision within one month from acceptance of the appeal. If the appellant is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may apply for a review to the supervisory agency at the next higher level within one month from the date of receiving the decision, and the supervisory agency at the next higher level shall make a decision within two months from receipt of the application for review. If the circumstances are true, corrections shall be made in a timely manner.

第六十一条   对调查工作结束后发现立案依据不充分或者失实,案件处置出现重大失误,监察人员严重违法的,应当追究负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员的责任。

Article 61 Where it is found, after the investigation has been completed, that the basis for filing the case is insufficient or inaccurate, major mistakes are made in the handling of the case, and the supervisors seriously violate the law, the leaders liable and persons directly liable shall be investigated for liability.

第八章 法律责任

Chapter 8 Legal Liabilities

第六十二条   有关单位拒不执行监察机关作出的处理决定,或者无正当理由拒不采纳监察建议的,由其主管部门、上级机关责令改正,对单位给予通报批评;对负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员依法给予处理。

Article 62 Where an organization concerned refuses to implement decisions made by a supervisory agency or refuses to adopt supervisory advice without justified reasons, the competent authority or the superior agency shall order it to make corrections, and circulate a notice of criticism against the organization; and its leaders liable and the persons directly liable shall be punished in accordance with the law.

第六十三条   有关人员违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由其所在单位、主管部门、上级机关或者监察机关责令改正,依法给予处理:

Article 63 Where a person concerned commits any of the following acts in violation of the provisions hereof, the entity where he works, the competent authority, the superior organ or the supervisory organ shall order him to make corrections, and handle the case in accordance with the law:


1. Where the person fails to provide relevant materials as required, or refuses to cooperate with the supervisory body's investigation, such as refusing or obstructing the implementation of measures in the investigation;


(II) providing false information to cover up the truth;


(III) Where the person colludes with others or forges, conceals or destroys evidence;


(IV) preventing others from whistle-blowing or providing evidence; or


(V) other acts violating the provisions of this Law and the circumstances are serious.

第六十四条   监察对象对控告人、检举人、证人或者监察人员进行报复陷害的;控告人、检举人、证人捏造事实诬告陷害监察对象的,依法给予处理。

Article 64 Any supervision target who retaliates against or frames up an accuser, informant, witness or supervisor, or any accuser, informant or witness who fabricates facts to falsely accuse or frame up the supervision target, shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

第六十五条   监察机关及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,对负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员依法给予处理:

Article 65 Where a supervisory body or its functionary commits any of the following acts, the accountable leaders and the persons directly held liable shall be handled according to the law,


1. handling clues to issues without approval or authorization, concealing and not reporting major case details upon discovery, or keeping or handling case-related materials privately;


(II) Taking advantage of the influence of his power or post to interfere with the investigation or to seek personal gains from the case;


(III) Illegally stealing or divulging any information about the investigation, or divulging information on reported matters, the acceptance of tip-offs and informants;


(IV) Extorting a confession from an investigated individual or from the personnel involved in the case, inducing him or her into making a confession, or insulting, beating, scolding, abusing, physically punishing him or her, or physically punishing them in a disguised form;


(V) Sealing up, detaining or freezing property in violation of the relevant provisions;


(VI) Causing a safety accident when a case is being handled, or concealing a safety accident, reporting such accident in an untruthful manner, or responding to such accident improperly, after the accident occurs;


(VII) Taking detention measures by violating provisions;


(VIII) imposing restrictions on others' exit in violation of provisions, or not lifting restrictions on exit in accordance with provisions;


(IX) Other acts of abusing powers, neglecting duties or practicing favoritism for himself or his relative.

第六十六条   违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 66 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

第六十七条   监察机关及其工作人员行使职权,侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,依法给予国家赔偿。

Article 67 If a supervisory organ or any of its functionaries infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or any other organization and causes damage when exercising its or his functions and powers, it or he shall pay State compensation in accordance with law.


Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

第六十八条   中国人民解放军和中国人民武装警察部队开展监察工作,由中央军事委员会根据本法制定具体规定。

Article 68 The Central Military Commission shall, in accordance with the Law, develop the specific provisions on the supervision carried out by the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.

第六十九条   本法自公布之日起施行。《中华人民共和国行政监察法》同时废止。

Article 69 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. The Law of the People 's Republic of China on Administrative Supervision shall be annulled at the same time.


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