

2013年4月25日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过 根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》第一次修正 根据2018年10月26日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国野生动物保护法〉等十五部法律的决定》第二次修正



Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China (Revision 2018)

2013425日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过 根据2016117日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》第一次修正 根据20181026日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国野生动物保护法〉等十五部法律的决定》第二次修正)

(Adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 25, 2013; revised for the first time according to the Decision on Revising Twelve Laws including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China passed at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 7, 2016; and revised for the second time according to the Decision on Revising Fifteen Laws including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife passed at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on October 26, 2018)


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条   为保障旅游者和旅游经营者的合法权益,规范旅游市场秩序,?;ず秃侠砝寐糜巫试?,促进旅游业持续健康发展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated for purposes of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of tourists and tourism operators, regulating the order of tourism market, protecting and making rational use of tourism resources, and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the tourism industry.

第二条   在中华人民共和国境内的和在中华人民共和国境内组织到境外的游览、度假、休闲等形式的旅游活动以及为旅游活动提供相关服务的经营活动,适用本法。

Article 2 This Law is applicable to tours, vacations, recreations and other forms of tourism activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China or tours, vacations, recreations and other forms of business activities providing relevant services for tourism activities that are organized outside the territory of the People's Republic of China.

第三条   国家发展旅游事业,完善旅游公共服务,依法?;ぢ糜握咴诼糜位疃械娜ɡ?/span>

Article 3 The State develops tourism, improves public tourism services, and protects tourists' rights in tourism activities.

第四条   旅游业发展应当遵循社会效益、经济效益和生态效益相统一的原则。国家鼓励各类市场主体在有效?;ぢ糜巫试吹那疤嵯?,依法合理利用旅游资源。利用公共资源建设的游览场所应当体现公益性质。

Article 4 The development of tourism shall follow the principle of unifying social, economic and ecological benefits. The State encourages all types of market entities to reasonably and legally utilize tourism resources under the premise of effectively protecting them. The tour place established with public resources shall demonstrate its public welfare nature.

第五条   国家倡导健康、文明、环保的旅游方式,支持和鼓励各类社会机构开展旅游公益宣传,对促进旅游业发展做出突出贡献的单位和个人给予奖励。

Article 5 The State advocates healthy, civilized and environment-friendly ways of tourism, supports and encourages all kinds of social institutions to launch public tourism promotion activities for public welfare, and gives awards to the entities and individuals making outstanding contributions to promoting tourism development.

第六条   国家建立健全旅游服务标准和市场规则,禁止行业垄断和地区垄断。旅游经营者应当诚信经营,公平竞争,承担社会责任,为旅游者提供安全、健康、卫生、方便的旅游服务。

Article 6 The State builds and improves tourism service standards and market rules, and prohibits industrial monopoly and regional monopoly. Tourism operators shall run business with integrity, compete fairly, and undertake their social responsibilities to provide safe, healthy, sanitary and convenient tourism services for the tourists.

第七条   国务院建立健全旅游综合协调机制,对旅游业发展进行综合协调。

Article 7 The State Council builds up and improves an integrated tourism coordination mechanism to make overall coordination for tourism development.


Local people's governments above the county level shall strengthen the organization and leadership of tourism work, clearly designate specific tourism departments and institutions, and make the overall coordination between tourism development, supervision and management in their respective administrative regions.

第八条   依法成立的旅游行业组织,实行自律管理。

Article 8 Tourism industry organizations established in accordance with the law shall carry out self-regulation.

第二章 旅游者

Chapter 2 Tourists

第九条   旅游者有权自主选择旅游产品和服务,有权拒绝旅游经营者的强制交易行为。

Article 9 Tourists have the right to select tourism products and services independently and to refuse coercive trade behaviors of tourism operators.


Tourists are entitled to be informed of the true information of the tourism products and services they purchase.


Tourists shall have the right to require tourism operators to provide products and services as agreed.

第十条   旅游者的人格尊严、民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰应当得到尊重。

Article 10 The human dignity, national customs and religious beliefs of tourists shall be respected.

第十一条   残疾人、老年人、未成年人等旅游者在旅游活动中依照法律、法规和有关规定享受便利和优惠。

Article 11 The disabled, the elderly and the minors are entitled to due convenience and benefits in tourism activities in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant rules.

第十二条   旅游者在人身、财产安全遇有危险时,有请求救助和保护的权利。

Article 12 Tourists have the right to request for assistance and protection in case their personal and property safety is in danger.


Tourists have the right to be compensated for in accordance with law in case their personal safety and property are infringed upon.

第十三条   旅游者在旅游活动中应当遵守社会公共秩序和社会公德,尊重当地的风俗习惯、文化传统和宗教信仰,爱护旅游资源,?;ど肪?,遵守旅游文明行为规范。

Article 13 Tourists shall observe public order and respect social morality in tourism activities, respect local customs, cultural traditions and religious beliefs, care for tourism resources, protect the ecological environment, and abide by the norms of civilized tourist behaviors.

第十四条   旅游者在旅游活动中或者在解决纠纷时,不得损害当地居民的合法权益,不得干扰他人的旅游活动,不得损害旅游经营者和旅游从业人员的合法权益。

Article 14 Tourists are not allowed to harm local people's legitimate rights and interests, interfere with the tourism activities of others or harm the legitimate rights and interests of tourism operators and tourism practitioners in tourism activities or when settling a dispute.

第十五条   旅游者购买、接受旅游服务时,应当向旅游经营者如实告知与旅游活动相关的个人健康信息,遵守旅游活动中的安全警示规定。

Article 15 When purchasing and accepting tourism services, tourists shall truthfully inform the tourism operators of their personal health conditions relating to the tourism activities, and comply with the safety warnings and requirements in tourism activities.


Tourists shall cooperate with temporary measures for restriction of tourism activities imposed by the State for any significant emergency event, and safety protection and emergency response measures taken by relevant departments, agencies or tourism operators.


Tourists who violate safety warnings and requirements, or refuse to act in line with measures taken by the State which temporarily restrict tourism activities in order to settle major emergencies, and security and emergency response measures shall be held liable correspondingly in accordance with the law.

第十六条   出境旅游者不得在境外非法滞留,随团出境的旅游者不得擅自分团、脱团。

Article 16 Outbound tourists are not allowed to stay abroad illegally. Outbound tourists who travel in a group are not allowed to leave or separate from the group without permission.


Inbound tourists are not allowed to stay within the territory of the PRC illegally, or leave or separate from the group without permission if travelling in a group.

第三章 旅游规划和促进

Chapter 3 Tourism Planning and Promotion

第十七条   国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当将旅游业发展纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。

Article 17 The State Council and the local people's governments above the county level shall incorporate the development of the tourism industry in the planning of national economy and social development.


The State Council, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the people's governments of prefectures and counties having districts with rich tourism resources under their jurisdiction shall organize the compilation of the planning for tourism development according to the requirements set in the national planning for economic and social development. When utilizing tourism resources covering multiple administrative regions that are good to be utilized as a whole, higher-level people's governments shall organize the compilation, or relevant local people's governments shall compile unified planning for tourism development through consultation.

第十八条   旅游发展规划应当包括旅游业发展的总体要求和发展目标,旅游资源?;ず屠玫囊蠛痛胧约奥糜尾房?、旅游服务质量提升、旅游文化建设、旅游形象推广、旅游基础设施和公共服务设施建设的要求和促进措施等内容。

Article 18 The planning for tourism development shall have such content as the overall requirements and development goals of the tourism industry, the requirements on and measures for the protection and utilization of tourism resources, as well as the requirements on the development of tourism products, the improvement of the quality of tourism services, the construction of tourism culture, the promotion of tourism images, tourism infrastructure and the construction of public service facilities, as well as promotion measures.


Based on the planning for tourism development, the local people's governments above the county level may develop special planning for developing and utilizing key tourism resources, and set special requirements for the tourism projects, facilities and supporting service functions in certain areas.

第十九条   旅游发展规划应当与土地利用总体规划、城乡规划、环境?;す婊约捌渌匀蛔试春臀奈锏热宋淖试吹谋;ず屠霉婊嘞谓?。

Article 19 The planning for tourism development shall be matched with the master planning for land use, urban and rural planning, planning for environmental protection and the planning for protecting and utilizing other natural resources, cultural relics, among other humanistic resources.

第二十条   各级人民政府编制土地利用总体规划、城乡规划,应当充分考虑相关旅游项目、设施的空间布局和建设用地要求。规划和建设交通、通信、供水、供电、环保等基础设施和公共服务设施,应当兼顾旅游业发展的需要。

Article 20 People's governments at all levels shall take into full consideration the requirements on the spatial layout and land for construction of relevant tourism projects and tourism facilities when developing the master planning for land use. The need to develop the tourism industry shall be taken into consideration when designing and constructing transport, communications, water supply, power supply and environmental protection infrastructure and public service facilities.

第二十一条   对自然资源和文物等人文资源进行旅游利用,必须严格遵守有关法律、法规的规定,符合资源、生态保护和文物安全的要求,尊重和维护当地传统文化和习俗,维护资源的区域整体性、文化代表性和地域特殊性,并考虑军事设施保护的需要。有关主管部门应当加强对资源保护和旅游利用状况的监督检查。

Article 21 When utilizing natural resources and humanistic resources like cultural relics as tourism resources, relevant laws and regulations must be strictly complied with, the requirements on resources, ecological protection and the safety of cultural relics must be met, local traditional culture and customs must be respected and maintained, the regional integrity, cultural representation and local characteristics must be protected, and the need to protect military facilities must be taken into consideration. Competent departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of resource protection and tourism utilization.

第二十二条   各级人民政府应当组织对本级政府编制的旅游发展规划的执行情况进行评估,并向社会公布。

Article 22 Local people's governments at all levels shall organize assessments of the implementation of the planning for tourism development prepared by the people's governments of the same level, and shall make public the assessment results.

第二十三条   国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当制定并组织实施有利于旅游业持续健康发展的产业政策,推进旅游休闲体系建设,采取措施推动区域旅游合作,鼓励跨区域旅游线路和产品开发,促进旅游与工业、农业、商业、文化、卫生、体育、科教等领域的融合,扶持少数民族地区、革命老区、边远地区和贫困地区旅游业发展。

Article 23 The State Council and the local people's governments above the county level shall develop and organize the implementation of the industrial policies conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of the tourism industry, promote the construction of a system of tourism and leisure activities, take measures to promote regional tourism cooperation, encourage the development of cross-regional tourism routes and products, promote the integration of tourism with industry, agriculture, commerce, culture, health, sports, science and education and other fields, and support the development of tourism in minority areas, old revolutionary bases, remote areas and poor areas.

第二十四条   国务院和县级以上地方人民政府应当根据实际情况安排资金,加强旅游基础设施建设、旅游公共服务和旅游形象推广。

Article 24 The State Council and the local people's governments above the county level shall allocate funds based on the local conditions, and intensify the construction of tourism infrastructure, public tourism services and the promotion of tourism images.

第二十五条   国家制定并实施旅游形象推广战略。国务院旅游主管部门统筹组织国家旅游形象的境外推广工作,建立旅游形象推广机构和网络,开展旅游国际合作与交流。

Article 25 The State develops and puts into practice the tourism image promotion strategy. The department in charge of tourism under the State Council shall be responsible for making overall planning for promoting the national tourism image abroad, build tourism image promotion institutions and network, and conduct international tourism cooperation and exchange.


Local people's governments above the county level shall be responsible for the overall planning and organization of local tourism image promotion.

第二十六条   国务院旅游主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府应当根据需要建立旅游公共信息和咨询平台,无偿向旅游者提供旅游景区、线路、交通、气象、住宿、安全、医疗急救等必要信息和咨询服务。设区的市和县级人民政府有关部门应当根据需要在交通枢纽、商业中心和旅游者集中场所设置旅游咨询中心,在景区和通往主要景区的道路设置旅游指示标识。

Article 26 The department in charge of tourism under the State Council and the local people's governments above the county level shall build a tourism public information and consulting platform if necessary to provide information and consulting services on scenic spots, routes, transport, weather, accommodation, safety and first aid to tourists. Relevant departments of the people's governments of cities divided into districts and counties shall, as needed, set up tourism information centers at transport hubs, in commercial centers and places where tourists concentrate, and set signs in scenic spots or along the roads leading to major scenic spots.


The people's governments of cities divided into districts and counties with rich tourism resources under their jurisdiction may open tourist passenger lines or tourist transit stations based on local conditions to facilitate the transport of tourists in the city and the peripheral areas.

第二十七条   国家鼓励和支持发展旅游职业教育和培训,提高旅游从业人员素质。

Article 27 The State encourages and supports the development of tourism vocational education and training in order to improve the quality of tourism practitioners.

第四章 旅游经营

Chapter 4 Tourism Operation

第二十八条   设立旅行社,招徕、组织、接待旅游者,为其提供旅游服务,应当具备下列条件,取得旅游主管部门的许可,依法办理工商登记:

Article 28 The following requirements shall be met, approval from the tourism authority shall be obtained and industrial and commercial registration shall be made in accordance with the law in order to establish a travel agency, attract, organize and receive tourists, and provide tourism services:


1. Having a fixed place of business;


2. Having necessary business facilities;


(III) Having a minimum registered capital as prescribed;


(IV) Having necessary management staff and tour guides; and


(V) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

第二十九条   旅行社可以经营下列业务:

Article 29 Travel agencies may engage in the following businesses:


1. domestic tourism;


2. Outbound tourism;


(III) Border tourism;


(IV) inbound tourism;


(V) Other tourism businesses.


To engage in Items 2 and 3 above, a travel agency must obtain the required business license. Specific requirements shall be set by the State Council.

第三十条   旅行社不得出租、出借旅行社业务经营许可证,或者以其他形式非法转让旅行社业务经营许可。

Article 30 Travel agencies are prohibited from leasing or lending their business licenses, or illegally transferring their business licenses in other forms.

第三十一条   旅行社应当按照规定交纳旅游服务质量保证金,用于旅游者权益损害赔偿和垫付旅游者人身安全遇有危险时紧急救助的费用。

Article 31 Travel agencies shall pay quality deposits for the tourism services they provide in accordance with the regulations before using it to compensate for the damages to the rights and interests of tourists and to pay the fees for first aid when the personal safety of tourists is in danger.

第三十二条   旅行社为招徕、组织旅游者发布信息,必须真实、准确,不得进行虚假宣传,误导旅游者。

Article 32 Information issued by travel agencies for the purpose of attracting and organizing tourists must be true and accurate, and must not be false or misleading.

第三十三条   旅行社及其从业人员组织、接待旅游者,不得安排参观或者参与违反我国法律、法规和社会公德的项目或者活动。

Article 33 When organizing and receiving tourists, travel agencies and their employees are prohibited from arranging visits or taking part in any program or activity in violation of the laws, regulations and social ethics of our country.

第三十四条   旅行社组织旅游活动应当向合格的供应商订购产品和服务。

Article 34 Travel agencies organizing tourism activities shall order products and services from qualified suppliers.

第三十五条   旅行社不得以不合理的低价组织旅游活动,诱骗旅游者,并通过安排购物或者另行付费旅游项目获取回扣等不正当利益。

Article 35 Travel agencies are prohibited from organizing tourism activities and luring tourists with unreasonably low prices, or getting illegitimate gains such as rebates by arranging shopping or providing tourism services that requires additional payment.


When organizing and receiving tourists, travel agencies shall not designate specific shopping places, or provide tourism services that require additional payment. However, it does not include circumstances where both sides have agreed or the tourists have requested for such arrangements and no influence is caused on the itinerary of other tourists.


In case of any violation of the above two paragraphs, tourists shall have the right to, within thirty (30) days from the end of the travel, require the travel agency to return their purchases and pay the price of the returned purchases on behalf in advance, or refund the payment made for tourism services that require additional payment.

第三十六条   旅行社组织团队出境旅游或者组织、接待团队入境旅游,应当按照规定安排领队或者导游全程陪同。

Article 36 Travel agencies, when organizing outbound tourism groups or organizing and receiving inbound tourism groups, shall send a tour lead or tour guide for the group.

第三十七条   参加导游资格考试成绩合格,与旅行社订立劳动合同或者在相关旅游行业组织注册的人员,可以申请取得导游证。

Article 37 Those who have passed the tour guide qualification test and signed a labor contract with the travel agency or registered with relevant tourism organizations may apply for a tour guide certificate.

第三十八条   旅行社应当与其聘用的导游依法订立劳动合同,支付劳动报酬,缴纳社会保险费用。

Article 38 Travel agencies shall conclude a labor contract with the tour guides they employ, pay remuneration to them, and pay social insurance premiums for them.


In case a travel agency temporarily hires a tour guide to provide services for tourists, the travel agency shall pay the tour guide in full amount the tour guide service fee as provided in Paragraph 3 of Article 60 of this law.


When arranging the tour guide to provide services for the tourism team, the travel agency is prohibited to require the tour guide to advance or collect any charges from the tour guide.

第三十九条   从事领队业务,应当取得导游证,具有相应的学历、语言能力和旅游从业经历,并与委派其从事领队业务的取得出境旅游业务经营许可的旅行社订立劳动合同。

Article 39 Those who act as tour leaders shall obtain a tour guide certificate, have the required academic degrees, language ability and experience in the tourism, and enter into a labor contract with the travel agency which has appointed them as tour leaders and obtained an outbound tourism business license.

第四十条   导游和领队为旅游者提供服务必须接受旅行社委派,不得私自承揽导游和领队业务。

Article 40 Tour guides and tour leads must provide services under the designation of a travel agency, and may not privately act as tour guides or tour leaders.

第四十一条   导游和领队从事业务活动,应当佩戴导游证,遵守职业道德,尊重旅游者的风俗习惯和宗教信仰,应当向旅游者告知和解释旅游文明行为规范,引导旅游者健康、文明旅游,劝阻旅游者违反社会公德的行为。

Article 41 When providing services, tour guides/tour leads shall wear their tour guide certificate, observe professional ethics, respect the custom and religious beliefs of tourists, tell and explain to the tourists norms of civilized tourist behaviors, guide the tourists to travel in a healthy and civilized way, and stop behaviors which violate social morality.


Tour guides and tour leads shall strictly follow the itinerary, shall not alter it or stop the services they are providing without permission or ask for tips from tourists or lure, cheat, compel or force tourists in a disguised form to make purchases or participate in tourism activities that require additional payment.

第四十二条   景区开放应当具备下列条件,并听取旅游主管部门的意见:

Article 42 To open to the public, a scenic spot shall follow the opinions of the tourism authority and meet the following requirements:


1. Having necessary tourism supporting services and auxiliary facilities;


2. Having necessary safety facilities and systems; having passed the safety risk assessment and meeting safety requirements;


(III) Having necessary environmental protection facilities and ecological protection measures;


(IV) Other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.

第四十三条   利用公共资源建设的景区的门票以及景区内的游览场所、交通工具等另行收费项目,实行政府定价或者政府指导价,严格控制价格上涨。拟收费或者提高价格的,应当举行听证会,征求旅游者、经营者和有关方面的意见,论证其必要性、可行性。

Article 43 Tickets of the scenic spots that are built with public resources, as well as services that are charged separately within the scenic spot, including specific sightseeing sites and transport, shall be charged at a price mandated by the government or based on the guiding price set by the government. Price rises must be placed under strict control. In case of any intention to charge or raise prices, a hearing shall be held to solicit opinions from tourists, tourism operators and related organizations and to demonstrate its necessity and feasibility.


Scenic spots which are built with public resources shall not raise prices by adding services that are charged separately or in any other form; services with the investment in them fully recovered shall be charged at low prices or provided for free.


City parks, museums, monuments, etc. for public welfare, except key cultural relics protection units and units holding precious cultural relics, shall be gradually opened to the public for free.

第四十四条   景区应当在醒目位置公示门票价格、另行收费项目的价格及团体收费价格。景区提高门票价格应当提前六个月公布。

Article 44 Scenic spots shall publicize ticket prices, prices for items that are charged separately and the package price in a prominent place. Scenic spots shall make public their intention to raise ticket prices six months in advance.


In the case of combined sale of tickets to different scenic spots or different tour venues within the same scenic spot, the price of combined tickets shall not exceed the total price of all tickets and tourists shall have the right to choose from the tickets.


In case the core tourism services in a scenic spot are temporarily not opened to the public or stopped for some reason, a public announcement shall be made for it along with a corresponding reduction in the charges.

第四十五条   景区接待旅游者不得超过景区主管部门核定的最大承载量。景区应当公布景区主管部门核定的最大承载量,制定和实施旅游者流量控制方案,并可以采取门票预约等方式,对景区接待旅游者的数量进行控制。

Article 45 A scenic spot shall not receive more tourists than its maximum capacity as approved by the tourism authority. It shall make public its maximum capacity as approved by the tourism authority, develop and implement a tourist flow control plan, and control the number of tourists in ways such as ticket reservation.


When the number of tourists is likely to reach the maximum capacity, the scenic spot shall make an announcement in advance and report the situation to the local people's government, and the scenic spot and the local people's government shall take timely measures to guide and divert the tourists.

第四十六条   城镇和乡村居民利用自有住宅或者其他条件依法从事旅游经营,其管理办法由省、自治区、直辖市制定。

Article 46 For urban and rural residents who are engaged in tourism operation by making use of their own residences or other conditions in accordance with law, the relevant management measures shall be developed by governments of the respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

第四十七条   经营高空、高速、水上、潜水、探险等高风险旅游项目,应当按照国家有关规定取得经营许可。

Article 47 In order to engage in the operation of high-risk tourism projects like those conducted high up in the sky, at a high speed, or on the water, diving, adventure, etc., one shall first obtain a business license in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.

第四十八条   通过网络经营旅行社业务的,应当依法取得旅行社业务经营许可,并在其网站主页的显著位置标明其业务经营许可证信息。

Article 48 Those who are running travel agency businesses through the Internet shall obtain a business license for travel agency, and clearly display the information of its business license at a prominent position on the homepage of their websites.


Websites releasing information on tourism operation shall ensure the authenticity and accuracy of such information.

第四十九条   为旅游者提供交通、住宿、餐饮、娱乐等服务的经营者,应当符合法律、法规规定的要求,按照合同约定履行义务。

Article 49 Tourism operators providing transport, accommodation, catering and entertainment services for tourists shall act in line with the requirements set by laws and regulations and fulfil their obligations set forth in the relevant contract.

第五十条   旅游经营者应当保证其提供的商品和服务符合保障人身、财产安全的要求。

Article 50 Tourism operators shall ensure that the commodities and services they provide conform to the requirements on personal and property safety.


Tourism operators having obtained relevant quality standard ratings shall have facilities and services up to the same standard; those having not obtained such quality standard ratings shall not use the titles and signs indicating such ratings.

第五十一条   旅游经营者销售、购买商品或者服务,不得给予或者收受贿赂。

Article 51 Tourism operators shall not offer or take bribes when selling/purchasing commodities or services.

第五十二条   旅游经营者对其在经营活动中知悉的旅游者个人信息,应当予以保密。

Article 52 Tourism operators shall keep confidential the personal information of tourists that they obtain in the process of tourism operation.

第五十三条   从事道路旅游客运的经营者应当遵守道路客运安全管理的各项制度,并在车辆显著位置明示道路旅游客运专用标识,在车厢内显著位置公示经营者和驾驶人信息、道路运输管理机构监督电话等事项。

Article 53 Operators engaged in road transport of tourists shall abide by the regulations on road passenger transport safety management, show the dedicated sign for road transport of tourists at a prominent place in the vehicle, and make public at a prominent place in the vehicle information of the operator, the driver, supervision hotline for road transport administration, etc.

第五十四条   景区、住宿经营者将其部分经营项目或者场地交由他人从事住宿、餐饮、购物、游览、娱乐、旅游交通等经营的,应当对实际经营者的经营行为给旅游者造成的损害承担连带责任。

Article 54 Operators of scenic spots and accommodation, when transferring part of their services or spaces to others to provide services such as accommodation, catering, shopping, sightseeing, entertainment, tourism and transport, shall assume joint liability for the losses caused by the operational behaviors of the actual operators.

第五十五条   旅游经营者组织、接待出入境旅游,发现旅游者从事违法活动或者有违反本法第十六条规定情形的,应当及时向公安机关、旅游主管部门或者我国驻外机构报告。

Article 55 When organizing and receiving inbound and outbound tourists, tourism operators shall timely report any illegal activity or circumstance that violates Article 16 of this law by the tourists to the public security organs, the competent tourism departments or the institutions stationed abroad.

第五十六条   国家根据旅游活动的风险程度,对旅行社、住宿、旅游交通以及本法第四十七条规定的高风险旅游项目等经营者实施责任保险制度。

Article 56 The State adopts a liability insurance system for tourism operators such as travel agencies, accommodation service providers, tourism transport service providers and the operators of high-risk tourism activities mentioned in Article 47 of this law in accordance with the level of risks of the tourism activities.

第五章 旅游服务合同

Chapter 5 Tourism Service Contract

第五十七条   旅行社组织和安排旅游活动,应当与旅游者订立合同。

Article 57 Travel agencies shall sign a contract with tourists when organizing and arranging tourism activities.

第五十八条   包价旅游合同应当采用书面形式,包括下列内容:

Article 58 The package tourism contract shall be made and entered into in written form, and shall contain the following items:


1. Basic information about travel agencies and tourists;


(II) Travel itinerary;


3. The minimum number of tourists to form a group;


(IV) Arrangement and standards for transportation, accommodation, catering and other tourism services;


(V) Specific time and contents of sightseeing, entertainment activities;


(VI) arrangements of free time;


(VII) Travel expenses, and the time limit for and the way of paying such travel expenses;


(VIII) Liabilities for breach of contract and dispute settlement methods;


(IX) Other matters provided by laws and regulations or agreed by and between the two parties.


When signing the package tourism contract, the travel agency shall explain in detail the content listed in paragraphs 2-8 above to the tourists.

第五十九条   旅行社应当在旅游行程开始前向旅游者提供旅游行程单。旅游行程单是包价旅游合同的组成部分。

Article 59 The travel agency shall provide the tourists with the travel itinerary before the tour. Travel itinerary is part of the package tour contract.

第六十条   旅行社委托其他旅行社代理销售包价旅游产品并与旅游者订立包价旅游合同的,应当在包价旅游合同中载明委托社和代理社的基本信息。

Article 60 In case the travel agency entrusts another travel agency with the duty to sell tourism packages and sign package tourism contracts with tourists, it shall clearly indicate the basic information of the entrusting travel agency and the entrusted travel agency in the contract.


In case the travel agency entrusts a local travel agency with the duty of reception set in the package tourism contract, it shall clearly indicate the basic information of the local travel agency in the contract.


In case a tour guide is provided for the tourists, the fees of the tour guide service shall be clearly indicated in the package tourism contract.

第六十一条   旅行社应当提示参加团队旅游的旅游者按照规定投保人身意外伤害保险。

Article 61 The travel agency shall remind the tourists in a tourism group of purchasing insurance against accidental death or any unexpected injury.

第六十二条   订立包价旅游合同时,旅行社应当向旅游者告知下列事项:

Article 62 When signing the contract for the tourism package, the travel agency shall inform the tourists of the following matters:


1. The circumstances under which tourists shall not participate in tourism activities;


2. Safety precautions for tourism activities;


(III) Information on possible exemption of the travel agency from responsibilities;


(IV) Relevant laws, regulations, customs and religious taboos at the destination to which the tourists shall pay attention, activities in which the tourists are better not to get involved in accordance with the Chinese law, etc.;


(V) Other matters that shall be informed in accordance with laws and regulations.


In case any matter mentioned above is involved in the process of fulfilling the contract, the travel agency shall also inform the tourists.

第六十三条   旅行社招徕旅游者组团旅游,因未达到约定人数不能出团的,组团社可以解除合同。但是,境内旅游应当至少提前七日通知旅游者,出境旅游应当至少提前三十日通知旅游者。

Article 63 When attracting tourists to form a tourism group yet unable to reach the agreed number of tourists, the organizing travel agency may terminate the contract. However, tourists shall be informed of the termination at least seven days in advance if it is a domestic tourism, and at least 30 days in advance if it is an outbound tourism.


In case the agreed number of tourists to make a tourism group is not reached, the organizing travel agency may entrust another travel agency with the duty to perform the contract. The organizing travel agency shall be responsible for the tourists, and the entrusted travel agency shall be responsible for the organizing travel agency. Where the tourists disagree with this, they may terminate the contract.


In case of termination of tourism contract due to agreed tourist number unrealized, the organizing travel agency shall fully refund the tourists.

第六十四条   旅游行程开始前,旅游者可以将包价旅游合同中自身的权利义务转让给第三人,旅行社没有正当理由的不得拒绝,因此增加的费用由旅游者和第三人承担。

Article 64 Before the tour begins, a tourist may transfer his/her rights and obligations set in the package tourism contract to a third person, and the travel agency shall not refuse it without justification. Fees hence incurred shall be borne jointly by the tourist and the third person.

第六十五条   旅游行程结束前,旅游者解除合同的,组团社应当在扣除必要的费用后,将余款退还旅游者。

Article 65 In case the tourist terminates the contract before the end of the tour, the organizing travel agency shall deduct necessary fees and return the rest of the payment to the tourist.

第六十六条   旅游者有下列情形之一的,旅行社可以解除合同:

Article 66 The travel agency may terminate the contract it has signed with the tourist under any of the following circumstances:


1. The tourist suffers from infectious diseases which may endanger the health and safety of other tourists;


(II) Who carries any article endangering public security and refuses to submit to the relevant department for disposal; or


(III) engaging in illegal activities or activities in violation of social morality;


(IV) The tourist is engaged in activities which seriously affect rights and interests of other tourists, and does not listen to persuasion and cannot be stopped;


(V) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.


In case the contract is terminated for any of the circumstances mentioned above, the organizing travel agency shall deduct necessary fees and return the rest of the payment to the tourist concerned. In case some loss has been caused to the travel agency, the tourist concerned shall bear the liability for compensation in accordance with law.

第六十七条   因不可抗力或者旅行社、履行辅助人已尽合理注意义务仍不能避免的事件,影响旅游行程的,按照下列情形处理:

Article 67 Events caused by force majeure or events unavoidable even if the travel agency or its performance assistant has reasonably fulfilled their duties, which then affect the itinerary, shall be settled in the following manners:


(I) In case the contract cannot be performed any longer, both the travel agency and the tourists may terminate the contract. If the contract cannot be fully and completely fulfilled, the travel agency may make reasonable changes after explanation to the tourists; and if the tourists disagree with the changes, the contract may be terminated.


(II) In case of termination of contract, the organizing travel agency shall deduct the fees which have been paid to the local travel agency or the performance assistant and cannot be refunded and return the rest to the tourists; in case of alteration of contract, additional fees hence incurred shall be borne by the tourists, and the reduced fees, if any, shall be returned to the tourists.


(III) In the event that the tourists' personal and property safety is endangered, the travel agency shall take appropriate safety measures, and fees hence arising shall be borne jointly by the travel agency and the tourists.


(IV) In case of any tourist overstaying, travel agencies shall take corresponding settlement measures. Fees for accommodation hence arising shall be borne by the tourists; additional fees incurred on the way back shall be borne jointly by the travel agency and the tourists.

第六十八条   旅游行程中解除合同的,旅行社应当协助旅游者返回出发地或者旅游者指定的合理地点。由于旅行社或者履行辅助人的原因导致合同解除的,返程费用由旅行社承担。

Article 68 In case the contract is terminated in the travelling process, the travel agency shall assist the tourists in returning to where they depart or to reasonable locations designated by the tourists. In case the contract is terminated because of the travel agency or the performance assistant, the fees incurred on the way back shall be borne by the travel agency.

第六十九条   旅行社应当按照包价旅游合同的约定履行义务,不得擅自变更旅游行程安排。

Article 69 The travel agency shall fulfill its contracted obligations according to the package tourism contract, and must not alter the travel itinerary and arrangements without the tourists' consent.


In the event that the travel agency entrusts the reception business in the package tourism contract to another local travel agency with corresponding qualifications, it shall sign a written authorization contract with the local travel agency to specify the rights and obligations of each party, provide the local travel agency with a duplicate of the package tourism contract it has signed with the tourists, and pay the local travel agency an amount that is no less than the reception and service costs. The local travel agency shall provide services according to the package tour contract and the authorization contract.

第七十条   旅行社不履行包价旅游合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,应当依法承担继续履行、采取补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任;造成旅游者人身损害、财产损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。旅行社具备履行条件,经旅游者要求仍拒绝履行合同,造成旅游者人身损害、滞留等严重后果的,旅游者还可以要求旅行社支付旅游费用一倍以上三倍以下的赔偿金。

Article 70 Where the travel agency fails to perform its obligations agreed in the package tourism contract or perform its contracted obligations in a way that does not conform to the agreement, it shall take the responsibility for breach of contract like continuing to fulfill the contract, adopting remedy measures, making compensation, etc.; in case it causes personal damage or property loss to the tourists, the travel agency shall bear the responsibility for compensation in accordance with law. In the event that the travel agency is competent to fulfill its contracted obligations, yet refuses to do so even upon the request of the tourists, which then causes such serious consequences like harming the tourists' personal health or retaining the tourists, the tourists may also request the travel agency to pay a sum of compensation between one time and three times the amount of the travel costs.


In case the package tourism contract cannot be performed or be performed as contracted for the reason of the tourists, which then causes personal damage or property loss to the tourists, the travel agency shall not be held liable.


The travel agency shall bear corresponding responsibility for any personal damage or property loss caused to the tourists in the period of the tourists' activity arranged by themselves.

第七十一条   由于地接社、履行辅助人的原因导致违约的,由组团社承担责任;组团社承担责任后可以向地接社、履行辅助人追偿。

Article 71 In case of any breach of contract for the reason of the local travel agency or the performance assistant, the organizing travel agency shall be held liable, and may, after bearing due liability, claim compensation from the local travel agency and the performance assistant.


In case of any personal or property damage to the tourists caused by the local travel agency or the performance assistant, the tourists concerned may require the local travel agency or the performance assistant to honor its liability, or require the organizing travel agency to honor its liability; after honoring its liability, the organizing travel agency may claim compensation from the local travel agency or the performance assistant. However, in case the personal or property damage to the tourists is caused by the public transport operator, the public transport operator shall honor its liability, and the travel agency shall assist the tourists in claiming compensation from the public transport operator.

第七十二条   旅游者在旅游活动中或者在解决纠纷时,损害旅行社、履行辅助人、旅游从业人员或者其他旅游者的合法权益的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Article 72 Should any tourist harm the legitimate rights and interests of the travel agency, the performance assistance, tourism practitioners or other tourists in tourism activities or dispute resolution, the same shall bear the compensation responsibility in accordance with the law.

第七十三条   旅行社根据旅游者的具体要求安排旅游行程,与旅游者订立包价旅游合同的,旅游者请求变更旅游行程安排,因此增加的费用由旅游者承担,减少的费用退还旅游者。

Article 73 The travel agency shall make travel arrangements following specific requirements of the tourists; in case the travel agency has signed a package tourism contract, yet the tourists request changing the travel arrangements, which then incurs additional fees, such fees shall be borne by the tourists, and the reduced fees shall be returned to the tourists.

第七十四条   旅行社接受旅游者的委托,为其代订交通、住宿、餐饮、游览、娱乐等旅游服务,收取代办费用的,应当亲自处理委托事务。因旅行社的过错给旅游者造成损失的,旅行社应当承担赔偿责任。

Article 74 In the event that the travel agency accepts tourists' commission, books such tourism services as transport, accommodation, catering, sightseeing and entertainment, and collects commission fees, it shall handle the entrusted affairs by itself. In case of any loss caused to the tourists due to the faults of the travel agency, the travel agency shall bear the compensation responsibility.


In case the travel agency is commissioned by the tourists to provide such services as designing the travel itinerary, providing tourism information, etc., it shall ensure reasonable and feasible design, as well as timely and accurate information.

第七十五条   住宿经营者应当按照旅游服务合同的约定为团队旅游者提供住宿服务。住宿经营者未能按照旅游服务合同提供服务的,应当为旅游者提供不低于原定标准的住宿服务,因此增加的费用由住宿经营者承担;但由于不可抗力、政府因公共利益需要采取措施造成不能提供服务的,住宿经营者应当协助安排旅游者住宿。

Article 75 Accommodation operators shall provide accommodation services for group tourists as agreed in the tourism service contract. If the accommodation operators fail to provide services according to the tourism service contract, they shall provide accommodation services not lower than the contracted standards, and bear additional fees hence arisen; in the event that the accommodation operators cannot provide services due to force majeure, government measures taken for the sake of public interests, the accommodation operators shall assist in arranging accommodation for the tourists.

第六章 旅游安全

Chapter 6 Tourism Safety

第七十六条   县级以上人民政府统一负责旅游安全工作。县级以上人民政府有关部门依照法律、法规履行旅游安全监管职责。

Article 76 People's governments above the county level are responsible for tourism safety. Relevant departments of the people's governments above the county level shall perform the tourism safety regulatory responsibilities in accordance with the laws and regulations.

第七十七条   国家建立旅游目的地安全风险提示制度。旅游目的地安全风险提示的级别划分和实施程序,由国务院旅游主管部门会同有关部门制定。

Article 77 The State builds a risk warning system for the safety of tourism destinations. The levels and implementation procedures of risk warnings on the safety of tourism destinations shall be developed by the department in charge of tourism under the State Council along with other relevant departments.


People's governments above the county level and relevant departments under them shall take tourism safety as an important part of emergency monitoring and evaluation.

第七十八条   县级以上人民政府应当依法将旅游应急管理纳入政府应急管理体系,制定应急预案,建立旅游突发事件应对机制。

Article 78 People's governments above the county level shall incorporate tourism emergency management into their emergency management systems, develop emergency plans, and establish a tourism emergency response mechanism.


In case of an emergency, local people's government and relevant departments and institutions under it shall take measures to do the rescue, and help the tourists return to where they depart or any reasonable location designated by the tourists.

第七十九条   旅游经营者应当严格执行安全生产管理和消防安全管理的法律、法规和国家标准、行业标准,具备相应的安全生产条件,制定旅游者安全?;ぶ贫群陀痹ぐ?。

Article 79 Tourism operators shall strictly abide by the laws, regulations, national and industrial standards on safety production and fire safety management, meet corresponding safety production requirements, and develop tourist safety protection systems and emergency plans.


Tourism operators shall hold regular trainings on emergency rescue skills for practitioners who provide services directly to the tourists, conduct safety inspection, monitoring and evaluation over the products and services, and take necessary measures to prevent any harm.


When organizing or receiving elderly, minor and disabled tourists, tourism operators shall take corresponding safety measures.

第八十条   旅游经营者应当就旅游活动中的下列事项,以明示的方式事先向旅游者作出说明或者警示:

Article 80 Tourism operators shall expressly explain to the tourists or warn the tourists of the following in tourism activities in advance:


1. The correct usage of relevant facilities and equipment;


2. necessary safety precautions and emergency measures;


(III) Management and service establishments, facilities and equipment which are not open to the tourists;


(IV) Groups who are inappropriate to participate in relevant activities;


(V) Other circumstances that may endanger the tourists' personal and property safety.

第八十一条   突发事件或者旅游安全事故发生后,旅游经营者应当立即采取必要的救助和处置措施,依法履行报告义务,并对旅游者作出妥善安排。

Article 81 Immediately after an emergency or tourism safety incident, tourism operators shall take necessary assistance and settlement measures, perform the reporting obligation, and make proper arrangements for tourists.

第八十二条   旅游者在人身、财产安全遇有危险时,有权请求旅游经营者、当地政府和相关机构进行及时救助。

Article 82 In case their personal safety or property is endangered, tourists have the right to ask the tourism operator, local people's government and relevant institution for timely assistance.


When stuck in a plight overseas, outbound Chinese tourists have the right to ask the local Chinese official institution for assistance and protection within its scope of responsibilities.


After receiving assistance from relevant organization (s) or institution (s), tourists shall pay the part of the fees that shall be borne individually.

第七章 旅游监督管理

Chapter 7 Tourism Supervision and Management

第八十三条   县级以上人民政府旅游主管部门和有关部门依照本法和有关法律、法规的规定,在各自职责范围内对旅游市场实施监督管理。

Article 83 The department in charge of tourism in local people's governments above the county level and relevant departments shall follow this law and relevant laws and regulations to supervise and regulate the tourism market within their respective scopes of responsibilities.


People's governments above the county level shall organize competent tourism departments, relevant competent departments and law enforcement departments for market supervision and transportation to carry out supervision/inspection over relevant behaviors of the tourism operators.

第八十四条   旅游主管部门履行监督管理职责,不得违反法律、行政法规的规定向监督管理对象收取费用。

Article 84 When performing its supervision and management responsibilities, the department in charge of tourism must not violate relevant laws and administrative regulations to charge the objects of supervision and management.


The department in charge of tourism and its staff shall not take part in tourism operations in any form.

第八十五条   县级以上人民政府旅游主管部门有权对下列事项实施监督检查:

Article 85 The department in charge of tourism in local people's governments above the county level shall have the right to supervise and check the following:


1. Whether the business license has been obtained for running travel agencies or providing tour guide and tour lead services;


2. The travel agency's operational behaviors;


(III) The service behaviors of tour guides, tour leads and other tourism practitioners; and


(IV) Other matters as prescribed by laws and regulations.


The department in charge of tourism shall carry out supervision/inspection in accordance with the provisions in the foregoing paragraphs, and may check and duplicate the contracts, bills, books and other materials that are suspected to be unlawful.

第八十六条   旅游主管部门和有关部门依法实施监督检查,其监督检查人员不得少于二人,并应当出示合法证件。监督检查人员少于二人或者未出示合法证件的,被检查单位和个人有权拒绝。

Article 86 When carrying out supervision/inspection in accordance with the law, the department in charge of tourism and relevant departments shall designate no fewer than 2 people and shall show their lawful certificates. Where there are less than two supervision and inspection personnel or the supervision and inspection personnel fail to present their legitimate credentials, the organisation and individual subject to inspection shall have the right to refuse inspection.


The supervision/inspection personnel shall, in accordance with the law, keep confidential the business secrets and personal information they acquire about the supervised units/individuals in the supervision/inspection.

第八十七条   对依法实施的监督检查,有关单位和个人应当配合,如实说明情况并提供文件、资料,不得拒绝、阻碍和隐瞒。

Article 87 Units and individuals shall be cooperative in the supervision/inspection which is carried out in accordance with the law, truthfully explain the situation, and provide files and materials instead of being uncooperative, hindering the supervision/inspection or concealing any information.

第八十八条   县级以上人民政府旅游主管部门和有关部门,在履行监督检查职责中或者在处理举报、投诉时,发现违反本法规定行为的,应当依法及时作出处理;对不属于本部门职责范围的事项,应当及时书面通知并移交有关部门查处。

Article 88 When performing the supervision/inspection responsibility or settling complaints or reports, the department in charge of tourism in people's governments above the county level and relevant departments shall timely punish the behaviors that violate this law, if any, according to the law, or timely notify, in writing, before transferring it to relevant departments for investigation if the circumstance goes beyond their scope of responsibilities.

第八十九条   县级以上地方人民政府建立旅游违法行为查处信息的共享机制,对需要跨部门、跨地区联合查处的违法行为,应当进行督办。

Article 89 Local people's governments above the county level shall establish a system to share the information on the penalty for tourism offenses, and urge the settlement of the offenses that require the cooperation of different departments and regions.


The department in charge of tourism and relevant departments shall timely make public the supervision/inspection results according to their respective responsibilities.

第九十条   依法成立的旅游行业组织依照法律、行政法规和章程的规定,制定行业经营规范和服务标准,对其会员的经营行为和服务质量进行自律管理,组织开展职业道德教育和业务培训,提高从业人员素质。

Article 90 Tourism industry organizations established in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and articles of association shall develop operational and service standards of the industry, conduct self-discipline management over its members' operational behaviors and service quality, hold professional ethics education and trainings, and improve the quality of employees.

第八章 旅游纠纷处理

Chapter 8 Settlement of Tourism Disputes

第九十一条   县级以上人民政府应当指定或者设立统一的旅游投诉受理机构。受理机构接到投诉,应当及时进行处理或者移交有关部门处理,并告知投诉者。

Article 91 Local people's governments above the county level shall designate or establish a unified authority to accept tourism complaints. Upon receipt of a complaint, the same shall timely settle it or transfer it to the relevant department for settlement, and shall inform the complainant of it.

第九十二条   旅游者与旅游经营者发生纠纷,可以通过下列途径解决:

Article 92 Any dispute arising between the tourists and the tourism operators shall be settled by:


1. Negotiation between the two parties;


(II) Applying for mediation by the consumers' association, the tourist complaint acceptance authority or relevant mediation organizations;


(III) Applying to arbitration bodies for arbitration proceedings pursuant to relevant agreements reached with tourism operators;


(IV) Instituting a lawsuit in a people's court.

第九十三条   消费者协会、旅游投诉受理机构和有关调解组织在双方自愿的基础上,依法对旅游者与旅游经营者之间的纠纷进行调解。

Article 93 On a consensual basis, the consumers' association, tourist complaint acceptance authority and relevant mediation organization shall mediate between the tourists and the tourism operators over the dispute between them in accordance with the law.

第九十四条   旅游者与旅游经营者发生纠纷,旅游者一方人数众多并有共同请求的,可以推选代表人参加协商、调解、仲裁、诉讼活动。

Article 94 In case a dispute arises between the tourists and the tourism operators and the tourists are numerous and have the same claims, the tourists may elect representatives to take part in the negotiation, mediation, arbitration and litigation processes.

第九章 法律责任

Chapter 9 Legal Liabilities

第九十五条   违反本法规定,未经许可经营旅行社业务的,由旅游主管部门或者市场监督管理部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处一万元以上十万元以下??睿晃シㄋ檬蛟陨系?,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚款;对有关责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下???。

Article 95 For those who violate the provisions herein and run travel agencies without authorization, the tourism authority or market supervision and administration authorities shall order such to remedy the situation, confiscate their illegal gains, impose on them a fine of RMB10,000-RMB100,000, or a fine one to five times their illegal gains if such illegal gains reach over RMB100,000; as for the people responsible, a fine of RMB2,000-RMB20,000 may be imposed on them.


Those who violate the provisions herein and run the businesses included in subparagraphs 2 and 3, paragraph one of Article 29 in this law without authorization, or rent or lend the travel agency business license to another party, or illegally transfer the travel agency business license in other forms shall, apart from being fined as provided above, be ordered to suspend operation for rectification; their travel agency business license shall be revoked when the circumstances are serious; and a fine of RMB2,000-RMB20,000 shall be imposed on the directly liable director.

第九十六条   旅行社违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由旅游主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处五千元以上五万元以下???;情节严重的,责令停业整顿或者吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下罚款:

Article 96 The department in charge of tourism shall order any travel agency that violates this law and commits any of the following acts to remedy the situation, confiscate its illegal gains, and impose a fine of 5,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan on the travel agency; when the circumstances are serious, the travel agency concerned may be ordered to suspend operation for rectification or its travel agency business license may be revoked; as for the directly liable directors and other directly liable persons, a fine of 2,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan shall be imposed on them:


1. Where they fail to arrange team leader or tour guide to accompany the outbound and inbound tour groups throughout the tour in accordance with relevant provisions;


(II) Designating personnel who have not obtained a tour guide certificate to provide services as tour guide or who have not obtained a tour lead certificate to provide services as tour lead;


(III) Failing to pay the temporarily employed tour guides the service fees; or


(IV) Requiring the tour guide to advance or collect from the tour guide.

第九十七条   旅行社违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由旅游主管部门或者有关部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处五千元以上五万元以下???;违法所得五万元以上的,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下???;情节严重的,责令停业整顿或者吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下??睿?/span>

Article 97 In case the travel agency violates this law and has one of the following behaviors, the department in charge of tourism or relevant departments shall order it to remedy the situation, confiscate its illegal gains, and impose a fine of 5,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan on it; when the illegal gains reach over 50,000 yuan, a fine one time to five times the amount of the illegal gains shall be imposed; when the circumstances are serious, it may be ordered to suspend operation for rectification or its travel agency business license may be revoked; as for the directly liable person in charge and other directly liable persons, a fine of 2,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan shall be imposed:


1. Where they conduct false publicity to mislead tourists;


(II) purchase goods and services from non-conforming suppliers;


(III) Where they fail to take travel agency liability insurance as required.

第九十八条   旅行社违反本法第三十五条规定的,由旅游主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,责令停业整顿,并处三万元以上三十万元以下???;违法所得三十万元以上的,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下??睿磺榻谘现氐?,吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,没收违法所得,处二千元以上二万以下???,并暂扣或者吊销导游证。

Article 98 In case the travel agency violates Article 35 of this law, the department in charge of tourism shall order it to take remedy measures and suspend operation for rectification, confiscate its illegal gains, and impose a fine of 30,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan on it; when the illegal gains reach over 300,000 yuan, a fine one time to five times the amount of the illegal gains shall be imposed; when the circumstances are serious, its travel agency business license may be revoked; as for the directly liable directors and other directly liable persons, their illegal gains shall be confiscated and a fine of 2,000 yuan -20,000 yuan shall be imposed on them or their tour guide certificate may be provisionally suspended or revoked.

第九十九条   旅行社未履行本法第五十五条规定的报告义务的,由旅游主管部门处五千元以上五万元以下罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿或者吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下??睿⒃菘刍蛘叩跸加沃?。

Article 99 In case the travel agency fails to fulfill its reporting obligation provided in Article 55 of this law, the department in charge of tourism may impose a fine of 5,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan on it; when the circumstances are serious, it may be ordered to suspend operation for rectification or its travel agency business license may be revoked; as for the directly liable directors and other directly liable persons, a fine of 2,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan shall be imposed on them or their tour guide certificate may be provisionally suspended or revoked.

第一百条   旅行社违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由旅游主管部门责令改正,处三万元以上三十万元以下??睿⒃鹆钔R嫡?;造成旅游者滞留等严重后果的,吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下??睿⒃菘刍蛘叩跸加沃ぃ?/span>

Article 100 The department in charge of tourism shall order any travel agency that violates this law and commits any of the following acts to take remedy measures, impose a fine of 30,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan on it, and order it to suspend operation for rectification. In case the travel agency business license will be revoked if tourists stay and other serious consequences will be caused. The directly liable directors and other directly liable persons will be imposed a fine of 2,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan, and their tour guide certificate may be provisionally suspended or revoked:


1. Where it changes the tourism itinerary arrangement without permission, which seriously harms the tourists' rights and interests;


(II) Refusing to perform the contract;


(III) Where they entrust other travel agencies to perform the package tourism contract without written consent of the tourists.

第一百零一条   旅行社违反本法规定,安排旅游者参观或者参与违反我国法律、法规和社会公德的项目或者活动的,由旅游主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,责令停业整顿,并处二万元以上二十万元以下罚款;情节严重的,吊销旅行社业务经营许可证;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处二千元以上二万元以下???,并暂扣或者吊销导游证。

Article 101 The department in charge of tourism shall order any travel agency that violates this law to remedy the situation, confiscate its illegal gains, order it to suspend operation for rectification and impose a fine of 20,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan on the travel agency; when the circumstances are serious, its travel agency business license may be revoked; as for the directly liable directors and other directly liable persons, a fine of 2,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan shall be imposed on them or their tour guide certificate may be provisionally suspended or revoked.

第一百零二条   违反本法规定,未取得导游证或者不具备领队条件而从事导游、领队活动的,由旅游主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处一千元以上一万元以下???,予以公告。

Article 102 The department in charge of tourism shall order anyone who provides tour guide or tour lead services without the tour guide certificate or qualification to serve as a tour lead to take remedy measures, confiscate his/her illegal gains, and impose a fine of 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan on the same before making a public announcement of it.


The department in charge of tourism shall order any tour guide or tour lead who violates the provisions in this law, contracts business privately to take remedy measures, confiscate his/her illegal gains, impose a fine of 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan on the same, and provisionally suspend or revoke the tour guide certificate.


The department in charge of tourism shall order any tour guide or tour lead who violates the provisions in this law and asks for tips from the tourists to return the money to the tourists and impose a fine of 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan on the same; when the circumstances are serious, the tour guide certificate may be provisionally suspended or revoked.

第一百零三条   违反本法规定被吊销导游证的导游、领队和受到吊销旅行社业务经营许可证处罚的旅行社的有关管理人员,自处罚之日起未逾三年的,不得重新申请导游证或者从事旅行社业务。

Article 103 Any tour guide/tour lead whose tour guide certificate has been revoked in accordance with the provisions in this law or relevant managerial staff of a travel agency whose travel agency business license has been revoked and which has been fined is not allowed to re-apply for the tour guide or engage in travel agency businesses within three years from the date of the punishment.

第一百零四条   旅游经营者违反本法规定,给予或者收受贿赂的,由市场监督管理部门依照有关法律、法规的规定处罚;情节严重的,并由旅游主管部门吊销旅行社业务经营许可证。

Article 104 In case tourism operators violate the provisions hereof to give or accept bribes, the market supervision and management departments shall give punishment in accordance with relevant laws and regulations; in case of severe circumstances, the competent tourism departments shall revoke the business licenses for travel agencies.

第一百零五条   景区不符合本法规定的开放条件而接待旅游者的,由景区主管部门责令停业整顿直至符合开放条件,并处二万元以上二十万元以下??睢?/span>

Article 105 For scenic spots which do not meet the requirements for receiving tourists set in this law, yet receive tourists, the authorities of the scenic spots shall order the same to suspend operation for rectification until they meet the due requirements, and shall impose a fine of RMB20,000 to RMB200,000 on them.


If the scenic spot fails to report the situation to the local people's government or make a public announcement in accordance with this law or take measures to guide and divert the tourists when the number of tourists is likely to reach its maximum capacity, or if the number of tourists in the scenic spot have exceeded the maximum capacity, the authority of the scenic spot shall order it to remedy the situation. When the circumstance is serious, the scenic spot concerned may be ordered to suspend operation for one to six months for rectification.

第一百零六条   景区违反本法规定,擅自提高门票或者另行收费项目的价格,或者有其他价格违法行为的,由有关主管部门依照有关法律、法规的规定处罚。

Article 106 In case a scenic spot violates the provisions in this law to raise the ticket price or prices for separately-charged service items without authorization, or conducts other illegal activities relating to price, it shall be punished by competent authorities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

第一百零七条   旅游经营者违反有关安全生产管理和消防安全管理的法律、法规或者国家标准、行业标准的,由有关主管部门依照有关法律、法规的规定处罚。

Article 107 In case a tourism operator violates the laws, regulations or national and industrial standards on the management of safety production and fire safety, it shall be punished by competent authorities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

第一百零八条   对违反本法规定的旅游经营者及其从业人员,旅游主管部门和有关部门应当记入信用档案,向社会公布。

Article 108 For tourism operators and practitioners under it who violate the provisions in this law, tourism authorities or relevant departments shall record such violations in their credit records and make public such violations.

第一百零九条   旅游主管部门和有关部门的工作人员在履行监督管理职责中,滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。

Article 109 Staff of tourism authorities or relevant departments who abuse their powers, neglect their duties and play favoritism but do not constitute any crime in the performance of their supervision and management responsibilities shall be punished in accordance with the law.

第一百一十条   违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 110 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be imposed according to the law.


Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

第一百一十一条   本法下列用语的含义:

Article 111 Terms used in this Law are defined as follows:


1. tourism operators refer to travel agencies, scenic spots and other operators providing transport, accommodation, catering, shopping and entertainment and other services to tourists.


(II) "Scenic Spots" refer to the places or regions that provide tour services to tourists, with defined management boundaries.


(III) "Package tourism contract" refers to a contract where the travel agency arranges the tour in advance, provides by itself or through its performance assistant two or more tourism services including transport, accommodation, catering, sightseeing, tour guide or tour lead and tourists make a lump-sum payment of the travel expenses.


(IV) Authorized travel agencies refer to the travel agencies that enter into the package tourism contract with the tourists.


(V) Local travel agency refers to the travel agency which accepts the commission of the organizing travel agency to receive the tourists at the destination.


(VI) Performance assistant refers to the legal or natural person who has signed a contract with a travel agency, assists the travel agency in fulfilling the obligations set in a package tourism contract, and actually provides relevant services.

第一百一十二条   本法自2013101日起施行。

Article 112 This Law shall be effective 1 October 2013.


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